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2 Click Next. If the User Account Control window appears, click Yes. If you are currently logged onto your computer as a standard user, you may be prompted to enter an administrator name and password. . A restore point is created automatically, for example when installing a software driver, and used to restore your computer system files to a previous state. Even though the restore point is created automatically, we recommend that you create the restore point manually before installing any software or software drivers on your computer, because your computer may become unstable or slow after installing new software or changing the Windows settings. . If you have created the restore point when the computer is working normally, you can restore the system files to the state you have created the restore point by using it in case of computer malfunctions. 1 Click Start and Control Panel. 2 Click System and Security. 3 Click System. 4 Click System Protection. 5 On the System Properties window, select System Protection tab. 6 Click Create. 7 Enter a description to help you identify the restore point and click Create. 8 Follow the on-screen instructions. 1 Click Start, All Programs, and VAIO Recovery Center. 2 Click Windows Backup and Restore and click Start. 3 Click Recover system settings or your computer. 4 On the Recovery window, click Open System Restore. 5 If the Choose a different restore point option is displayed on the System Restore window, select it and click Next. If not, click Next. 6 Select a restore point and click Next. 7 Click Finish to confirm the restore point. 8 Read the displayed notice and click Yes. 9 Follow the on-screen instructions. 1 Insert a recovery disc to the drive while your computer is on, turn off the computer, and turn on the computer again. If you are using an external optical disc drive (not supplied), press the F11 key several times when the VAIO logo appears after you restart the computer. 2 Press the M or m key to select Windows RE and press the Enter key. 3 Select a keyboard layout and click Next. If you have displayed the System Recovery Options window by pressing the F8 key, select the administrator user name and enter the password, and then skip the following step 4 and go to step 5. 4 Select your operating system and click Next. 5 Click System Restore. The System Restore window appears. 6 Follow the steps 4 to 7 in “To restore system files using the restore point” on page 21. Restart your computer if the window prompts you to restart the computer. 1 Click Start, All Programs, and VAIO Recovery Center. 2 Select Reinstall Programs or Drivers and click Start. 3 Read the information about software or features to resolve the problems, select Skip if you have already tried all of them, and click Next. If the User Account Control window appears, click Yes. 4 Click Next. 5 Select the desired software or software driver check box and click Next. 6 Follow the on-screen instructions. 1 Create recovery discs. For instructio...
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