Инструкция по эксплуатации Roland, модель BL-1
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Vfg 1046/1984 (Gerat Typ Bezeichnung) (Amtsblatlverlugungi funk-entstört ist. Der Deutschen Bundespost wurde das Inverkehrbringen dieses Gerätes angezeigt und die Berechtigung zur Überprüfung der Serie auf Einhaltung der Bestimmungen eingeräumt. Roland Corporation Osaka/Japan Name des Herstellers Importeurs -For the USA- RADIO AND TELEVISION INTERFERENCE WARNING— This equipment nas been -¿enlied to comply with toe umtis tot a C'ass B r.omputtnq device pursuant m Subpan j Pit- •; üifrr tuies Opération/ nop-certilied or non-verifiea equipment is likely to resuü ir «nterfereni.e tt; radio and Tv reception The equipment described m this manual generates and uses radio frequency energy if it is not installée and used properly h -i i -i t t o '* may cause interference with radio and television reception This equipment nas been tested and found to comply with the brr sf -i L 5r ^ jir with the specifications m Suopart J of Part 15. of FCC Rules These rules are designed to provide reasonable protection agai' tii However there is no guarantee that the interference wilt not occur m a particular installation H this eauipment does cause intorier ai ¡in can be determined by turning the eauipment on and off the user is encouraged to try to correct tne interference bv the tofiowmo measure • Disconnect other devices and their input output cables one at a time if the interference stops it s ¡.ausen by either tMf- - it- ' tr . » ! These devices usually require Roland designated shielded i O cables For Rolan« devc.es yoi, can not,am the propet sr M< i o* tmn, y. in; dnait't f-■» n y. R.ii,-devices, contact the manufacturer or dealer for assistance H your equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception yow - an fry ii.. ■ nir-.-i • -l'ierit.-n»™.. riv .,st,• ¡' inc tr,-.vun; ni>-a,i,r-■ -- • Turn the TV or radio antenna uniil the interference stops • Move the equipment to one side or the other of the TV or radio • Wove the equipment farther away from the TV or radio • Plug the equipment into an outlet that is on a different circuit than the Tv oi radio ¡That is make certain tn(- equipment .md the m-Ih . -k !»>ii-.-isi m s.m .r-- ■ m ■ trolled by different circuit breakers or fuses i • Consider installing a rooftop television antenna with coaxial cable tead-in between the antenna and TV If necessary you should •; unsuM oeai^r radiotélévision technician for additional suggestions Vou may find helpful the following booklet prepared by the Fédérai Communication1- Commission How to Identify and Resolve Radio TV interference Problems This booklet !S available from the U S Government Printing Office Washington DC 20402 Stock No 004-000-00345-4 Copyright © 1991 by BOSS CORPORATION All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of BOSS CORPORATION. Thank you for purchasing the BOSS BL-1 Bulk Librarian. The BL-1 is a MIDI device that allows you to store and organize sound data (bulk data). With the BL-1 you can store data from a variety of MIDI equipment, such as multi-effect units and synthesizers. To make the best use of the BL-1, please read this owner’s manual carefully. [Conventions in this manual] In this owner’s manual, each button on the BL-1 is represented by the letters printed above or below it. (Example) RECEIVE button is represented by RECEIVE and EXIT button is represented by EXIT CONTENTS IMPORTANT NOTES 4 PANEL DESCRIPTIONS 6 BL-TS FUNCTIONS 9 OTHER USEFUL FUNCTIONS BATTERY REPLACEMENT 10 When to replace the battery [1 ] CONNECTIONS 11 [2] OPERATION 12 1. Making a file (Receive Mode) 13 2. Verifying a file (Verify Mode).............................................16 3. Sending a file (Send Mode) .............................................18 4. Copying a file (Copy Mode) .............................................20 5. Deleting a file (Delete Mode).............................................21 6. Changing file names (Name Mode) 22 [3] USING A RAM CARD 23 [4] ERROR MESSAGES 24 MIDI Implementation ..................................................................25 Roland Exclusive Message .................... ....................................25 SPECIFICATIONS........................................................................27 IMPORTANT NOTES When using an AC adaptor, use only the specified device (PSA-120,220 or 240). Use of any other power adaptor could result in damage, malfunctions electric shock. [Power Supply] # When making any connections with other devices, always turn off the power to all equipment first; this will help prevent damage or malfunction. # Do not use this unit on the same power circuit with any device that will generate line noise, such as a motor or variable lighting system. # The power supply required for this unit is shown on its nameplate. Ensure that the line voltage of your installation meets this requirement. # Avoid damaging the p...
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