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Measurements . Specifications ©1994 SPL electronics GmbH OPTIMIZER Owner.s Manual: Operation, Applications, Measurements, Specifications Written by Paul White and Hermann Gier Manual version 1.1/94 The information in this document has been carefully checked and is assumed to be correct. However Sound Performance Laboratory (SPL electronics GmbH) reserves the right to modify the product described in this manual at any time. This document is the property of SPL electronics GmbH and may not be copied or reproduced in any manner, in part or full without the authorization of SPL electronics GmbH. Construction and circuit layout are subject to constant improvement and development. Changes will be made without notice. © 1994 SPL electronics GmbH All rights reserved C CCO OON NNT TTE EEN NNT TTS SS INTRODUCTION 4 INSTALLATION 7 CONNECTORS 7 OPERATING LEVEL 8 POWER SUPPLY 8 REAR PANEL 9 INPUT & OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS 9 APPLICATIONS 10 MASTERING WITH THE OPTIMIZER 10 OPTIMIZER USED IN THE INSERTS 11 CONTROLS 12 FRONT PANEL 12 DUAL 13 ACTIVE 13 MASTER-EQ 13 PEAK 13 BOOST/CUT (+/-) 14 BANDWIDTH Q 15 FREQUENCY & FREQUENCY RANGE 16 OUTPUT 18 NOTCH 19 PARAMETRIC, HIGHPASS, BANDPASS, LOWPASS 20 PHASE MEASUREMENTS 22 NOISE MEASUREMENTS 24 COMMON MODE REJECTION 25 LIMITED WARRANTY 26 OPTIMIZER I IIN NNT TTR RRO OOD DDU UUC CCT TTI IIO OON NN The OPTIMIZER is designed for both corrective and creative applications, producing effects impossible to achieve using conventional EQ. Yet it remains very simple to operate. Rather working out a theoretically ideal filter response on paper, we have taken a more creative tack, experimenting directly with perceived sound across a wide range of frequencies. The Optimizer provides a powerful, flexible and easyto- operate means of equali zing sound. The Optimizer produces a smooth and linear phase response giving unsurpassed musicality and sonic transparency The advantage of proportional-Q is that it produces a more musical result and fine tuning of the filters is much easier. Congratulations on purchasing the Optimizer, one of the most advanced and musical sounding parametric equalizer currently available. The Optimizer is a highly specialized and creative equalizer. In addition to familiar parametric functions, it features a range of modes that enable it to perform Band-pass, High- pass, Low-pass and Notch filtering. As you would expect from SPL - the company that developed the highly acclaimed Vitalizer psychoacoustic equalizer - the Optimizer is no ordinary equalizer. It excels in both corrective and creative applications and can produce many effects impossible to achieve using conventional parametric equalizers. Yet it remains very simple to operate. The design of the Optimizer has been based on proven psychoacoustic principles and particular regard has been taken to the way the human hearing system perceives sound, at all stages of development. Rather working out a theoretically ideal filter response on paper and trying to emulate it, we have taken a more creative tack, experimenting directly with perceived sound across a wide range of frequencies. The result of this creative work is an equalizer without equal, both technically and artistically. Not only does it provide a powerful, flexible and easy-to-operate means of equalizing sound, but it boasts a noise level approaching the theoretical minimum for advanced analogue circuit design and a dynamic range even better than 18-bit digital systems. The filter circuits are based on an advanced state-variable filter topography which employs the "proportional-Q" principle, active output stages for each filter-band and the new "roll-off"-function to produce a smooth and linear phase response giving the Optimizer unsurpassed musicality and sonic transparency. Rather than employing the standard "constant-Q" equalizer design commonly used in sound reinforcement and room equalizers, the Optimizer works on the proportional-Q principle. The advantage of proportional-Q is that it produces a more musical result and fine tuning of the filters is much easier. The signal level is dependent of the bandwidth setting -eliminating the need for constant level readjustment when OPTIMIZER changing the filter settings. When broadening the bandwidth, the boost or cut will be reduced proportionally, so that the subjectively perceived loudness remains constant. The proportional-Q principle operates according to the way our hearing system perceives sound. With constant-Q equalizers there is often only a limited range of useable settings. Sometimes this is so narrow, you may wonder why the Q-control was not permanently fixed at the point it sounds really good. Above that position it often starts to sound harsh and peaky, and below with the broad bandwidth, the sound is colored so you need to constantly re-set the boost/cut control. Not so with proportional Q. The Q-control provides useable settings over the entire range - giving you more versatility to be creative. T...