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If heated above 125°C, cell(s) can explode/vent. FIREFIGHTING EQUIPMENT Use NIOSH/MSHA approved full-face self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) with full protective gear. 6 66. .. A AAC CCC CCI IID DDE EEN NNT TTA AAL LL R RRE EEL LLE EEA AAS SSE EE M MME EEA AAS SSU UUR RRE EES SS ON LAND Place material into suitable containers and call local fire/police department. IN WATER This Sheet is provided as technical information only. The information and recommendations set forth are made in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the date of preparation. SAMSUNG SDI Corp. makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to this information and disclaims all liabilities from reliance on it Date: 20091126 3 of 6 If possible, remove from water and call local fire/police department. 3 of 6 If possible, remove from water and call local fire/police department. 7 77. .. H HHA AAN NND DDL LLI IIN NNG GG A AAN NND DD S SST TTO OOR RRA AAG GGE EE HANDLING No special protective clothing required for handling individual cells. STORAGE Store in a cool, dry place. 8 88. .. E EEX XXP PPO OOS SSU UUR RRE EE C CCO OON NNT TTR RRO OOL LLS SS/ //P PPE EER RRS SSO OON NNA AAL LL P PPR RRO OOT TTE EEC CCT TTI IIO OON NN ENGINEERING CONTROLS Keep away from heat and open flame. Store in a cool dry place. PERSONAL PROTECTION Respirator: Not required during normal operations. SCBA required in the event of a fire. Eye/face protection: Not required beyond safety practices of employer. Gloves: Not required for handling of cells. Foot protection: Steel toed shoes recommended for large container handling. 9 99 . .. P PP H HH Y YY S SS I II C CC A AA L LL A AA N NN D DD C CC H HH E EE M MM I II C CC A AA L LL P PP R RR O OO P PP E EE R RR T TT I II E EE S SS State PH Vapor density Solubility in water Density Solid N/A N/A Insoluble N/A Odor Vapor pressure Boiling point Specific gravity N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 110 00. .. S SST TTA AAB BBI IIL LLI IIT TTY YY A AAN NND DD R RRE EEA AAC CCT TTI IIV VVI IIT TTY YY REACTIVITY None INCOMPATIBILITIES None (during normal operation). Avoid exposure to heat, open flame, and corrosives. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS This Sheet is provided as technical information only. The information and recommendations set forth are made in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the date of preparation. SAMSUNG SDI Corp. makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to this information and disclaims all liabilities from reliance on it Date: 20091126 4 of 6 None (during normal operating conditions). If cells are opened, hydrogen fluoride and carbon monoxide may be released. 4 of 6 None (during normal operating conditions). If cells are opened, hydrogen fluoride and carbon monoxide may be released. CONDITIONS TO AVOID Avoid exposure to heat and open flame. Do not puncture, crush or incinerate. 1 111 11. .. T TTO OOX XXI IIC CCO OOL LLO OOG GGI IIC CCA AAL LL I IIN NNF FFO OOR RRM MMA AAT TTI IIO OON NN This product does not elicit toxi...
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