Фрагмент инструкции
(2) The code number which oan be fourKJon the fob label on the baok of the air tank. (3) The Manufacturers Number (ASME Code Compre880r_ Only) Is locatsd on the motel data plate whl©h is v_ded onto the I_ck _fde of the air tzn_, (Thia .eta plzrbpi= painted the iseme _elOr aS the tank.) Pvatafnthese numbers for future refePen_, Model No. Code No. a_. No. Sears, Roebuck and Co,, Chicago, IL 60684 U,S,A, S)-30-_..4,.B lotae TABLE OF CONTENTS Page WARRANTY ......................................................... 3 SAFETY GUIDELINES ................................................ 3 WARNING CHART ....................................................... 3 SPECiRCATION CHART ................................................ 5 GLOSSARY ................................................................... 5 ACCESSORIES FOR USE W!TH SEARS AIR COMPRESSORS ,, 6 GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................. 6 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION .................................. 6 ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS ............................................ 7 ToolsN_.C!edforAss_mbty.............................................. 7 Installing Wheels, Handle, Rubber foot strip............................... 7 Installing Regulator .................................................... 7 INSTALLATION AND BREAK-IN PROCEDURES .......................... 7 location of Air Compressor............................................. 7 Lubric,_ttonand 0it ..................................................... 7 _._t_'_fon Cord_ ....................................................... 7 GroundingInst_'uctions8 ................................................. greak-lnProcedures8 .................................................... OPERATING PROCEDURES ........................................ 8 MAINTENANCE ......................................................... g Air _Iter .............................................................. 9 Check V_tve-Repl_ceme_ ........................................... 9 Safety _aJve -Inspection ........................................... 8 Motor................................................................... 9 STORAGE .............................................................. lo TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE ........................................ 1o AIR COMPRESSOR DIAGRAM ...................................... t:2 Part,=,List .................................................................... 13 COMPRESSOR PUMP DIAGRAM 14 ....................................... ParlSList15 ........................................................ HOW TO ORDER REPAIR PARTS ........................................ 16 FULL ONE YEAR WARRANTY AIR COMPRESSORS Ifthisaircompressorfailsduetoa defect In materialor workmanshipwithinone yearfromthe date of purchases.RETURN IT TO THE NEAREST SEARS SERVICE GENTERtOEPARTMET,_r THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATESAND SEARS WILL REPAIR IT,FREE OF CHARGE, ifthisair compressorisused for commercial or rental purposes,the warrantywill apptyfor nlnety days from the date of purchase. Thiswarrantygives you specificlega{ rights and you may have other nghtswhich vary from state tostate.. Sears, Roebuck and Co. Sears Tower, Dept. 6_1/731A, Chicago, 1L60684 SAFETY GUIDELINES Thtsmanual containsinformation that is importantfor you to knowand understand,This Informationrelatesto protectingYOUR SAFETY and PREVENTING EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS To help you recognize this information, we use the followingsymbols°Please read the manual and pay attentionto these sectlort._. URGENT SAFETY INFORMATION ,-A IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION -A HAZARD THAT WILL CAUSE SERIOUS HAZARD THAT MIGHT CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY OR LOS_; OF LIFE, INJURY OR LOSS OF LIFE. NOTE information for preventing damage to informationthat you should pay special at_enequipment, lion to. HAZARDS CAN OCCUR IF EQUIPMENT tS NOT USED PROPERLY, PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWtNQ CHART, WHAT TO LOOK FOR Hot Parts Flammable vapors WHAT COULD HAPPEN The compressor heed gets hot when the air compressor Is running. Ifyou touchit, you may be seriously bumecL It is normalforthe motor and pressure switchto spo.rt_ when operating, if the v_pors from gasoline or other solvents come into .onte=.t w!ththesparks,they mayignite and c&usea fire or explosion HOW TO PREVENT IT Never touch the air compressorhead during or immediatelyafter opert_tion_ ,,H,,,I,,, ,,i,, i, ,,/ ..... : Always operale the air compressor in well- ventit=_d 8r€1_5:free ot ga3o_Jrt_or artier_oJv_t vapors, Do not operate the coml:_essornear the spray area W.ATT0 LOOK FOR WHAT COULD HAPPEN Nr Tank Modifications to the air compressorcan cause the air tank to rupture orexplode, Changingthe air tank will cause It to weaken. The tank may rupture or exp!ode_ Compassed Air' Cornpr_'_ed sir can propeldust,dirt. or loose partio[esit comes in contactwith, Too much air pressure applied to air tools or accessories cart cause damage or risk Of bursting. Eie ty Your air compressorIs poweredby electricity. Likeany othereleGtdcaJlypDwered...
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