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Инструкция по эксплуатации Roland, модель GI-20

Производитель: Roland
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* Not transmitted when the patch parameter’s Program Change Switch is set to OFF oder when the system parameter PC MASK is set to ON. Pitch Bend Change Status 2nd byte 3rd byte EnH llH mmH n= MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (0 - 15) 0=ch.1 15=ch.16 mm,ll= Value: 00H, 00H - 7FH, 7FH (-8192 - +8191) Channel Mode Message Reset All Controller Status 2nd bye 3rd byte BnH 79H 00H n = MIDI Channel number: 0H - FH (0 - 15) 0=ch.1 15=ch.16 * Transmitted when the MIDI PLAYBACK is switchd, when the Bulk mode is selected, und when the parameter is edited. System Realtime Message Active Sensing Status FEH * This message is always transmitted at about 250 msec intervals. System Exclusive Message Status Data byte Status F0H iiH,ddH,.....,eeH F7H F0H: System Exclusive ii=ID number: 41H (65) dd,...,ee=Data: 00H-7FH (0-127) F7H: EOX (End of Exclusive/System common) * For more details, refer to the page “Roland exclusive message” und Section 4 oder after. Kapitel 5 Anhang Kapitel 5 Anhang 4. Exclusive Comunications The GI-20 is capable of transmitting und receiving system parameters und patch parameters using certain exclusive messages. The model ID is 00H 6AH. The Device ID is fixed as 10H. The use of Device ID 7FH (Broadcast) is not supported. Data Set 1 DT1 (12H) Byte Explanation F0H Exclusive Status 41H Manufacturer ID (Roland) 10H Device ID (Dev=10H) 00H Model ID MSB (GI-20) 6AH Model ID LSB (GI-20) 12H Command ID (DT1) aaH Address MSB bbH Address ccH Address ddH Address LSB eeH Data : : ffH Data sum Checksum F7H EOX (End of Exclusive) * The GI-20 can only transmit und receive bulk data, not individual data. * Data is received only when the unit has been placed in standby, in the Bulk Load screen. * The use of Data Request is not supported. * Data is transmitted when [WRITE] is pressed in the Bulk Load screen. * Does not respond to Identity Request inquiry messages. Decimal und Hexadecimal table With a MIDI System, the data value, the address, oder size in an exclusive message is expressed in 7-bit hexadesimal values.The table below shows decimal value und thier hexadecimal counterparts. +——————+——————++——————+——————++——————+——————++——————+——————+ | 10 | 16 || 10 | 16 || 10 | 16 || 10 | 16 | +——————+——————++——————+——————++——————+——————++——————+——————+ | 0 | 00H || 32 | 20H || 64 | 40H || 96 | 60H | | 1 | 01H || 33 | 21H || 65 | 41H || 97 | 61H | | 2 | 02H || 34 | 22H || 66 | 42H || 98 | 62H | | 3 | 03H || 35 | 23H || 67 | 43H || 99 | 63H | | 4 | 04H || 36 | 24H || 68 | 44H || 100 | 64H | | 5 | 05H || 37 | 25H || 69 | 45H || 101 | 65H | | 6 | 06H || 38 | 26H || 70 | 46H || 102 | 66H | | 7 | 07H || 39 | 27H || 71 | 47H || 103 | 67H | | 8 | 08H || 40 | 28H || 72 | 48H || 104 | 68H | | 9 | 09H || 41 | 29H || 73 | 49H || 105 | 69H | | 10 | 0AH || 42 | 2AH || 74 | 4AH || 106 | 6AH | | 11 | 0BH || 43 | 2BH || 75 | 4BH || 107 | 6BH | | 12 | 0CH || 44 | 2CH || 76 | 4CH || 108 | 6CH | | 13 | 0DH || 45 | 2DH || 77 | 4DH || 109 | 6DH | | 14 | 0EH || 46 | 2EH || 78 | 4EH || 110 | 6EH | | 15 | 0FH || 47 | 2FH || 79 | 4FH || 111 | 6FH | | 16 | 10H || 48 | 30H || 80 | 50H || 112 | 70H | | 17 | 11H || 49 | 31H || 81 | 51H || 113 | 71H | | 18 | 12H || 50 | 32H || 82 | 52H || 114 | 72H | | 19 | 13H || 51 | 33H || 83 | 53H || 115 | 73H | | 20 | 14H || 52 | 34H || 84 | 54H || 116 | 74H | | 21 | 15H || 53 | 35H || 85 | 55H || 117 | 75H | | 22 | 16H || 54 | 36H || 86 | 56H || 118 | 76H | | 23 | 17H || 55 | 37H || 87 | 57H || 119 | 77H | | 24 | 18H || 56 | 38H || 88 | 58H || 120 | 78H | | 25 | 19H || 57 | 39H || 89 | 59H || 121 | 79H | | 26 | 1AH || 58 | 3AH || 90 | 5AH || 122 | 7AH | | 27 | 1BH || 59 | 3BH || 91 | 5BH || 123 | 7BH | | 28 | 1CH || 60 | 3CH || 92 | 5CH || 124 | 7CH | | 29 | 1DH || 61 | 3DH || 93 | 5DH || 125 | 7DH | | 30 | 1EH || 62 | 3EH || 94 | 5EH || 126 | 7EH | | 31 | 1FH || 63 | 3FH || 95 | 5FH || 127 | 7FH | +——————+——————++——————+——————++——————+——————++——————+——————+ * When expressing a MIDI channel number oder a program change number, please notice that the values are less by one .For example, MIDI channel is expressed as 0 through 15 instead of 1 through 16. * The range of 7 bit can express 128 steps from 0 to 127. To express broader range, use several data bytes. Kapitel 5 Anhang Kapitel 5 Anhang MIDI-Implementationstabelle GK-MIDI INTERFACE Model GI-20 MIDI-Implementationstabelle Version: 1.00 Function... Transmitted Recognized Remarks Basic Channel Default Changed 1–16 1–16 1–16 1–16 * 1 * 1 Mode Default Messages Altered Mode 3, 4 (M=6) X ************** Mode 1, 3 X * 1 Note Number : True Voice 0–127 ************** X ************** Velocity Note ON Note OFF O 9n V=1–127 X 9n V=0 X X After Touch Key's Ch's X X X X Pitch Bend O X Control Change 0, 32 6–38 18 19 80 81 82 83 1–31, 64–95 33–63 98, 99 others O O O O O O O O O O X O * 4 X X O O O O O O O O X X * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 Bank Select Data Entry General Purpose Controller 3 (Expression Pedal) General Purpose Controller 4 (Foot Switch 1) General Purpose Contro...

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