Фрагмент инструкции
• The software andthis owner’s manual are exclusive copyrights ofYamahaCorporation. • Copyingofthesoftwareorreproductionofthismanualinwholeorin partby any meansisexpressly forbidden withoutthe written consentofthe manufacturer. ©2012YamahaCorporation.Allrights reserved. • Yamaha makes no representations or warranties with regard to the use of the software and documentation and cannot be held responsible for the results of the use of this manual and the software. • The screen displays as illustrated in this Owner’s Manual are for instructional purposes, and may appear somewhat differentfromthe screens which appear onyourdevicer. • Apple,iPad aretrademarks ofAppleInc., registeredintheU.S. and other countries. • The company names andproduct namesin thisOwner’sManual are the trademarks or registered trademarks oftheir respective companies. What is Synth Arp & Drum Pad? ThisapplicationletsusetheiPadasacontrollerforArpeggioplayback andplayingDrum sounds,both ontheiPaditself aswell ason anexternal synthesizer. Recordeddata canbefreelyuploadedto ordownloadedfromSoundCloud. Synth Arp & Drum Pad Drum Pad display Utility window ForplayingtheDrum sounds For common setting ofthe synthesizer. parameterstotheKeyboard display,DrumPaddisplay, Recordingwindow andTone Generator window. Pad Edit window For assigningspecificMIDI Recording window notesto eachPad. For recordingyourperformanceinthe KeyboarddisplayandthePaddisplay, or playingbackthe recordeddata. Tone Generator window Sets upthetonegeneratorbuiltintothis application. Keyboard display For controllingArpeggio playbackofthe synthesizer. NOTE TouseSoundCloud, accessthefollowingURL,thenregisteryourname. IMPORTANT Copying of commercially available music sequence data and/or digital audio files is strictly prohibited except for your personal use. Never upload such data to SoundCloud. Yamaha makes no representations or warranties with regard to the use of the software and documentation and cannot be held responsible for the results of the use of this manual and the software. ByusingMIDI cables and aYamahai-MX1, connecttheinstrumentto aniPad. TheMOTIFXFcanbe connected via wirelessNetworkMIDI.Fordetails about wireless MIDIconnectivity,refertothe “NewFunctionsinMOTIFXFVersion1.20”Manual. i-MX1 MIDI instrument iPadMIDI INMIDI INMIDI OUTMIDI OUT TheiPadoperation willtransmitMIDI NOTE noteon/off messagestotheMIDI ForinformationabouttheMIDIsettingsofthe instrument. instrument,refertotheOwner’sManualwhich came withtheinstrument. Synth Arp & Drum Pad Owner’s Manual 2 Title bar .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Indicates the MIDI Transmit Channel used in the Keyboard display. Tapping this changes the screen to the Keyboard display. Tapping this opens or closes the Recording window in the Title bar. Each lamp flashes according to the MIDI in/out messages. Indicates the MIDI Transmit Channel used in the Drum Pad display. Tapping this opens or closes the Tone Generator window beneath the Title bar. Touching this for a while calls up the Part Select window. Tapping this changes the screen to the Drum Pad display. Tapping this opens or closes the Utility window. Recording window Records your performance in the Keyboard display and the Pad display, or plays back the recorded data. 1 Rec Tapping this starts or stops the recording. Touching this for a while opens the Quantize window. 2 Play Tapping this starts playback or stops playback/recording. 3 Mute Alternately turns the sound of the recorded data on or off. 4 Click Alternately turns the tempo click sound on or off. 5 Song Length Indicator Indicates the current measure and beat while recording. 6 Undo Cancels the last recorded data. 7 Redo Recovers the Undo data. Synth Arp & Drum Pad Owner’s Manual 3 .... .... .... .... .... Tone Generator window Sets up the tone generator for control by the Keyboard or Drum Pad. The tone generator consists of sixteen parts, which can be specified via the [PART] button. 1 Indicates the Voice name of the selected Part. Tapping the Voice name calls up the Voice list, in which you can select another Voice. Also, tapping [+]/[-] selects another Voice. 2 Changes the tone generator Part. 3 By using the five knobs called up via the [TONE] button, you can edit certain Voice parameters of the current Part. Each time [TONE] is tapped, the TONE 1 and 2 lamps light alternately, and the assigned five parameters are changed. NOTE The Voices whose names have “*” indicate those have been newly added. 4 Opens or closes the Effect window. 5 Effect window Lets you make settings for the Variation, Chorus and Reverb effects. Tapping [+]/[-] or the indicators changes the Effect type. Each Effect type has two parameters which can be edited via the sliders. The settings here are commonly shared among all the sixteen parts. Utility window Utility window Titlebar Utility window Tappingthis calls uptheOwner’sManual. Transmits anAllSoundOfftotheToneGenerator. Tappinghereinitializes allthe settings. ConvertstheSongspecif...
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