Инструкция по эксплуатации Roland, модель SRX-03
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Name 251 Stdio4SMenuR * ** 252 CymbalSMenuL * ** 253 CymbalSMenuR * ** 254 Stdio1Ssft1L * 255 Stdio1Ssft1R * 256 Stdio1Ssft2L * 257 Stdio1Ssft2R * 258 Stdio1Smed1L * 259 Stdio1Smed1R * 260 Stdio1Smed2L * 261 Stdio1Smed2R * 262 Stdio1Shrd1L * 263 Stdio1Shrd1R * 264 Stdio1Shrd2L * 265 Stdio1Shrd2R * 266 Stdio1Srim1L * 267 Stdio1Srim1R * 268 Stdio1Srim2L * 269 Stdio1Srim2R * 270 Stdio1Sbuz1L * 271 Stdio1Sbuz1R * 272 Stdio1Sbuz2L * 273 Stdio1Sbuz2R * 274 Stdio1Sflm L * 275 Stdio1Sflm R * 276 Stdio1Sstk1L * 277 Stdio1Sstk1R * 278 Stdio1Sstk2L * 279 Stdio1Sstk2R * 280 Stdio2Ssft1L * 281 Stdio2Ssft1R * 282 Stdio2Ssft2L * 283 Stdio2Ssft2R * 284 Stdio2Smed1L * 285 Stdio2Smed1R * 286 Stdio2Smed2L * 287 Stdio2Smed2R * 288 Stdio2Shrd1L * 289 Stdio2Shrd1R * 290 Stdio2Shrd2L * 291 Stdio2Shrd2R * 292 Stdio2Srim1L * 293 Stdio2Srim1R * 294 Stdio2Srim2L * 295 Stdio2Srim2R * 296 Stdio2Sbuz1L * 297 Stdio2Sbuz1R * 298 Stdio2Sbuz2L * 299 Stdio2Sbuz2R * 300 Stdio2Sflm L * No. Name 301 Stdio2Sflm R * 302 Stdio2Sstk1L * 303 Stdio2Sstk1R * 304 Stdio2Sstk2L * 305 Stdio2Sstk2R * 306 Stdio3Ssft1L * 307 Stdio3Ssft1R * 308 Stdio3Ssft2L * 309 Stdio3Ssft2R * 310 Stdio3Smed1L * 311 Stdio3Smed1R * 312 Stdio3Smed2L * 313 Stdio3Smed2R * 314 Stdio3Shrd1L * 315 Stdio3Shrd1R * 316 Stdio3Shrd2L * 317 Stdio3Shrd2R * 318 Stdio3Srim1L * 319 Stdio3Srim1R * 320 Stdio3Srim2L * 321 Stdio3Srim2R * 322 Stdio3Sbuz1L * 323 Stdio3Sbuz1R * 324 Stdio3Sbuz2L * 325 Stdio3Sbuz2R * 326 Stdio3Sflm L * 327 Stdio3Sflm R * 328 Stdio3Sstk1L * 329 Stdio3Sstk1R * 330 Stdio3Sstk2L * 331 Stdio3Sstk2R * 332 Stdio4Ssft1L * 333 Stdio4Ssft1R * 334 Stdio4Ssft2L * 335 Stdio4Ssft2R * 336 Stdio4Smed1L * 337 Stdio4Smed1R * 338 Stdio4Smed2L * 339 Stdio4Smed2R * 340 Stdio4Shrd1L * 341 Stdio4Shrd1R * 342 Stdio4Shrd2L * 343 Stdio4Shrd2R * 344 Stdio4Srim1L * 345 Stdio4Srim1R * 346 Stdio4Srim2L * 347 Stdio4Srim2R * 348 Stdio4Sbuz1L * 349 Stdio4Sbuz1R * 350 Stdio4Sbuz2L * No. Name 351 Stdio4Sbuz2R * 352 Stdio4Sflm L * 353 Stdio4Sflm R * 354 Sn w/Cym 1 L * 355 Sn w/Cym 1 R * 356 Sn w/Cym 2 L * 357 Sn w/Cym 2 R * 358 Sn w/Cym 3 L * 359 Sn w/Cym 3 R * 360 Sn w/Cym 4 L * 361 Sn w/Cym 4 R * 362 StdioT MenuL * ** 363 StdioT MenuR * ** 364 StdioT1sft L * 365 StdioT1sft R * 366 StdioT1med L * 367 StdioT1med R * 368 StdioT1hrd L * 369 StdioT1hrd R * 370 StdioT1flm1L * 371 StdioT1flm1R * 372 StdioT1flm2L * 373 StdioT1flm2R * 374 StdioT2sft L * 375 StdioT2sft R * 376 StdioT2med L * 377 StdioT2med R * 378 StdioT2hrd L * 379 