К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
All other trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Sony, VAIO, and the VAIO logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Corporation. All other trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Sony, VAIO in logotip VAIO so blagovne znamke ali registrirane blagovne znamke druzbe Sony Corporation. Vse druge blagovne znamke so blagovne znamke ali registrirane blagovne znamke njihovih lastnikov. Sony, VAIO i VAIO logotip su zigovi ili zasticeni zigovi kompanije Sony Corporation. Svi ostali zigovi su zigovi ili zasticeni zigovi svojih vlasnika. GB GB Safety / Regulations Guide .............................................. 5 Wireless LAN Regulations Guide ..................................... 13 Wireless WAN Regulations Guide ................................... 15 BLUETOOTH Regulations Guide ...................................... 16 Guarantee ........................................................................ 17 Sony Support Services .................................................... 23 HR Sadrzaj Prirucnik za sigurnost/propise ........................................ 27 Vodic s propisima za bezicni LAN .................................. 35 Vodic s propisima za bezicni WAN .................................. 37 Vodic s propisima za BLUETOOTH.................................. 38 Jamstvo ........................................................................... 39 Usluge podrske tvrtke Sony............................................ 45 SI Vsebina Prirocnik za varnost/prirocnik s predpisi ....................... 49 Prirocnik o predpisih za brezzicni LAN ........................... 57 Prirocnik o predpisih za brezzicni WAN ......................... 59 Prirocnik o predpisih za BLUETOOTH ............................. 60 Garancija .......................................................................... 61 Storitve podpore Sony .................................................... 67 RS RS Vodic o propisima i bezbednosti..................................... 71 Vodic o propisima za koriscenje bezicnih LAN mreza ... 79 Vodic o propisima za koriscenje bezicnih WAN mreza ... 81 Vodic o propisima za BLUETOOTH ................................. 82 Garancija ......................................................................... 83 Usluge podrske kompanije Sony .................................... 89 GB GB For models which support the IEEE 802.11a/n (5 GHz) wireless LAN standard For models with the built-in wireless LAN function which does not support the IEEE 802.11a/n (5 GHz) wireless LAN standard Safety information Warning: This apparatus must be earthed. (Except the products with a 2-pin type plug.) When holding the computer, be sure to wait until it cools down. The surface around the air exhaust vent may be extremely hot. It is recommended that you do not use your computer directly on your lap. The temperature of the base of the unit may rise during normal operation and over t...
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