Инструкция по эксплуатации Roland, модель PN-2
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To make sure you get the most out of the PN-2 TREMOLO/PAN, and enjoy continuing satisfaction as a result of operating it under the best of conditions, please thoroughly read these instructions. 0 The PN-2 TREMOLO/PAN is an effects unit which creates effects that pan the sound to left and right, as well as applies periodic changes in the sound's volume to produce a tremolo effect. # The unit makes stereo output possible for instruments having only monaural output, through use of the Panning effect. # Since the unit is also equipped with stereo inputs, the Panning/Tremolo effects can be used for instruments such as keyboards equipped with stereo output. PN-2 Tremolo/Pon CHtO o otprH p output o input Q<» (MONO} 4- output □ input D 4- Tremolo/Pan PN-2 5 AC & BATTERY POWERED Wi PANEL DESCRIPTION ©- OUTPUT □ INPUT tNONOI <-OUTPirrD INPUT □<“ Tremolo/Pan i PN-2 o AC Adaptor Jack This jack accepts connection of it'ie AC Adaptor (BOSS PSA-120,220 or 240: optional). * Use ol the AC adaptor allows you to play tor as long as you wish without being concerned about the battery wearing out * Make certain you use only the specified AC adaptor (PSA Series) Use ot any other AC adaptor can cause operational errors or damage to the unit. © Check indicator Lights up when the effect is on, allowing you to confirm it the effect is on or off. * This indicator also serves as the Battery Check indicator. When it becomes dim. or no longer lights, tins means that the battery has been depleted and needs to be replaced with a new one. 0 Rate indicator This indicator blinks on and off repeatedly in keeping with the rate that has been set using the Rate knob. * The indicator will always be active regardless ol whether or not effects have been turned on, © Rate Knob Used to adjust the rale. The further you move the knob clockwise, the faster the rate becomes PAN: Adjusts the rate at which the output will be panned from lell to right. TREMOLO:Ad|usts the rale at which the level of Ihe output will increase and decrease 0 Output Jacks A/B These output jacks are used lor connecting with amplifiers or other ellects devices @ Pedal Switch Used to turn effects on or olf Q Thumb Screw When this screw is loosened, the pedal opens, allowing lor the battery to be changed. For information on how to change the battery, reler to "BATTERY REPLACEMENT'7. * The screw should not be removed completely from the pedal II it should come off, make sure you do not misplace ¡t 0 Mode Knob This knob provides lor selection ol the mode Foui different modes can be chosen from, con sisting of various combinations of PAN/TREMOLO andA/ftrtangle wave) /HJlsguare wave). PAN: When the output is in stereo, the sound s center lonentationl fluctuates between left and right. TREMOLO:Periodic changes in the level ol the output are applied. A/(triangle wave): The sound that is output flue tuates (changes) smoothly n_l (square wave): The sound that is output Hue tuates (changes) sharply 0 Oepth Knob Provides tor adjustment of the amount of fluctuation (amount of change). When ¡t is turned luily counterclockwise, no eflect will be obtained. PAN: Adjusts the amount by winch the output will fluctuate trnm left to right TREMOLO:Ad|iists the amount ol change that will be made in the level ol the output. ® Input Jacks A/B These lacks accept connection ol a guitar or other electronic instruments, * When the unit is to be used in monaural, the connection should be made to Input |ack A (MONO) * Input jack A is equipped with a power switch When a plug is inserted into it, ihe power is turned on. and when the plug is pulled.out. the powet is turned off. When the unit is not being used, any cord connected to Input tack A should tie disconnected -■ CONNECTIONS' AC Adaptor BOSS Connect to the AC adaptor jack » pg^ serjes Input A Input B aaDBODDoao oo a on When a plug is inserted into Input jack A, the power is turned on. When the unit is to be used in monaural, the connection should be made to Input jack A (MONO). ■ OPERATION (J) Once you have all cords connected, the knobs on the panel should be set as shown in the illustration. * Always make sure you turn down the volume on your amplifier before connecting or disconnecting any cords. CHECH O DfPTM d Depress the pedal switch thus turning the effect ort. (The Check Indicator will fight up.) Set the mode using the Mode knob ■ BATTERY REPLACEMENT (jXoosen the thumb screw on the pedal lo open it. (2)Take out the battery from the battery housing and disconnect the battery snap. QjiConnect a new battery to the battery snap,then replace the battery in to the battery housing. * Make sure that the polarity of the battery is correct. '•I) Push the cot! spring into the spring base on the rear of the pedal.then close the pedai. * Make sure that the snap cord is not caught in the pedal or coil spring. (5)lnserl the thumb screw into the guide bush hole and firmiy tighten the sc...
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