Инструкция по эксплуатации Yamaha, модель ED10
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Sir/ïtsît- 3 . ШЬ-о ( тТ*1 I £ ñ 4. It» YAMAHA ELECTRONIC DRUM 1. Set Up 2. Before Playing Creatina Sounds Owner's Manual 4. Summarv Z.(7)tzUrU,-lr^''X. b a — y ? F ^ J±E1D\0 Ъ: tsW^'ï£&^'fz fz ê ILT, l-tCftiJ To ED10^r^7X< < tzsbizb^ ~ СОтШШтШ & J: < fc'St¿5n.' tztzê 5,-t & ô tsmv^-tz Lâto Thank you for purchasing the YAMAHA Electronic Drum ED 10. Please read this manual carefully to obtain optimum performance and help assure long term reliability. 1. (iUtfXc: • «i: SU 5t5<75AC~T 9' ^ 9 — AC ¡ 07b''jZ'WXT 3 ЗШ(7)АС7 Vf? — ACIO^EDIOlfScODC-INCrfS Ши. Л >iz> b Ъ'ЪШШЪ: £ 4 îî5(Fig. I) a :AC7^^?-li4 • I I ^OTAC7í''7'?-T'mStC7)EDI0^g|%t;5l¿ *'Xê Í t% ACIOöO-i^-Щ LTl'^lgy э -f > h 'г — V ;U*ríí t'4 Câü'COEDIOCODC-INCCÎÏifôtT^ £ . kQ.T У7‘? — I ^ T'Ä^ 5 -ir COED I 0 £ —LM 10 *<[5)934;; -"-fíffl t'fr fc'lt £ T, (Fig. I) 2. fzäb(.z> hQ-7^ K7A(i, Ж # ^.'^T-iâ^CO* ito EDiOCr^McO'>^"T»-;b=l— К ^1f®<7)SIGNAL-OUT Ü'bt — -r-'-r *£ ¿:'6QLINE-INV ? —T '^~7'ЩСП> INPUTíCíg^ L Í Го (Fig. 2) m : дол* •*=*- ч < лг<* 1Л0 < 2 'írlU-LC^EDIOCáMIX-IN^-fío T> |-Í5ÜXCÍ\ o L Л'Ъ: < X fcOKT'-r, DC-OUT ¿: [5] n— К ^^g-MIX-IN í- íSiWt LTl.' < Âië<75EDIO<7)SIGNAL-OUTà'b. f 5 7^Д?ПХЙТ^Г,; ''Fig.2) a:*î^< <7>ED10*-fíÉ»&-r * £:ч <7>mm t ъ ‘j â Го < -'S. -У К ^ >• > ^ -f > S. *-V — LM 10 СО's.-у Kt >OUT ^ Щ ДТП Í2\ 's -у К t > CO-fíffl fe X # it , ? bi:, ’d.'Tír b7'U-f L/-;^ ^ ED Ь'йТнё'С'Т, (Fig.3) >PAD-OUT£ríí-о X t7/\A'-*7va> h — > ^ * U — ? —PTX 8 -rf- СО í Í СО Г" 7 т^г [ñ] i _ if- __ ¿ü 71)4 X ■4 t. (Fig. 4) ! Fig. 3 (LM10) 1. Set Up • To supply power to your ED 10, you will need an AC adaptor. AC 10 (optional). The adaptor should be connected to the DC IN jack on the back of the unit. ( Fig. 1) CAUTION: Use only an AC 10 adaptor. < DC OUT > • One AC 10 alone can facilitate connection for more than one ED10. Using the power supply joint cable which is supplied with the ED10, you can connect up to 5 EDIOs and one line mixer LM10 at the same time. Connect them in series, from the DC OUT of one ED 10 to the DC IN of the next ED 10 and so on. (Fig. 1) 2. Before Playing < Connection > • The ED 10 enables high power output. Using the supplied signal cord, connect the SIGNAL OUT jack on the back of the unit, to the LINE IN jack of audio equipment or INPUT jack of a guitar amp. (Fig. 2) CAUTION: Turn the volume all the way