Инструкция по эксплуатации Avid Technology, модель PRO TOOLS MIX 51
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This guide is copyrighted ©2007 by Neyrinck with all rights reserved. Under copyright laws, this guidemay not be duplicated in whole or in part withoutthe written consent of Neyrinck. Trademarks “DIGIDESIGN”, “PRO TOOLS”, “PRO TOOLSHD”,“PRO TOOLS LE”, and “PRO TOOLS MPOWERED” are trademarks or registered trademarks of Avid Technology, Inc. Dolby and Pro Logic are trademarks of DolbyLaboratories, Inc. Disclaimers Table Of Contentts Chapter 1 Introduction Welcome System RequirementsImportant Latency Information Chapter 2 Installation Installing Mix 51Authorizing Mix 51Removing Expired Plug-Ins Chapter 3 Quick Start Guide Chapter 4 Surround Mixer Plug-In Overview Connecting the OutputsDescription and Use Of Controls Chapter 5 Surround Panner Plug-In Overview Panner Controls Chapter 6 LFE Send Plug-In Overview LFE Send Controls Chapter 7 Pro Logic™ || Movie Mode Monitoring Chapter 8 Automation Chapter 9 Troubleshooting Chapter 1Introduction Introduction Welcome To Mix 51 Mix 51 is a suite of 5.1 surround panning and mixing plug-ins for Pro Tools LE and M-Powered systems with six or more outputs such as Mbox 2 Pro, 002, 003, and M-Audio interfaces such as the Delta 1010 or FireWire 410 or for use with stereo output systems such as Mboxconnected to a 5.1 Pro Logic™ II decoding system. Unlimited Monoand Stereo Panner plug-ins can be placed on track inserts to pan, mix, and send to the Mix 51 Surround Mixer busses. The Mix 51 Surround Mixer plug-in provides 30 channels of outputs grouped as three, 5.1main busses and three, quad sendbusses so you can easily managedialog, music, FX, and quad reverbsend submixes. Both the Mix 51 Surround Panner and Surround Mixer feature fully automatablecontrols which can be migrated toPro Tools HD systems forcompatibility with world-class surround mix facilities. The Mix 51Surround Mixer Plug-in Features: • RTAS surround mixing to three 5.1 summing busses and threequad summing busses for a totalof 30 mix bus channels. • Automatable volume, mute, and solo controls for each main and send output bus. • Volume, mute, and solo automation compatible with ProTools HD systems version 7.2and later. • Output level metering. • Outputs conveniently appear as track “plug-in” inputs • Stereo LtRt Downmix output thatis compatible with 5.1 Pro Logic II home theater systems. The Mix 51 Surround Panner Plug-in Features: • Unlimited number of RTAS mono and stereo panners (limited by RTAS system usage). • RTAS 5.1 surround panning andmixing to one of three 5.1 mainbusses. • RTAS quad surround panningand mixing to one of three quadeffect send busses. • Volume, mute, solo, send level, output bus, and output send bus automation compatible with ProTools HD systems version 7.2and later. • Input and output level metering System Requirements To use Neyrinck Mix 51, you need the following system: • A Digidesign-qualified Pro Tools LE/M-Powered or HD systemrunning Pro Tools 7.0 or later. • Pro Tools LE/M-Powered I/Ointerface with six or more outputs such as 002, 003, or Mbox 2 Pro or a stereo interface connected to a 5.1 Pro Logic II decoding system. or a stereo interface connected to a 5.1 Pro Logic II decoding system. Important Latency Information Mix 51 uses the host CPU to performthe surround panning and mixing. It introduces latency that is equivalentto one buffer of audio based on the Pro Tools H/W Buffer Size. The latency in seconds can be calculated with the formula (BufferSize)/(Sample Rate). For example, if the Pro Tools H/W Buffer Size is setto 512, the latency is 512/48000 = 10.6 ms at 48 kHz sample rate. To set the H/W Buffer Size, open thePlayback Engine dialog and set the control labeled H/W Buffer Size. Important Pro Logic II MonitoringInformation Mix 51 provides a stereo LtRtdownmix that is compatible with 5.1Dolby Pro Logic II decoding systems. It is very important that the Pro Logic II decoder be set for Movie Mode. Chapter 2 Installation Installing Mix 51 Installers can be downloaded from the Neyrinck website(Installation steps are essentially thesame, regardless of the bundle, package, or system you purchase. Installation To install Mix 51: 1. If Pro Tools is running, Quit ProTools. 2. Locate and open (double-click) the plug-in installer. 3. Follow the instructions presentedby the installation software. 4. When installation is complete, click Quit. When you open Pro Tools, you willbe prompted to authorize your newplug-in. Authorizing Mix 51 Mix 51 requires an authorized iLok USB Key to be connected to your computer when using Pro Tools. The iLok authorization needs to be obtained online and downloaded onto your iLok USB Key. You willneed an iLok.com account to complete the process. If you do notyet have an ilok.com account, visitto set up an accountfor free. The iLok USB Smart Key is not suppliedwith your plug-in or software option. You canuse the one included with certain Pro Tools systems or purchase one separately. Removing Expired Plug- Ins If you let a de...
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