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Скачали: 0   Размер: 324 kb   Производитель: NewAir  
Категория: Осушители воздуха

AU-100 INSTRUCTION MANUAL Please read carefully before use Purity Humidifier MODEL No. AU-100 The NewAir humidifier is ideal for adding purified humidity into uncomfortably dry environments. The modern design and lighting features will complement most decors, and the ease of operation and energy efficiency make it a smart choice. This purity humidifier makes use of molecule evaporation and filtration technology. It is equipped with a high efficiency antibacterial molecule filter which quic

Скачали: 0   Размер: 274 kb   Производитель: NewAir  
Категория: Осушители воздуха

If ere is no accessible outlet, a licensed electrician needs to install one. hen not in use, store out of reach of children. )SITIONING: al for bedrooms, stockrooms, labs, closets, or any other area you would like to ¡p dry or remove dampness. iger not use this unit in a bathroom or shower, not drip water onto the adapter or dehumidifier. ure that the filter and front vents are free of any obstructions, so that air can ulate freely through the unit. irning I service, other than regular c

Скачали: 0   Размер: 963 kb   Производитель: NewAir  
Категория: Осушители воздуха

The following owner’s manual will provide you with valuable information necessary for the proper care and maintenance of your new dehumidifier. Please take a few moments to read these instructions thoroughly and to familiarize yourself with all the operational aspects of this dehumidifier. F FFFE EEEA AAAT TTTU UUUR RRRE EEES SSS Because this dehumidifier removes unwanted moisture from the air, it provides a more comfortable environment for your home or office. In addition, this unit can be conv

Скачали: 1   Размер: 49 kb   Производитель: NewAir  
Категория: Осушители воздуха

Poor ventilation causes musty odour and fungus in wardrobes, lards»', cabinet or storage room.. .etc The mini dflhurnidifier crlirnioates this problem by keeping them free of unwanted moisture. Tû avoid electric shock. Do not open There are no user serviceable ports insidu. ir Any repair work must be donfl by qualified technician appointed by our distributors * Specifications are subject to changé for improvement without prior notice. SPECIFICATIONS Capacity . 10 oz psr day at 80"F ,fiO%|iH

Скачали: 3   Размер: 479 kb   Производитель: NewAir  
Категория: Осушители воздуха

Please save It for your further reference. _ V, ¿jK. Warning means Improper hsncHIng may rosu t in a Awtfti ora »dew Injury to a person. A cauoona imaw Improper handling may raw* in an Ultny ordamage to propertM. Q Shaw PMNMton 0 ahsiM CompUBlon A Show« Caution Warnings Precautions # fa)CBM«fani!rabniirmBlk]fil»fluntotumQfrth»d8hinMllBr,dlaoon(iMt lha plug and if»h»a>ntMt to 4ha collar of your appUan«. (Abnormal operation irny msuMln a Mum of tha urt, atedric «took, fire, or ttia tta.