StdioT2hrd R * 380 StdioT2flm1L * 381 StdioT2flm1R * 382 StdioT2flm2L * 383 StdioT2flm2R * 384 StdioT3sft L * 385 StdioT3sft R * 386 StdioT3med L * 387 StdioT3med R * 388 StdioT3hrd L * 389 StdioT3hrd R * 390 StdioT3flm1L * 391 StdioT3flm1R * 392 StdioT3flm2L * 393 StdioT3flm2R * 394 StdioT4sft L * 395 StdioT4sft R * 396 StdioT4med L * 397 StdioT4med R * 398 StdioT4hrd L * 399 StdioT4hrd R * 400 StdioT4flm1L * 14 *: These are stereo waveforms, offered in left-right pairs. **: These are menu waveforms. Include multiple waveforms assigned to keys individually. * Some of the waveform names shown in this list may appear differently on the display of the device being used, but the tones themselves remain unaffected. When you create a Patch using the waveforms stored in the Expansion Board, observe the following points: * If you make a Patch with a single voice and then later play it in a chord, the sound may be distorted with certain settings for the Effects and TVA. If this happens, adjust the level of the Effects and TVA. .... .. .. .. ............................................ .......................................................... .................................... .. ............................................................ ........................................................ .................................................... ........................................................ ........ .. ...................................... ...... ................ ............................................................ ...................... ...... ............................ Waveform List (3) No. Name 401 StdioT4flm1R * 402 StdioT4flm2L * 403 StdioT4flm2R * 404 StdioH MenuL * ** 405 StdioH MenuR * ** 406 StdioH cl1 L * 407 StdioH cl1 R * 408 StdioH cl2 L * 409 StdioH cl2 R * 410 StdioH cl3 L * 411 StdioH cl3 R * 412 StdioH cl4 L * 413 StdioH cl4 R * 414 StdioH cl5 L * 415 StdioH cl5 R * 416 StdioH hcl L * 417 StdioH hcl R * 418 StdioH op1 L * 419 StdioH op1 R * 420 StdioH op2 L * 421 StdioH op2 R * 422 StdioH op3 L * 423 StdioH op3 R * 424 StdioH pdl1L * 425 StdioH pdl1R * 426 StdioH pdl2L * 427 StdioH pdl2R * 428 Conga2 MenuL * ** 429 Conga2 MenuR * ** 430 Cng2LoMtSftL * 431 Cng2LoMtSftR * 432 Cng2LoMtHrdL * 433 Cng2LoMtHrdR * 434 Cng2LoOpSftL * 435 Cng2LoOpSftR * 436 Cng2LoOpHrdL * 437 Cng2LoOpHrdR * 438 Cng2LoRoll L * 439 Cng2LoRoll R * 440 Cng2HiMtSftL * 441 Cng2HiMtSftR * 442 Cng2HiMtHrdL * 443 Cng2HiMtHrdR * 444 Cng2HiOpSftL * 445 Cng2HiOpSftR * 446 Cng2HiOpHrdL...
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