Производитель: Philips
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К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
6. Szabályozási információk
Lead-free Product
CE Declaration of Conformity
ead free display pro otes environ entally
This prod t is in onfor ity with the following
so nd re overy and disposal of
waste fro ele tri al and ele troni
e ip ent. To i s bstan es like ead
EN6 9
1 2 6 A11 2 9 A1 2
has been eli inated and o plian e
A12 2 11 (Safety re ire ent of
with E ropean o
nity s stringent
Infor ation Te hnology E ip ent).
oHs dire tive andating restri tions on
22 2 1 ( adio ist rban e
hazardo s s bstan es in ele tri al and ele troni
re ire ent of Infor ation Te hnology
e ip ent have been adhered to in order to
E ip ent).
ake Philips onitors safe to se thro gho t its
24 2 1 (I
nity re ire ent of
life y le.
Infor ation Te hnology E ip ent).
3 2 2 6 A1 2 9 A2 2 9
( i its for Har oni
rrent E ission).
3 3 2 8 ( i itation of Voltage
The EPEAT (Ele troni
Fl t ation and Fli ker) following provisions
Prod t Environ ental
of dire tives appli able.
Assess ent Tool) progra
2 6 9 E ( ow Voltage ire tive).
eval ates o p ter
2 4 1 8 E (EM ire tive).
desktops laptops and onitors based on 1
environ ental riteria developed thro gh
2 9 12 E (ErP ire tive E No.
an e tensive stakeholder onsens s pro ess
127 2 8 I ple enting ire tive
s pported by US EPA.
for Standby and Off ode power
ption) and is prod ed by a
EPEAT syste helps p r hasers in the p bli
an fa t ring organization on ISO9
and private se tors eval ate o pare and
sele t desktop o p ters notebooks and
The prod t also o ply with the following
onitors based on their environ ental
attrib tes. EPEAT also provides a lear and
onsistent set of perfor an e riteria for the
ISO9241 3 7 2 8 (Ergono i
design of prod ts and provides an opport nity
re ire ent Analysis and o plian e test
for an fa t rers to se re arket re ognition
ethods for ele troni vis al displays).
for efforts to red e the environ ental i pa t
EK1 2
2 11 (GS ark re ire ent).
of its prod ts.
prEN 279 1998 ( ow Fre en y Ele tri
Bene ts of EPEAT
and Magneti fields for Vis al isplay).
ed e se of pri ary aterials
MP II (MP 199 8 199 1 ow
ed e se of to i aterials
Fre en y Ele tri and Magneti fields).
T O E TIFIE ( e ire ent for
Avoid the disposal of hazardo s waste EPEAT S
Environ ent abeling of Ergono i s
re ire ent that all registered prod ts eet
Energy E ology and E ission T O Swedish
ENE GY STA s energy ef ien y spe i ations
onfederation of Professional E ployees)
eans that these prod ts will ons
e less
for T O versions.
energy thro gho t their life.