Инструкция по эксплуатации Roland, модель W-50
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When there are a multiple number ot Variation Tones, press VARIATION enough times to select the one you need. When you have finished selecting Variation Tones, the indicator goes out, and you are returned to the Capital Tone. ' Should you press VARIATION when the Tone has no Variation, the indicator will not light, and the Capital Tone remains selected. As show'n in the illustration below, the name of the selected Tone is shown in the display. Also, the Tone Group and settings for the Number are shown. The Currently Selected Part I 1 Program Change Number 1 Number Tone Group P: Preset Tone The Program Change Number which corresponds to the Preset Tone is also shown in the display. For details, please refer to "Using MIDI to Select Sounds on the W-50" («■ p.59). 18 ■ User Tones v'¡(led bv (lie .‘red to vour É jîAN Jj[" R^fcb J[ ORGAN ( 4 Press USER. © Press VARIATION and select User Tone Map 1/2. You can select Tones from User Tone Map 1 if the indicator on VARIATION is dark, and from User lone Map 2 when it is lit. © Select the Tone Group using TONE GROUP 1 —16. © Select the Number using NUMBER 1—8. As shown in the illustration below, the name of the selected Tone is shown in the display. Also, the Tone Group and settings for the Number are shown. The Currently Selected Part Tone Name Program Change Number Number Tone Group U: UserTone The Program Change Number which corresponds to the User Tone is also shown in the display. For details, please refer to "Using MIDI to Select Sounds on the W-50" (•“ p.59). 19 About Drum Sets The GS Sound Generator has 9 Drum Sets which contain a wide range ol percussion sounds. Follow the instructions below to select and play the various Drum Sets. As with Tones, the unit otters Preset and User Drum Sets. ■ Preset and User Drum Sets Preset Drum Sets are the Drum Sets which were originally stored in the GS Sound Generator. There are 9 sin h Drum Sets. User Drum Sets are Drum Sets which you have edited to your liking. The unit has spai e to store 9 oi these User Drum Sets. As shown in the illustration below, a ditterent percussive sound is assigned to eac h key. When you plav the kevboard. a ditterent sound will be produc ed by each key. €2 €3 C4 C5 * Different Drum Sets contain different sounds. For details, refer to the "Drum Set Chart" p.88). Selecting Drum Sets N t—i ^ FLUTE j| ORGAN ^ Press DRUM 1/DRUM 2. When you press DRUM 1, the currently selected Part is made the Drum 1 Part. When you press DRUM 2 it becomes the Drum 2 Part. © To select a Preset Drum Set, press PRESET. To select a User Drum Set, press USER. Press NUMBER 1—8 or VARIATION to select the Drum Set to be played. The indicator on the button you have pressed will light. After that, you can press keys on the keyboard to play the Drum Set. As shown below, the name of the selected Drum Set is shown in the display. The Currently^elected Part Drum Set Name Program Number | Drum Set Number P: Preset Drum Set U: User Drum Set 20 The Program Change Number which corresponds to the Drum Set is also shown in the display. For details, please refer to "Using MIDI to Select Sounds on the W-50" (•" p.59). • To return to a regular Tone ¿tier using a Drum Set, press TONE GROUP 1—16 to once again select the Tone \ ou u />/) to use. • U 'hc'n \ou wish to p/a y a percussive sound that uses a note lying beyond the range of the keyboard, use the Transpose mnction to shift the keyboard's playing range so the sound can be played (*■ p.241. • Concerning Selection of Drum Sets As alreacK explained, the W-50 provides for the use of percussion instrument Parts known as tin* Drum 1 Part and Drum 2 Part. Since any Part can be assigned as being a Drum 1 Part or Drum 2 Part, three or more Parts ( ouid feasibly be used for playing Drum Sets. STANDARD Set POWER Set STANDARD Set Drum 1 Part Drum 2 Pail Drum 1 Part However, only two Drum Sets can be used at the same time, therefore, the Drum Set that can be played in the of Drum I Part and Drum 2 Part is the same one. For example, if STANDARD is selected tor the Drum Set to be played in Drum 1 Part and POWER set is selected for the one to be played in Drum 2 Part, and Parts 1 and 2 are assigned to Drum 1 Part and Part 3 to Drum 2 Part. Then STANDARD set can be played in Parts 1 and 2, while POWER set can be played in Part 3. If you next change from STANDARD to ELECTRONIC set. Part 2 will automatically be ELECTRONIC set. ELECTRONIC Set POWER Set ELECTRONIC Set Piano 1 Slap Boss ! String: The above shows that you must be careful because only two Drum Sets can be used at the same time. 21 About Organ Tones i The Organ Sound Generator contains a selection of organ sounds (Organ Tones) which are fuller and more sonorous than the organ sounds contained in the GS Sound Generator. Try them oul and hear for yourself how great they sound. Willi Organ Tones as well, there are both Preset Organ Tones and User Organ Tones. ■ Preset and User Organ To...
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