Фрагмент инструкции
r Wizard 123 adjusting recording quality 142 Alt keys 73 arm/wrist strain 41 assign keys Fn-esse 156 audio .wav files 140 audio features 138 Auto-Run 140 avoiding injury 39 B backing up files 71 battery changing 116 charge does not last 181 charging 50, 108 charging before use 44 conserving power 113 disposal 119 installing 116 not charging 181 power usage hot key 114 power usage mode 201 removing 117, 118 unlocking 117 battery alarms 116 battery power displaying remaining 111 monitoring 110 button power 51 start 129 C CD creating 140 playing an audio 138 playing using Auto-Run 140 viewing contents 88 CDs inserting 87 problem solving 187 channels DMA 177 IRQ 177 character keys 72 charging main battery 108 charging the battery 50 checking device properties 179 click 53 communications network connection 132 programs 92 setting up 91 system resources 177 via modem 92 compact discs inserting 86, 87 problem solving 187 removing 88 computer customizing 159 non-system disk or disk error message 173 not accessing disk drives 172 running on battery power 104 setting up 56 turning off 64 warning resume failure message 173 computer placement 39 computer setup 44 computer-friendly environment 38 computing tips 70 connecting modem 92 to a network 92 connecting to a power source 47 connection set up 133 conserving battery power 113 Contents CDs 88 DVDs 88 control buttons 53 critical applications 2 Ctrl keys 73 D desktop creating new icon 128 major features 128 desktop exploration 127 desktop icons 128 Device Manager 178 checking properties 179 disabling a device 178, 179 devices keyboard 61 mouse 61 dial-up connection 92 Dial-Up Networking Wizard 92 Disk Defragmenter 185 disk drive corrupted/damaged data files186 missing files/trouble accessing a disk 185 running slow 185 diskette drive cannot insert a diskette 186 cannot read a diskette 186 connecting 62 external, connecting 62 diskettes copying files to 82 display does not look normal/flickers183 external monitor not working184 latch 51 screen is blank 182 display device connecting 66 external 65 video 65 display modes hot key 204 display output settings 68 display panel closing 65 opening 51 display, external adjusting 69 disposal information 24 disposing of used batteries 119 DMA (Direct Memory Access) 177 double-click 53 DVD-ROM drive problems 187 removing a disc 88 troubleshooting 179 DVD-ROM or multi-function drive can’t access disc 187 inserting discs 87 removing 88 DVD-ROM/multi-function drive drive tray will not open 187 problems 187 troubleshooting 179 E environmental considerations 40 ergonomics 40 posture 40 error messages device driver conflict 176 general hardware problem 176 non-system disk or disk error173, 186 problem with display settings/ current settings not working with hardware184 program has performed an illegal operation 171 warning resume failure 173 Error-checking 185 Ethernet LAN port 133 expansion memory slot 57 exploring the desktop 127 external mouse 61 external diskette drive connecting 62 external display, adjusting 69 external monitor not working 184 external speakers 63 F FAT (File Allocation Table) 185 FCC Notice “Declaration of Conformity Information” 3 FCC requirements 4 file extensions 80 file names 80 file, backing up 71 files backing up 82 copying to diskette 82 printing 81 restoring 82 saving 79 FN keys 73 Fn-esse starting 154 using to assign keys 156 Fn-esse program 154 using drag-and-drop 155 function keys 73 H hardware conflicts 176 resolving 177 headphones connecting 63 using 143 Help Windows XP 175 Hibernation enabling 165 Hibernation mode 96 configuring 96 starting again from 97 Hibernation mode hot key 203 hot key display modes 204 functions 200 Hibernation mode 203 keyboard 205 keyboard overlays 205 power usage mode 201 Stand By mode 202 volume mute 200 hot key power usage mode 114 hot key utility 161 hot swapping PC Cards 90 I i.LINK connecting video devices 143 icon 128, 129 definition 36 desktop 129 hint 36 Internet Explorer 129 moving to desktop 128 Recycle Bin 129 safety 35 technical note 36 Industry Canada requirement 4 inserting CDs and DVDs 87 installing main battery 116 mouse 61 instant passwords, using 166 Internal/External mode 184 Internet bookmarked site not found 175 connecting to 136 features 137 slow connection 175 surfing 136 uploading and downloading files 138 URL address not found 175 Internet Explorer icon 129 Internet Service Providers 135 IRQ (Interrupt Request) 177 ISPs 135 J jack RJ-11 151 K keeping comfortable 39 key assign 156 changing 157 direct assign 156 popup 157 removing 157 key assignment viewing existing 157 key assignments changing or removing existing 157 keyboard character keys 72 function keys 73 hot keys 205 not working 172, 182 overlay keys 74 unexpected characters 182 Windows special keys 74 keyboard, external 61 keyboard, full-size 72 keyboard, PS/2-compatible 61 L LCD power-saver 65 lighting 41 M main battery changing 116 removing 117 memory expansion slots 56 problem solving 180 removing expansion slot cover57 memory module inserting 57 removing 60 microphone 141 external, connecting 63 Microsoft Internet Explorer 92 Microsoft Support Online Web site176 modem connecting to a telephone line150 determining COM port 131 port 92 problem solving 192 resetting port to default