К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
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Wave Expansion Board (SRX series) Carte d'extension Wave (serie SRX) ............ Connector Connecteur .............. Board holder Support a carte .......................................... Position them as shown before you install the board. Avant l’installation, orienter les supports a carte tel qu’indique sur le schema. LOCK Installation tool Outil d'installation .......... Screwdriver ............ Tournevis INSTALLING THE WAVE EXPANSION BOARD * Turn off your instrument. 1. Remove the cover located on the top (or rear) of your instrument. 928 * When turning the unit upside-down, get a bunch of newspapers or magazines, and place them under the four corners or at both ends to prevent damage to the buttons and controls. Also, you should try to orient the unit so no buttons or controls get damaged. 929 * When turning the unit upside-down, handle with care to avoid dropping it, or allowing it to fall or tip over. 2. Insert the Wave Expansion Board connector into a connector for an SRX Series slot, while simultaneously inserting the board holders into the holes in the Wave Expansion Board. 911 * Do not touch any of the printed circuit pathways or connection terminals. 912 * Never use excessive force when installing a circuit board. If it doesn’t fit properly on the first attempt, remove the board and try again. 3. Use the supplied Installation Tool to turn the holders in the LOCK direction, so the board will be fastened in place. (To remove the Wave Expansion Board, turn the board holders in the UNLOCK direction, and lift up the board.) 913 * When circuit board installation is complete, double-check your work. 4. Using the screws removed in Step 1, refasten the cover in its original position. 5. Check if the Wave Expansion Board is correctly installed. * If the “EXP” display cannot be selected (doesn’t appear) in the Waveform Selection Screen (refer to the owner’s manual of the instrument you use), remove the Wave Expansion Board and install it properly. * Eteindre l’instrument. 1. Retirer le couvercle situe sur le dessus (ou a l’arriere) de l’instrument. 2. Inserer le connecteur de la carte dans un des creneaux pour la serie SRX tout en enfoncant les supports a carte dans les trous de celle-ci. 911(F) * Ne pas toucher aux circuits imprimes ou aux connecteurs. 912(F) * Ne jamais forcer lors de l’installation de la carte de circuits imprimes. Si la carte s’ajuste mal au premier essai, enlevez la carte et recommencez l’installation. 3. Utiliser l’outil d’installation fourni pour tourner les clips de retenue vers la position de blocage (LOCK) de facon a ce que la carte soit retenue en place. (Pour retirer la carte d’expansion Wave, tourner les clips de retenue de la carte vers la position deblocage (UNLOCK) et retirer la carte en la soulevant.) 913(F) * Quand l’installation de la carte de circuits imprimes est terminee, reverifiez si tout est bien installe. 4. Remettre la plaque a sa place et la fixer a l’aide des vis enlevees a l’etape 1. 5. S’assurer que la carte d’expansion Wave est installee correctement. * S’il est impossible de selectionner l’affichage “EXP” (il n’apparait pas) a l’ecran de selection Waveform (se reporter au guide du proprietaire de l’instrument utilise), retirer la carte d’expansion Wave et la reinstaller correctement. ........................................ ........ .. ............................................ 1. ................................................ .... ...... .. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................... ...... .. ............................