Фрагмент инструкции
We are sure that it will provide you with many years of trouble-free service. At Fender, we know that artistry exists on multiple levels. There is the individual musician (a guitar player, bass player, keyboardist, percussionist, or vocalist) who has dedicated years of practice to his or her craft, and puts their soul on the line every time they get up in front of an audience. And there are sound engineers and others in the technical performing arts, who are every bit as much a creative artist as the performers on stage. We understand your needs because we are performing and technical artists ourselves. We are also skilled engineers in various disciplines, and fine craftsmen in materials and finishes. Like you, all of our people have dedicated their lives to their art, and have invested it in the product you have just purchased. Our art is to help you extract your art, allowing you the freedom to reach the level of your talent, and to help you provide it to your audience, thus enriching everyone’s life. That is what has made Fender the benchmark line of guitars, basses, and amplifiers throughout history, and what makes us different from many of our competitors today. Obviously you know this, because you have just bought a Fender product. But allow us to let you in on a little secret. Because of this dedication, we have put a huge number of hours into creating a quality instrument (yes, because we believe that sound equipment is a creative instrument, just like a Strat, Tele, or Twin!). This instrument, the PX-2200, will come to life under your hands, and holds many secrets that you will discover as you use the product over time. Like nearly anything good in life, this will require practice and use. If, however, you would like to take a short cut, achieve quick enlightenment, learn some of the secrets this little box has to offer, and how you can make use of that knowledge in your art now, take a few hours to read this owner’s manual. While we cannot promise that you will discover all the secrets of the universe, it will help you to come up to speed on this product quickly. In order to do this, the manual is broken down into easy to swallow segments. In writing this, we didn’t set out to recreate “War and Peace” and wouldn’t expect you to put aside a huge chunk of your life to hearing our words of wisdom. So please don’t let the size of this manual have you looking for the oxygen masks and emergency exits! After the table of contents, part 1 of the manual deals with setting up the PX-2200. Because of its unique integral road case/stand design, reading at least this section is an absolute MUST! Part II of the manual quickly shows you an input channel, the output section, and the power amplifier module of your PX-2200, and points out the key features you will be using. Part III shows how the PX-2200 is a complete sound system. This section contains detailed block diagrams of the entire system as well as each section, and includes an explanation of how to read block diagrams for beginning users. Part IV is a self-teaching guide on how to use the PX-2200. If you are new to sound equipment of this complexity, this is a great way to gain much knowledge that you can use right away. It takes you through the knobs and switches one by one, and explains not only their operation, but also artistic ways you can use these controls. The exercises suggested in the self teaching guide allow you to actually try out each control, in a way that will show you the reason for using the control that way, and how it can help you in a performance. If you are an experienced user, you may wish to skip this section. 2 f ! A Part V is a crash course on cables, interconnects, and electrical safety when using sound equipment. Again, if you are new to sound equipment, reading this section is highly recommended. Part VI deals with troubleshooting your sound system, and can be a valuable help when you don’t know where to turn. Part VII deals with microphones & loudspeakers, and has some valuable data on using them with your PX-2200. As the old saying goes..."garbage in, garbage out". If you use poor quality transducers, even the best electronics (like your PX-2200) can't help much. You may avoid a lot of grief by reading this section. Part VIII shows several example systems, and how you can use the PX-2200 with other equipment. These examples are not all inclusive however. Only your imagination will limit the number of different ways you can use the PX-2200. Finally, Part IX is a reference section, with gain maps, specifications, and technical documents (schematics and component layouts), as well as your warranty statement. So please, take some time to read at least the first part of this manual, as it contains important information about your PX-2200, including how to extract some of its really neat tricks. 3 Table Of Contents: An Introduction..............................................................................
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