settings131 upgrading 131 using 92 module memory 57 Wi-Fi Mini PC 152 monitor 65 connecting 66, 67 external connecting 122 not working 183 mouse installing 61 serial 61 using 122 N network 159 accessing 132 connecting to 92 dial-up connection 92 Dial-Up Networking Wizard132 networking wireless 132 O office computing 121 optional devices 121 other documentation 36 overlay keys 74 P password deleting a supervisor 169 disabling a user 167 supervisor set up 168 passwords instant, using 166 setting user 165 checklist 189 CIS (Card Information Structure) 188 computer stops working 190 configuring 148 errors 190 hot swapping 90 hot swapping fails 190 inserting 146 modem default 131 not recognized 190 problem solving 188, 189, 190 removing 147 setting up 148 using 90 port COM 131 Ethernet LAN 133 RGB 65 video-out 65 video-out, connecting to 66 posture 40 power alarms 116 computer will not start 172 options 115 problem solving 180 turning on 51 universal power supply 206 power button 51 Power Management 159 power mode creating new 161 customizing 161 power source 47 power usage mode 114 hot key 114 power usage mode hot key 201 powering down using Standby 98 precautions 42, 49 other computer use 42 primary button 53 printer choosing a driver 123 local, connecting 61 problem solving 191 set up 123 using 122 printing a file 81 problem solving AC power 181 accessing disk drives 172 battery charge does not last 181 battery not charging 181 cannot access DVD-ROM or multi-function drive 187 cannot insert diskette in drive186 cannot read a diskette 186 changing display properties184 checking device properties 179 compact discs not running correctly 187 computer hangs when PC Card inserted 190 computer will not power up 172 contacting Toshiba 194, 195 corrupted/damaged data files186 Device Manager 178 disabling a device 178, 179 disk drive is slow 185 display is blank 182 DVD-ROM/multi-function drive tray does not eject187 external display not working 184 external keyboard not working182 external monitor 183 faulty memory 180 hardware conflict 176, 177 high-pitched noise 188 illegal operation 171 Internet bookmarked site not found 175 Internet connection is slow 175 keyboard not responding 172 keyboard produces unexpected characters 182 missing files/trouble accessing a disk 185 modem not receiving or transmitting 192 no sound 187 non-system disk or disk error173, 186 PC Card 188 checklist 189 error occurs 190 hot swapping fails 190 not recognized 190 slots appear dead 189, 190 power and batteries 180 printer 191 program not responding 170 program not working properly186 screen does not look right/ flickers 183 system resources 177 trouble prevention 192 URL address not found 175 using Startup options 174 warning resume failure 173 Windows won’t start 172 Windows XP not working 173 program, starting 76 programs not running correctly 186 projector 65 connecting 67 protection of stored data 2 R recharging main battery 108 recording .wav files 140 quality 142 sounds 140 recording sounds 140 Recovery media 36 Recycle Bin icon 129 removing CDs and DVDs 88 main battery 117 RJ-11 jack 151 Run dialog box 78 running the computer on battery power 104 S safety computer 120 disposing of batteries 119 icons 35 precautions 42 saving your work 79 screen blank 182 does not look normal/flickers183 SD Card inserting 149 using 148 secondary button 53 security 159 selecting a place to work 38 SelectServ 37, 55, 92, 105 setting up communications 91 computer 56 setting up a connection 133 setting up your computer 44 shutting down more quickly 94 sound problem solving 187 sound recording 142 sounds recording 140 speakers external, connecting 63 using external 143 Stand By mode hot key 202 Standby low battery 115 Standby mode going into more quickly 99 starting again from 100 start button 129 starting a program 76 Run dialog box 78 Windows Explorer 77 Windows Start menu 76 starting up the computer from Shut down 96 from Standby 100 Startup menu problem solving 174 stored data protection 2 supervisor password, deleting 169 supervisor password, set up 168 System Setup 172 system tray 130 T taskbar 130 telephone line connecting the modem 92 connecting to modem 150 television 65 adjusting display 69 connecting 66 Toshiba Internet Web sites 196 Toshiba Accessories information 37 Toshiba Console 158 Toshiba Hardware Setup 162 Toshiba online resources 100 Toshiba utilities 153 trademarks 23 traveling tips 120 turning off the computer 64 turning on the power 51 U Universal Resource Locator (URL) 130 USB mouse connecting 122 user password, disabling 167 user passwords setting 165 using modem 92 using a file extension 80 utilities Power Management 159 Toshiba Power Saver Utility165 V video cables 66 video display device connecting 66 adjusting display 69 volume mute hot key 200 W warranty SelectServ 37, 55, 92, 105 Web sites 195 Support Online 176 Web sites,Toshiba 196 Wi-Fi wireless networking 132 Wi-Fi Mini PCI modules 152 Windows Explorer 77 Windows Media Player 138 Windows Start menu 76 Windows XP Help 175 Help and Support 175 problem solving 173 Windows XP Professional desktop127 Windows XP Professional taskbar130 wireless interoperability 7 wireless networking 132 Wizards Dial-Up Networking Wizard132 work habits 41 ...
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