.Fostex L Features ♦200mm (8 in) double cone type full range ♦ 8 ohm impedance ♦ fo to 20kHz frequency response ♦ 96.5dB sensitivity at 1W/1m (3.3ft) ♦ 3.8kg (8.38 lb) net weight FE Sigma-series FE208X Specifications & Thiele/Small Parameters Frequency Response / Impedance Impedance 8 ohm Minimum Frequency Response : 45Hz Reproduction Frequency Response fo - 20kHz S.P.L. 96.5dB/W (m) Rated Input 34W Music Power 100W Equivalent Diaghram Radius 81mm (3.19 in) Equivalent M

Prior to operating the FD-4, please read this supplement together with the main manual. 1. Large capacity hard disks can now be used. It is now possible to use a 2.5 inch E-IDE hard disk with a capacity up to about 30GB (FS=44.1kHz) for the FD-4 internal current drive disk.

y. y . y, y. -t'. _ ■> -j _ ■(-_ ■p, *v'. -j- : •. • (. > • .) ~ “ jP - 3, i S' - J _‘i" 1 $*'} ** ~ i-JiJ “* /V 'ff t. ^>'.j fo. | ***. ^ . ft i1' ' t1’ t’*> 1 fl\ ■;/>' jtv "ijf. I_(l' “)■)> ~:ty- ".‘<7) VV. ~f *ÿl‘ f_ “P.'i-t ilt **$ .-H “tf? "iï' 4ï j "i—-* ■- >3 : i_ji ‘■’3 C> 'Cj**f 1>* '£:>«rZ>* "1_h r1 y*c^jr'r*j3r:3“ r.ür*3¿grrS-Vr-üi—wi—^ -¡3 -o -a “P -E3 -El “□ -E3 “□ -P “D -□ -E3 !-□ -□ -□ -p -□ |-a i ._:> . ■) ,_■) , -> . ■■■' . ■■-> . •'■» f. •■•' . L ‘ I . '••’ j. '■■' . '■■

AUX SEND I (11) *0 liwtf 8(. “10" and AUX RTN level 1-2 (13) adjusted as required In frits case, if tte reverb inpot control pot « at Jhe reference level point and. at tf-e aame irne, ns level in~ter imitates ovettoad. redice He srt rc level by equity retardng AUX 1 (4) ar»J AUX 3 (7| hsead o( retardrg AUX SGND 1 <11) •Overall amount of chorus, same as for revert* Is adjust ec by .AUX RTN level 3-4 <13). Also when Iho chows tevel rrc-ter ¡trícales overtcod, tf-e emr level s r«»jcea try ecryaly

After making the level and sound adjustments for each level (refer to page 9, "2. About the Level Adjustments With the External Equipment" and page 11, "About the Parametric Equalizer”), then make the settings for sending to the Model R8. The track plan is as follows. Model R8 Track Chart TRK 1 2 3 4 SOURCE L -+-R DRUMS Kick (bass drum) SD (snare drum) TOM (tom tom) Crash (cymbals) etc. EB electric bass EG electric guitar < Explanation 1> How to send various sources to various tracks TRK 1

(Use the output volume on the bass so that the level is not too high.) Use the LINE OUT knob to adjust the headphone volume to an appropriate level. 4. After you set the recording level, play back the tape from the [000] point and rehearse your bass accompanying the drum machine recording on Track 1. Use the Playback fader 1 and the Playback PAN knob 1 to adjust the monitoring level and balance of Track 1 (drum machine). 5. When you finishing the rehearsal, rewind the tape to the [000] point.

In this way, you can avoid damage to the connected devices. When you are connecting or removing the cables from the inputs or outputs ofthe XR-3, first make sure that the level of the input faders or volume controls of the connected channels is set to "0." • Even when you turn the power svyitch off (STANDBY) while the AC adaptor is connected, a small current always flows through the AC adaptor. Therefore, be sure to remove the AC adaptor when you are not going use the XR-3 for an extended peri