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Do not force it in or out of the slot. . Inserting "Memory Stick" with multiple conversion adaptors is not guaranteed of compatibility. . "MagicGate" is the general name of the copyright protection technology developed by Sony. Use "Memory Stick" with the "MagicGate" logo to take advantage of this technology. . Except for your personal use, it is against the copyright law to use any audio and/or image data you recorded without prior consent from the respective copyright holders. Accordingly, "Memory Stick" with such copyrighted data can be used only within the law. . Do not insert more than one "Memory Stick" into the slot. Improper insertion of the media may damage both your computer and the media. Using Your VAIO Computer > Using Other Modules / Memory Cards n 53 N Using Other Modules / Memory Cards Using the ExpressCard Module Your computer is equipped with an ExpressCard/34 slot* for transferring data among digital cameras, camcorders, music players, and other audio/video devices. This slot can only accommodate an ExpressCard/34 (34 mm wide) module*. * Referred to as the ExpressCard slot and the ExpressCard module in this manual. Using Your VAIO Computer > Using Other Modules / Memory Cards n 54 N To insert an ExpressCard module ! Your computer is supplied with a slot protector in the ExpressCard slot. Remove the slot protector before you use the slot. 1 Locate the ExpressCard slot. 2 Push the ExpressCard slot protector so that the protector pops out. 3 Gently take hold of the ExpressCard slot protector and pull it out of the slot. 4 Hold the ExpressCard module with the arrow facing upward and pointing toward the slot. 5 Carefully slide the ExpressCard module into the slot until it clicks into place. Do not force it into the slot. Using Your VAIO Computer > Using Other Modules / Memory Cards n 55 N . If the module does not go into the slot easily, remove it gently and verify you are inserting it in the proper direction. Make sure you use the most recent driver software provided by the ExpressCard module manufacturer. To remove an ExpressCard module ! Insert the ExpressCard slot protector to block any particles from entering the slot when not using an ExpressCard module. Before moving your computer, be sure to insert the ExpressCard slot protector into the slot. . You can skip steps 1 to 4 when: - your computer is off. - the Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media icon is not displayed on the taskbar. - the hardware you want to unplug is not displayed in the Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media window. 1 Locate the ExpressCard slot. 2 Click the Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media icon on the taskbar. 3 Select the hardware you want to unplug. 4 Follow the on-screen instructions for removing the ExpressCard module. 5 Push in the ExpressCard module toward the computer so that the module pops out. 6 Gently take hold of the ExpressCard module and pull it out of the slot. Using Your VAIO Computer > Using Other Modules / Memory Cards n 56 N Using...
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