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Фрагмент инструкции
For more on how your computer can help you to be more productive, please refer to the AcerSystem User Guide. This guide contains detailed information on such subjects as system utilities, data recovery, expansion options and troubleshooting. In addition it contains warranty information and the general regulations and safety notices for your notebook. It is available in Portable Document Format (PDF) and comes preloaded on your notebook. Follow these steps to access it: 1 Click on Start, All Programs, AcerSystem. 2 Click on AcerSystem User Guide. Note: Viewing the file requires Adobe Reader. If Adobe Reader is not installed on your computer, clicking on AcerSystem User Guide will run the Adobe Reader setup program first. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation. For instructions on how to use Adobe Reader, access the Help and Support menu. English 4 Your Acer notebook tour After setting up your computer as illustrated in the Just for Starters... poster, let us show you around your new Acer notebook. Top view # Icon Item Description 1 Acer Crystal Eye Web camera for video communication. webcam (only for certain models) 5 2 Microphone Internal microphone for sound recording. # Icon Item Description Display screen Also called Liquid-Crystal Display (LCD), displays computer output (Configuration may vary by models). English Power button Turns the computer on and off. Status indicators Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) that light up to show the status of the computer's functions and components. Please refer to the Generic User Guide for more details. Keyboard For entering data into your computer. Palmrest Comfortable support area for your hands when you use the computer. Status indicators Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) that light up to show the status of the computer's functions and components. Please refer to the Generic User Guide for more details. Click buttons (left, center* and right) The left and right buttons function like the left and right mouse buttons. *The center button serves as Acer Bio- Protection fingerprint reader supporting Acer FingerNav 4-way control function (only for certain models). 10 Touchpad Touch-sensitive pointing device which functions like a computer mouse. 11 Acer MediaTouch keys For use with Acer Arcade and other media playing programs. 12 Easy-launch buttons Buttons for launching frequently used programs. Please refer to the Generic User Guide for more details. 13 Empowering key Launch Acer Empowering Technology 14 Speakers Left and right speakers deliver stereo audio output. English 6 Closed front view # Icon Item Description 1 CIR receiver Receives signals from a remote control. 2 6-in-1 card reader Accepts Secure Digital (SD), MultiMediaCard (MMC), MultiMediaCardplus ™(MMCplus ™), Memory Stick (MS), Memory Stick Pro (MS PRO), and xD-Picture Card. Note: Push to remove/install the card. Only one card can operate at any given time. Rear view # Item Description 1 Ventilation slots ...
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