Инструкция по эксплуатации Roland, модель A-90
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These addresses are the sum of the base address and offset address. Some parameters are defined using multiple offsets. The address included in the message of a data set or a data request must be within the value shown m the table below. Note;A pair of two addresses preceded by the symbol # represents a divided-by-twa data, e.g. the data AEH (hex) is divided into OAH and OBH and sent in that order. Example of exclusive data To set the External Zone A MIDI Channel of the temporary performance to "Ch. =4", send the following data to the A-90. FOH 41H ЮН 7DH 12H ООН ООН 22H 06H 03H 55H F7H 12345 6 789 1. Exclusive status 2. Manufacturer ID: Roland =41H. 3. Device ID: the unit number of the system common parameter minus 1. In this example, the unit number is 17:17 -1=16 which is expressed as 10H in hexadecimal notation. 4. Model ID of the A-90 is &DH. 5. Command ID; data set 1=12H. 6. Addresses: by referring to Table 1, the start address of the temporary performance=00H ООН 20H ООН; from Table 1-3, offset address of External Zone A=02H ООН; from Table 1-3-2, offset address of MIDI Channel=06H. These addresses are added together: ООН ООН 20H ООН 02H ООН ^) 06И 00K 00H 22H 06H = target address 7. The number of MIDI Channel = 4 is 3 : 03H in hexadecimal, 8. Check sum The error checking process use a checksum and provides a bit pattern where the last significant 7 bits are zero, when values for an address, data (or size) and the checksum are summed. 80H - If OOH + 00H + 22H + 06H + 03H) & 7FH) = 55H Addresses Data 9. End of exclusive 68 4. Parameter address map 1 A-90 (Model ID=7DH) Description 00 00 00 00 System Common 00 50 IS 00 Controller Assign ‘1-2 00 00 20 00 Temporary Performance *1-3 00 00 30 00 Temporary Chain *1-4 00 01 20 00 tfanuâ i Per toraance *1-3 01 00 20 00 Internai Performance 111 *1-3 01 01 20 00 Internal Performance 112 01 3F 20 00 Internal Performance IBS 01 40 30 00 Internal Chair. 01 *1-4 01 41 30 00 Internal Chain 02 01 49 30 00 Internal Chair* 1Я 01 4A 40 00 Internal User PGM Name raap 1 *1-5 01 4E 40 00 Internal User PGM Name map 2 01 4C 40 00 Internal User PGM Name map 3 01 4D 40 00 Internal User PGM Name map 4 ‘1-1 System Common Offset address Description 00 00 0000 000a Panel mode 0 - 2 (Performance, Manual, Chain) 00 01 Oaaa aaaa Peri ormance number 0 - 127 (Internal 1 - 64, CARD 1 - 64) 00 02 Oaaa aaaa Chain number 0 - 9, 64-73 (Internal 1 - 10, CAED 1 - 10} 00 03 0000 000a Control channel switch 0 - 1 (OFF, OS) 00 04 0000 aaaa Control channel 0 - 15 (1 - lé Ch.) 00 05 0000 000a MIDI out 1 switch 0 - 1 (0?F, OH) oo 06 0000 000a MIDI out 2 a - 1 (OFF, ON) 00 07 0000 000a MIDI out 3 0 - 1 {OFF, OH) 00 Ofi 0000 000a MIDI out 4 0 - 1 (OFF, ON) 00 09 0000 000a MIDI out 1 Sequencer control output sw 0-1 {OFF, OH) 00 0A 0000 000a MIDI out 2 Sequencer control output sw 0-1 (OFF, OK) 00 0B 0000 000a MIDI out 3 Sequencer control output sw 0-1 (OFF, ON) 00 ОС 0000 000a MIDI out 4 Sequencer control output sw 0-1 (OFF, OK) 0D 0D Oaaa aaaa Global key transpose Value 20 - 64 ~ 100 (-36 - 0 - +36) 00 0E 0000 000a V-EXP enabl e switch 0-1 (Enable, Disable) 1 00 OF 0000 aaaa Ext zone A PGM Nasse map assign 0-15 (OFF,JV-B0,jv-90,JV-1080,JD-9S0,SC-55, ! P-0a,P~55,M-SElrK-OCl,M-VSl,M-DCl, I USR 1,USE. 2,USE 3, USR 4) ¡ 00 10 0000 aaaa В 00 11 0000 aaaa С i 00 12 0000 aaaa D j ? 00 13 0000 aaaa Int rone A 1 00 14 0000 aaaa В 1 00 15 0000 aaaa с i 00 IS 0000 aaaa D 00 17 0000 aaaa Ext zone А PGM Name map assign for W-EXP 1 0-8 (None, Pop Orchestral, Piano, Vintage Synth, World, Dance, Super Sound Set, 60 & 70 Keys 00 10 0000 aaaa В 00 19 0000 aaaa С 00 1A 0000 aaaa D 00 IB 0000 aaaa Int zone А 00 1C 0000 aaaa В 00 ID 0000 aaaa с 00 IE 0000 aaaa D 00 IF 0000 aaaa Ext zone A PGM Mame map assign for W-EXP 2 0-0 (None, pop Orchestral, Piano, Vintage Synth, World, Dance, Super Sound Set, 60 & 70 Keys 00 20 0000 aaaa В 00 21 0000 aaaa С oo 22 0000 aaaa D 00 23 0000 aaaa Int гопе A 00 24 0000 aaaa В 00 25 oooo aaaa С 00 26 0000 aaaa D 00 27 oooo aaaa Ext гопе A PGM Name map assign for W-KXP 3 0-8 (Hone, Pop Orchestral, Piano, Vintage Synth, World, Dance, Super Sound Set, 60 & 70 Keys 00 28 0000 aaaa В 00 29 oooo aaaa С oo 2A oooo aaaa D 00 2B oooo aaaa Int zone A 00 2C 0000 aaaa В oo 2D oooo aaaa С 00 2E oooo aaaa D 00 2F OOOO aaaa Ext zone A 00 30 OOOO aaaa : Б 00 31 0000 aaaa : С 00 32 OOOO aaaa : D 00 33 0000 aaaa Int гопе A 00 34 oooo a....
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