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Инструкция по эксплуатации Dell, модель Latitude CPi A

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screw covers (6) display assembly bezel display-assembly top cover 4.5-mm screws (4) 5-mm screws (2) 24 Dell Latitude CPiA Service Manual /&'3DQHO The following subsections describe how to remove an LCD panel. ,QFK/&''LVSOD\V )LJXUH/&'3DQHO5HPRYDO,QFK'LVSOD\ 1. Remove the back cover assembly. 2. Remove the keyboard. 3. Remove the palmrest. 4. Remove the display assembly bezel. 5. Remove the two 4.5-mm screws at the right corners of the LCD panel. 6. Remove the two screws holding the interface connector. 7. Disconnect the interface connector. Figure 17 shows the cable layout for a 12.1-inch LCD panel. LCD panel LCD panel power cable LCD inverter board display-assembly top cover interface connector 4.5-mm screws (2) LCD connector interface connector inverter connector LCD connector interface connector inverter connector )LJXUH&DEOH/D\RXWIRUWKH,QFK/&'3DQH. 8. Use the yellow tab to lift the right side of the LCD panel, slide the LCD panel to the right, and then lift the LCD panel out of the top cover. NOTE: Remove and replace the LCD as a whole assembly. Dell Latitude CPiA Service Manual 25 26 Dell Latitude CPiA Service Manual ,QFK/&''LVSOD\V )LJXUH/&'3DQHO5HPRYDO,QFK'LVSOD\ 1. Remove the display assembly bezel. 2. Remove the two 4.5-mm screws at the right corners of the LCD panel. 3. Use the yellow tab to lift the right side of the LCD panel, slide the LCD panel to the right, and then pivot the panel up. 4. Disconnect the interface cable at the center-junction connector on the back of the LCD panel. &$87,21&DUHIXOO\SUHVVGRZQRQWKHORFNLQJWDEVDQGWKHQSXOO WKHFRQQHFWRUDSDUW Figure 19 shows the two-piece (A and B) cable layout for a 13.3-inch LCD panel. LCD panel LCD panel power cable LCD inverter board display-assembly top cover interface cable 4.5-mm screws (2) interface connector LCD B cable (stays with LCD panel) LCD A cable inverter connectorcenter-junction connector interface connector LCD B cable (stays with LCD panel) LCD A cable inverter connectorcenter-junction connector )LJXUH7ZR3LHFH&DEOH/D\RXWIRUWKH,QFK/&'3DQH. 5. Di sconne ct t he d i s p la y -ass em bl y i n te rf a c e cabl e fr om t he ZIF c onnect o r on t he i n v e r t er t h at i s loc a te d on the r i gh t sid e of t he LCD pane l. To d i sc onnect t he cabl e , car ef ull y w o r k the cabl e connec tor f r ee f r om t he ZI F c onnect o r on the LCD p a nel . Do not p u ll on t he LCD i n ter f ac e c a bl e it se l f . NOTES: When you replace the 13.3-inch LCD display, always replace the display assembly bezel with the new one that comes with the LCD display. If you need to replace the bot ttom LCD cable on the 13.3-inch display, use one bend to route the new cable to the inverter board connector. If you need to replace the bot ttom LCD cable on the 12.1-inch display, use two bends to route the new cable to the inverter board connector. Dell Latitude CPiA Service Manual 27 /&''LVSOD\+LQJH. 1. Remove the LCD display assembly from the computer. 2. Remove the display assembly bezel. 3. Remove the four silver 5-mm screws securing the two hinge brackets to the display-assembly top cover. NOTE: To aid in reinstalling the hinges and display assembly, the right and left hinges are marked byan“R” and an “L,” respectively.Install the four screws securing the hinges atthe locations marked by arrowson theface of each hinge. 'LVSOD\$VVHPEO\7RS&RYHU. 1. Remove the display assembly. 2. Remove the display assembly bezel. 3. Remove the LCD panel. 4. Remove the display assembly latch. 5. Remove the left and right hinges. 6. Remove the display-assembly interface cable. %RWWRP&DVH$VVHPEO. The bottom case assembly consists of the following field-replaceable components: . Modular bay device (diskette drive assembly, CD-ROM drive assembly, or travel module) . Back cover assembly . Audio shield . Audio board . Bottom case bracket . Module latch assemblies . Speakers . System board assembly . Thermal cooling assembly . Air flow duct . Exhaust fan . Infrared (I/R) board . Reserve battery 28 Dell Latitude CPiA Service Manual Dell Latitude CPiA Service Manual 29 )LJXUH%RWWRP&DVH$VVHPEO\ I/R board modular bay device system board assembly audio shield air flow duct thermal cooling assembly bottom case bracket main battery audio board module latch assembly (2) speakers (2) exhaust fan 0RGXODU%D\'HYLFHV'LVNHWWH'ULYH. &'520'ULYH%DWWHU\RU7UDYHO0RGXOH. latchlock )LJXUH0RGXODU%D\'HYLFH5HPRYDO. NOTE:You donotneed toremovethe mainbatteryorhard-diskdrivepriorto thisprocedure. &$87,210DNHVXUHWKHZRUNVXUIDFHLVFOHDQWRSUHYHQWVFUDWFKLQJ. WKHFRPSXWHUFRYHU. 1. Close the display and turn the computer over. 2. Remove the device from the modular bay. Push the modular bay latch away from the center of the computer. Keep holding the latch open while pulling the device out of the modular bay with the other hand. $XGLR6KLHOG. 1. Remove the back cover assembly. 2. Remove the keyboard assembly. 3. Remove the palmrest assembly. 4. Remove the 5-mm screw securing the audio shield (see Figure 22...

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