Фрагмент инструкции
II) Low power license‐exempt radiocommunication devices (RSS‐210):
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause interference, and
2. this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired
operation of the device.
The transmitter devices have been designed to operate with the antennas integrated in Lenovo
computer, and having a maximum gain of within 3 dBi.
III) Exposure of humans to RF fields (RSS‐102):
Lenovo computers employ low gain integral antennas that do not emit RF field in excess of
Health Canada limits for the general population; consult Safety Code 6, obtainable from
Health Canada’s Web site at www.hc‐sc.gc.ca/rpb
The radiated energy from the antennas connected to the wireless adapters conforms to the IC
limit of the RF exposure requirement regarding IC RSS‐102, Issue 4 clause 4.2.
The maximum antenna gain permitted for devices in the 5250‐5350 MHz, 5470‐5725 MHz, and
5725‐5825 MHz bands complies with the e.i.r.p. limit in section A9.2 of RSS‐210.
When you use a Wireless LAN and Bluetooth Combo module adapter in the 802.11 a/n
transmission mode: harmful interference to co‐channel Mobile Satellite systems.
5350 MHz and 5650‐5850 MHz bands and these radars could cause interference and/or damage
to LELAN (Licence‐Exempt Local Area Network) devices.
Numéro d’homologation IC
I) Modules de WLAN (réseaux local sans fil) ou WLAN/Bluetooth pré‐installé à lʹusine:
• IC: 1000M‐3160NG (Model: 3160NGW)
• IC: 4104A‐QCNFA335 (Model: QCNFA335)
• IC: 6317A‐RTL8723BE (Model: RTL8723BE)
• IC: 4324A‐BRCM1079 (Model: BCM943142Y)
• IC: 4324A‐BRCM1075 (Model: BCM943162ZP)
• IC: 1000M‐7265NG (Model: 7265NGW)
Les modules Express mini‐PCI commercialisées aux Etats‐Unis et au Canada ne prennent pas
en charge les canaux étendus (12ch, 13ch) et ne fonctionnent donc pas sur de tels canaux.
Le boîtier de votre ordinateur Lenovo ne comporte pas de numéro d’homologation IC
(Industry Canada) pour la carte mini‐PCI Express ; mais sous votre Lenovo, vous trouverez
une étiquette indicatrice pointant vers l’emplacement du numéro d’homologation IC.
L’étiquette se présente sous la forme “Contains Transmitter Module: Canada IC: XXXX” où
XXXX représente l’ID IC qui correspond au module WLAN préinstallé.