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Инструкция по эксплуатации Sony, модель NW-S202

Производитель: Sony
Размер: 381.05 kb
Название файла: 2699312141.pdf

Язык инструкции:en

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Record them in the space provided below. Refer to these numbers in the spaces whenever you call upon your Sony dealer regarding this product. Model No._ Serial No. _ r The use of the player is described in this “Quick Start Guide” in the “Operation Guide” (PDF file), and in the SonicStage Help (accessible from within SonicStage software). - Quick Start Guide: Explains basic operation of the player, including importing, transferring, and playing music songs. - Operation Guide: Explains advanced features of the player and offers troubleshooting information. - SonicStage Help: Explains details of using the SonicStage software. If you have any questions about or issue with this product, visit the following web sites. For customers in the USA: For customers in Canada: For customers in Europe: For customers in Latin America: For customers in other countries/regions: For customers who purchased the overseas models: V_✓ Table of Contents Introduction.................................................................6 Getting Started............................................................8 Supplied Items.........................................................................................................................8 Installing SonlcStage.........................................................................................................11 Importing Music.......................................................14 Transferring Music....................................................16 Playing Music............................................................18 Basic Operation - Parts arid Controls..............................................................................1 8 Play Modes and Settings................................................................................................22 Using SPORTS MODE........................................................................................................26 Using STOPWATCH.............................................................................................................27 Listening to FM Radio (nw-S202F/S203F/S205F only).............28 FAQ.............................................................................30 s- To learn about advanced features of the player • For information about advanced features of the player and about troubleshooting technical issues, refer to the Operation Guide (PDF file). To view the Operation Guide (PDF file), click “Start” - “All Programs” - “SonicStage” - “NW-S200 Series Operation Guide.” • You need Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or later, or Adobe Reader software in your computer. Adobe Reader can be downloaded from the Internet for free. V. For Customers in Russia Цифровой музыкальный проигрыватель Изготовитель: Сони Корпорейшн Адрес: 1-7-1 Конан, Минато-ку, Токио 108-0075, Япония Страна-производитель: Малайзия Notice for users • The recorded song is limited to private use only. Use of the song beyond this limit requires permission of the copyright holders. • Sony is not responsible for incomplete recording/downloading or damaged data due to problems of the player or computer. • The ability to display the languages on your SonicStage will depend on the installed OS on your PC. For better results, please ensure that the installed OS is compatible with the desired language you want to display. - We do not guarantee all the languages will be able to be displayed properly on your SonicStage. - User-created characters and some special characters may not be displayed. • Depending on the types of the text and characters, the text shown on the player may not be displayed properly on device. This is due to: - The capacity of the connected player. - The player is not functioning normally. - The ID3 TAG information for the song is written in the language or the character that is not supported by the player. On static electricity from the human body On rare occasions, you may not be able to operate the player due to strong static electricity from the human body. If this happens, leave the player for about 30 seconds to one minute. You will then be able to operate the player normally again. 4 • SonicStage and the SonicStage logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Corporation. • OpenMG, ATRAC, ATRAC3, ATRAC3plus, and their logos are trademarks of Sony Corporation. • “WALKMAN” and “WALKMAN” logo are registered trademarks of Sony Corporation. • Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and Windows Media are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. • Adobe and Adobe Reader are trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. • MPEG Layer-...

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