Инструкция по эксплуатации Roland, модель PG-200
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* . Mol.ii Freq Mod LFO ENV LFO ENV \ / \' / ”C -X A" / 0 \ 10 / 0 \ 10 LFO Waveform Delay Time Av ^ 5 \ i / ;C ' / \ Î0 \ I / -n ' w So urce Mix HPF \ i / * / - -:c*- / \ / \ Uco -1 Dco-2 0 10 Cutoff Freq Resonance \ i / \ f / / \ 0 10 LFO Mod \ f / / \ 0 10 ENV Mod \ Í / / \ 0 !0 Pitch Follow 1 / / \ 0 10 / Attack \ Î / ■ / f~\ Mode ENV Level \ i / Synthesizer ■Roland / \ 0 10 Chorus Envelope Decay Sustain \ I / Release \ 1 / Manual / \ (¿1) Rate ÖCJ Delay Time LFO Waveform ©Depth • LFO Depth • ENV Depth ) Polarity switch- (K3) LFO Modulation -(22 Attack Time ■ Chorus switch (£§) Write button (27} Manual button (25j) Release Time (M) ENV Modulation (24) Sustain Level 23) Decay Time _§) Polarity switch Pitch Follow * Magnetic sheet is on the bottom of the PG-200 H Basic Connections and Operations (1)Make sure that the synthesizer (MKS-30, JX-3P or GR-700) is turned off. (2)Connect the DIN jack @) and the Programmer Input jack on the rear panel of the symthesizer with the DIN cord (6P). *lf using the JX-3P, set the Ext. Selector switch on the rear panel to the Programmer position. (3)Turn the synthesizer on. *The synthesizer supplies power to the PG-200. WÊtmBBSBBSBSSr Programmer 111 11 1 (4) Press the Manual button \Q) on the PG-200 (while pressing the button down, the indicator lights up), then synthesize your own sounds. Manuai © ‘The PG-200 has no sound source itself, therefore no sound is obtained unless connected to the synthesizer. ‘The PG-200 includes the edit function, which allows editing the preset patches in the connected synthesizer. Writing Patches It is possible to write the patch synthesized in the PG-200 into the JX-3P memory. [GR-700] (2)By using the Pedal Switch, assign the Memory Number. (DPress the Write button cator lights up). (the indi- [JX-3P] (2)Select the Patch Memory where you write the patch, by pressing a Bank button (C or D) and a Tone Selector button (1 to 16). [MKS-30] (2)By using the Bank Button and the Number Buttons (1 to 8), select a Patch Number. PG-200 OWNER'S MANUAL '85 FEB. B-2 ■ SPECIFICATIONS [Programmer PG-2001 • DCO-1 • Range (4', 8', 16') • Waveform ('V.ITJ. FU ) • Frequency Modulation (LFO, ENV) • DCO-2 • Range (4', 8', 16') • Waveform ('V, (U , FU. Noise) • Tune (Approx. ± 1200 cent) • Fine Tune (± 50 cent) • Frequency Modulation (LFO, ENV) • Cross Modulation (Sync, Metal) • Modulation Sens (LFO, ENV) • VCF • Source Mix • HPF.......... Cutoff Frequency • LPH.......... Cutoff Frequency Resonance ENV Modulation Polarity LFO Modulation Pitch Follow • VCA • Mode (ENV, Gate) • Level • ENV • Attack Time • Decay Time • Sustain Level • Release Time • LFO • Waveform (r\j, iU , Random) • Delay Time • Rate • Chorus • Chorus switch (ON/OFF) • Function buttons • Manual button & indicator • Write button & indicator • DIN jack (DIN6P) • Dimensions 244(W) x 172(D) x 45(H) mm 9-5/8(W) x 6-3/4(D) x 1-3/4(H) in. • Weight 1.4 kg 3 lb. 1 oz. • Acce...
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