К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
the operation cannot be completed.
Drive not ready
No diskette is in the diskette drive, or no
Put a diskette in the drive, or push the diskette all the way into
hard-disk drive is in the drive bay. The
the drive until the eject button pops out. Or, install a hard-disk
operation requires a diskette in the drive
drive in the drive bay.
or a hard-disk drive in the bay before it
can continue.
Error reading
The computer cannot identify the PC
Reseat the card or try another PC Card that you know works.
Extended memory
The amount of memory recorded in
Reboot the computer. If the error appears on the display again,
size has
NVRAM does not match the memory
call Dell for technical assistance.
installed in the computer.
Gate A20
An installed memory module may be
Reseat the memory modules and, if necessary, replace them.
General failure
The operating system is unable to carry
This message is usually followed by specific information—for
out the command.
example, Printer out of paper. Respond by taking the
appropriate action.
Hard-disk drive
The computer cannot identify the drive
Turn off the computer, remove the drive, and boot the
computer from a bootable diskette. Then turn off the computer,
reinstall the drive, and reboot the computer. Run the Hard-
Disk Drive tests in the Dell Diagnostics.
Hard-disk drive
The hard-disk drive does not respond to
Turn off the computer, remove the drive, and boot the
commands from the computer.
computer from a bootable diskette. Then turn off the computer
failure 0
again, reinstall the drive, and reboot the computer. If the
problem persists, try another drive. Then run the Hard-Disk
Drive tests in the Dell Diagnostics.
CD-ROM drive
The CD-ROM drive does not respond to
Turn off the computer, remove the drive, and boot the
commands from the computer.
computer from a bootable diskette. Then turn off the computer
failure 1
again, reinstall the drive, and reboot the computer. If the
problem persists, try another drive. Then run the CD-ROM
Drive tests in the Dell Diagnostics.
Hard-disk drive
The hard-disk drive does not respond to
Turn off the computer, remove the drive, and boot the
commands from the computer.
computer from a bootable diskette. Then turn off the computer
again, reinstall the drive, and reboot the computer. If the
problem persists, try another drive. Then run the Hard-Disk
Drive tests in the Dell Diagnostics
Hard-disk drive
The hard-disk drive may be faulty.
Turn off the computer, remove the drive, and boot the
read failure
computer from a bootable diskette. Then turn off the computer
again, reinstall the drive, and reboot the computer. If the
problem persists, try another drive. Then run the Hard-Disk
Drive tests in the Dell Diagnostics
The system configuration information
Correct the appropriate options in the System Setup program.
does not match the hardware
configuration. This message is most likely
please run
to occur after a memory module is
System Setup
Keyboard clock
A cable or connector may be loose, or the Run the Keyboard Controller test in the Dell Diagnostics.
line failure
keyboard may be faulty.
A cable or connector may be loose, or the Reboot the computer, and avoid touching the keyboard or the
keyboard may be faulty.
mouse during the boot routine. If the problem persists, run the
Keyboard Controller test in the Dell Diagnostics.
Keyboard data
A cable or connector may be loose, or the Run the Keyboard Controller test in the Dell Diagnostics.
line failure