Производитель: Roland
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Фрагмент инструкции
The 8E-5M is a pedal-type unit that includes five different effects. To make the best use of the unit, please read the owner’s manual carefully. ■FEATURES • The BE-5M is a multiple effects unit that includes five different effects. This frees you from complicated setups which use several different effects devices. • The BE-5M is a user-programmable unit that allows you to create and store eight different effects programs called PATCHES. You can select any one of the eight Patches you have created simply by pressing the relevant pedal. This will make your live performances more exciting and interesting. • The Overdrive and Distortion effects can easily be mixed, allowing you to create a wide spectrum of tonal variation. • The BE-5M features SEND and RETURN lacks which allow you to connect an external effects unit or volume pedal. Limited control of such devices ( on/off settings ) can be obtained by data written into a Patch. • The TUNER OUT jack allows connection of an electronic guitar tuner, so that you can tune your instrument without changing the effect settings. • You can connect headphones directly to the BE-5M ( via the PHONES jack ) and monitor the sound without using a guitar amplifier. ...........For Germany-■ Bescheinigung des Herstellers/Importeurs Hiermit wird bescheinigt, daß der/die/das in Übereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen der PROGRAMMABLE MULTIPLE EFFECTS BE-5M Amtsbl. Vfg 1046/1984 (Gerät. Typ Bezeichnung) (AmtsWattvertügung) funk-entstört ist. Oer Deutschen Bundespost wurde das Inverkehrbringen dieses Gerätes angezeigt und die Berechtigung zur Überprüfung der Serie auf Einhaltung der Bestimmungen eingeräumt. Roland Corporation Osaka/Japan Name des HersteHers/lmporteurs ........................ .........................................................-..............................——■ For the USA— RADIO AND TELEVISION INTERFERENCE WARNING _ This equipment has been varAed to comply with the tmrts hy a Class B compubng device, pursuant to Subpart J. of Pari 15, of FCC rules Operation non-certifced or non-verifieti equipment rs ihety to resuit w interference to radio and TV reception The equpmeni described in Bts manual generates and uses racfco frequency energy H n is not nsufled and used properly, that s. in strict accordance with out instructions it may cause interference wtth rad» and Mevtsnn iecepuon This eqtapmenl has been tested and found to comply the bmas lor a Class B computing devm in accordance with the specifications in Subpart J, of Part 15, ot FCC Rules. These rules are designed to provide reasonable proieefeon against such a interference n a residential insiaiabon However, there » no guarantee that №e interference w* not occur m a particular tfistRSa&on I tfes eoupment does cause mterference to racfto or television recepeon. which can be determined by turning the equpment on and oft. the user s encouraged to by to coned the mterference by the taBowmg measure • Disconnect other devces and their v?uVautput cables one at a tme W me mterference slops, it