down before turning the ED10 on. < Output From More Than One Source Through MIX IN > • You will be just fine even with an amplifer that has single input channel capability. As you did with the DC connection, connect all the EDIOs in series, this time using the signal cord. You will have nicely mixed output from the SIGNAL OUT of the last ED10. (Fig. 2) CAUTION: Too many EDIOs in the serial connection may result in deterioration of the output sound. Fig. 4 < Headphones > • A set of headphones can be connected to the HEAD OUT jack of the Line Mixer LM 10 (sold separately). It is also possible to play along with an external AUX signal, and to control the pan setting of each F.DIO. (Fig. 3) Ji TiMj iz iz 7J' g ÏZ-% V PAD • ii\ -¿- is- ^ > B£4#tD i 7^ttü± â T. ^ > K BS I OCO PAD-OUT *'*bED IOCOPAD-INiZ'>^ T;u=i— K ^rÎ^mT £ ±LifcU'<7- K 7A(- lJ £ tt 3. #^&0< o’C5bf^U«fc*5 • ¿:tz*'<;g-^r-o< tT*î Li 1 £ -r*<75-tr 7 7-f> ^ -p — h ^ Jl^'7^ < r? T<^T < tz $ 0X 7 -tr 'V 7~ -< > ^ -J- -Y — h (f)' < X K 7 A -tr 7 T -i > ^ ■?• — h (3) ^ "tr -y -r- ? -7~ -V — h • V ^ i (75 (i /z *b # ^g-'y£ lZltx Fig. 6T'i&-r«t 7 tt^ÊBU tWLflttffr >Ji) T btxtl'i ît -tr -y-7" -f > "V7 h1 T"P < o tz^ b £ IZ^ ti< £!Mi. y^ £-7 -i ju? — £cnm^'g-4oi±T\ < ?> Z ¿: A!T-êîî0 (Fig. 7) 7" X 2 / S' X K7ACOtO'< ‘J C75 Tjf -f > Mi. -t ~7" V “ -y ^ C ¿: T'Tc ^7Vi7^(i, _LCfT r ^ ^ £'in U cr iftJito U -y i7 ^L _b l-fZ>£?-< h b o < n Î t. (Fig. 8) Ui£i; ^ AC75^^--T> (tT^ÎUtc ACO-t'yT-f > ■?'-J- -V — h ~F K'<< X 3 c T-æST & Z £ It, 7-ry^-ii/al^—>3 > %- ¿fc i ‘J _h If V. ' ~ Ü T"t c Lt?5t sr^'^tc ^ ‘J £ tE # -f > h £ LTIi, e-yf t'O K £rS! A. & z £ T /'•< Î'AfrbD-^AÎ T'COW ^ O < Z> Z £t)' T' # ÎTC (Fig. 9) I C 3S ê ^^EDIOCO^O < ‘J <75 L \ *- EDIOc75r*3gi3(iFig. I OCD J: ô IzmticZ flXl'Ît, liDv^TAii, -; > -tr -*t -r +/— CO '> X -T- A (C *g SLïî, ît\ ^-<73 3 H3f!T'*> Lit, :^c, tl ■^nc75BtrBajÊt)g:'(t,C75ltiI^-S®M L ît, m/î'ï^iiT'rc fir L L ' TÉf -7> < >11^1 < /;?l \ >± : El<75et -5 t-««kco-y^S*<>j*WiLTv.xft/--^ *; x ***** < ^) /'••y K4-fcfct'/:£ #OTA*!!«5**WSLï-ro ®PITCH(f-y 91) «ïl(*(7>*1&) «-Mit OIT. ®SUB-SONIC(+#-7'-'S — 'V S') J: *;-i. < ***&(:«SSÎLÎT. ®FILTER(7 -r it- ^ — ) ®NO!SE(>'■< X) b XK) /«•/ K *tztzy.'tz1hZ o*r. ©CLICKCi' 'J 7?) r* •y^%-*MUfc*»=s:-ibsti-*-r„ ® FILTER* MOD ( 7 -f «'ΗiÿaU—» » /'••y K^fcfcU(:i!1i:l:tfii<, «I* «.<.**'6*» t»*t=K-rtr*#i%-M»C * r. ®VOLUME(fti ...
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