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Инструкция по эксплуатации Panasonic, модель SLSX510

Производитель: Panasonic
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Название файла: SLSX510.PDF
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«to. Oo not stick paper or labels. •On tne disc (sh-nyi side Handle this aide cu'efully tn keen ir free from l'iigerprinu or scratches. Oo nol u40 record cleaners. solvents. etc •Do not attach laneis or sticker to CDs. Do not use CDs witn exposeu adhesive frrvn tape or loR over pee-ea off iteMn. •Do no: ik«* snatch ynx>( oroieciers or cove's other r«n Vyxm speolec for use «tth tms tin* Dear Customer Thank you lor purchasing this profitict For optimum performance and safety, please read these instructions urefully Operating Instructions SL-SX510 п The model number anc senal number of this product cor. be 'outio un ether the buck or the bottom of the umi Pease note them m Uie apace provided below and «epp for t Лиге refer enoe. MODEL NUMBER _SL-SXStO SERIAI NUMBER _ Supplied Accessories Check the packing canon lor those accessories ’PC AC adaotor (RFEA41SC-S) Wired remote control . For U.S.A. Stereo headphones .. . (RFEV711P-KS) For Canada Stereu earphones . IRFEV326P KS) 'Js* nutieuiu IivjIk.iIoh m ,iflKinlhPAi$ ■vr'en fcaKlrtg lc< reKluucnenl pars (Only for U.S.A.) To ordor acconorrn contact i-SOO-332-5368 or wch sito (ftltp/Avww.p&nasonic.com). 1 po. I pc I pc. 1 pc Externa battery case (RFA1139-HI Nickel-meal hydride rechargeable haticnes win carrying case.. 1 pc. (RFKFHHFHAHBAi Heiwve :l* -echa-g коЫк йлГспг* ivin Ihn - er.Sf bel0*e -tó. It 11« irner fay is ri:rrnv№ -r-o Cft>f can ce -t-íü to cony Kw ‘AV JLRß) boMries. ,is Panasonic Conwm« Electronic* Company Division ot MjisushrW Electric Corporation о I America Ore ^iTwir 'А'л-, N*a Jv vc> htip-J\nwwpMtASCnic.com Panasonic Sales Company. OnmUon ОГ М««и*Ы1а Electric of Puerto fttco. Inc ( P5C'| Aie 65 Ж —jnteilb. Km. 9 5 San ft«*.- :¡ Precautions Bufure using this unit. OG su-e lo read the applicable iioms of the operating OSKuclicns anc these safety sufl-geslbns carefully AiterAsrds keeo ihem handy lor future reference Toko special care tc follow the ?/arnings indicated on I'io uni! itself as well as in the cpe'atino instructions Safety 1. Power Source The unit should oe cour^icled to power supply only of the Type desenood in the aper-anng instructors or as ma.'r-ate g ireitructicr.s v>hen reor>itfgntu 2. Polarization— : the oftl «s тс-ipped wtr а роапгСО AC power o*ug i.a plug ha^ng суп Майе wtde* Ilian *• other), mat ylug w* fi into tne AC outlet vriy ore •/.ay Tn*s is a satay feature rf you a'e unable to r-sen the- plug lu#y into the outlet. |гу rovtrvnq the plug. II the pug shoulc still tail to lit oontacs your c uctriciar to replace you obsolete outlet Do not defeat the safety puroose ol the polarized plug 3. Cere of AC adaptor—Take care 'hat the cord (/ the AC adaptor should be routed so that they are not likely to be walken on or p nehed by items plaoert upon or againsi them. Never lake hold ol the AC «Uaptur ¡1 your hand =s wet. and always grasp mo plug bedy when connecting ur disconnecting it. •t. Nonuse Periods-—When not in use. he sure to disconnect the AC adaptor frurn the AC power outlet 5. Batteries II the set is rot used for a leng period of time or r$ usuU only from йп AC power source, remove all the Datteries *0 prevent potential damafl* due to passible hatrecy leakage. Do net mix battenes (old and new) or diflatent types of batteries Installation ■ Environment 1. Water and Moisture—Do not use this uni* near water—for example, rear a bathtub, washoowi, swimming poc<. Or Ihe Ike. Damp basements shou‘d also be avoided. 2. Condensation—Moisture may foim on Itie lens n the following conditions. ■immediately after a heater has been turned on • in a steamy or very humid room. •when the unit * suOdcrty moved from a cod envi runmert tn a warm one. tf moisture icxr^s inside tnis uni. i may nut operate prapeity To correct ’J j .nroolem «rail about cne hour V me n»o*slure tc evapocaie. 3. Heat Never use or p-aoe tfns unit near a heat source. Do rot «ave * in an automobile exposec to •Jiroct sunlignt for a long time wifi ths ooors anc windows closed as mis tr&y ooiorr^ the cabiriet. ■ Placement 1. Foreign Material—Care should oe taken so that objects do not fall into ann liquids are not spiled into the umi Do not subject inis uml to excessive smote. duSl. mechanical vibration, 01 Shock. 2. Magnetism—^The unit should be siluated away from equipment or devices that generate strong magnetic fields. 3. Stacking—Dc Out place any cbjects, on top Ol Iho unit. Maintenance \Suo puge 7 for details Clour the cabinet, pane' and controls with a soft cloth lightly moistened with mild detergent solution....

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