Фрагмент инструкции
PART NO NO DESCRIPTION REF NO PART NO DESCRIPTION REF N0. PART NO DESCRIPTION 95 94098 Screw (Throttle Valve) 97 493267 Throttle Shaft 104 «691242 Float Hinge Pin 117 494870 Main Jet 497315 Main Jet (High Altitude) (Used After Code Date S6060200) 496495 Main Jet -------Note-----I 498254 Carbureter 125 498170 497348 Main Jet (High Altitude) (Used Before Code Date 95103000) Carburetor (Used After Code Date 96060200) 127 • 130 591203 133 398137 134 «398188 137 »♦ 163*«*272653 276 365 94525 517 »«270344 708 «*691321 975 493640 497314 Carburetor (Used Before Coda Date 95103000) Welch Plug (Sold in Kit Only) Throttle Valve Carburetor Float Needle/Seat Kit Float Bowl Gasket (Sold in Kit Oniy) Air Cleaner Gasket Sealing Washer (Sold in Kit Only) Screw (Carburetor) O-Ring Seal (Intake Manifold) Seal-Dust (Throttle Shaft) Bowl- Float * Included in Gasket Set-See Ref. No. 358 • Included in Carburetor Kit-See Ref. No. 121 ♦ Included in Carburetor Gasket Set-See Ref 977. 0 Included in Valve Overhaul Gasket Set-See Ref. No 1095 23 ENGINE PARTS CRAFTSMAN 2400 PSI HIGH PRESSURE WASHER 919.679180 BRIGGS ENGINE MODEL #12F802-2017 REF. PART REF. PART REF PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO DESCRIPTION NO NO. DESCRIPTION 94 •493765 Idle Mixture Kit 125A 498965 Carburetor 217 262749 Choke Return Spring 95 94098 Screw (Throttle Valve) -------Note----- 690572 Choke Return 97 493267 Throttle Shaft Spring 98 398185 Idle Speed Kit 104 •691242 Float Hinge Pin 108 223471 Choke Valve 109 494218 Choke Shaft 109A 498593 Choke Shaft 276 365 •♦ 94525 Sealing Washer (Sold in Kit Only) Screw (Carburetor) 117A 498977 Main Jet 617 •♦270344 O-Ring Seal (Intake Manifold) 127 • Welch Plug (Sold m Kit Only) 708 •♦691321 Seal-Dust (Throttle Shaft) 130A 223470 Throttle Valve -------Note----- 133 398187 Carburetor Float •♦691321 Seal-Dust 134 •398188 Needle/Seal Kit (Choke Shaft) 137 • ♦ Float Bowl Gasket (Sold in Kit Only) 708A •♦693867 Seal-Dust Used on Type No(s) 163*«*272653 Air Cleaner Gasket 1910, 2001, 2017, 2403, 2404, 2407, 2581, 2682, 3116, 975 493640 Bowl-Float * Included in Gasket Set-See Ref. No. 358. ♦ Included in Carburetor Gasket Set-See Ref. 977 • Included in Carburetor Kit-See Ref No. 121. 0 Included in Valve Overhaul Gasket Set-See Ref. No. 1095 24 ENGINE PARTS CRAFTSMAN 2400 PSI HIGH PRESSURE WASHER 919.679180 BRIGGS ENGINE MODEL #12F802-2017 209 REF. NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION REF. NO. PART NO DESCRIPTION REF. NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION 209 691292 Spring-Governor 263044 Spring-Gov. Included in Gasket Set-See Ref. No. 358. Included in Carburetor Kit-See Ref. No. 121. ♦ Included in Carburetor Gasket Set-See Ref 977. 0 Included in Valve Overhaul Gasket Set-See Ref. No 1095 25 ENGINE PARTS CRAFTSMAN 2400 PSI HIGH PRESSURE WASHER 919.679180 BRIGGS ENGINE MODEL #12F802-2017 259 222 621 Use With Choke Type Carbutetor REF PART REF. PART REF. PART NO NO DESCRIPTION NO. NO- DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 78 691142 Screw 222B 692150 Control Bracket 668 *493823 Spacer (Control Cover) 259 691223 Bracket-Casing Clamp (Includes 2) 98A 493280 Idle Speed Kit 347 691396 Switch-Rocker 843 272616 Sleeve-Lever 188 94644 Screw 447 93801 Screw 843A 280149 Sleeve-Lever (Control Bracket) (Control Cover) 892 690646 Switch Key 202 262579 Mechanical Gov. Link 497 94874 Screw 940 94882 Screw 236 262461 Lockout Link (Stop Switch Bracket) (Casing Clamp 222 497203 Control Bracket 604 225103 Cover-Control Bracket) Used with Primer 604A 691344 Cover-Control 984 692872 Bracket-Stop Switch Type Carburetor 621 396847 Switch-Stop 990 392832 Key Set Included in Gasket Set-See Ref. No. 358. Included in Carburetor Kit-See Ref. No. 121. ♦ Included in Carburetor Gasket Set-See Ref 977 0 Included in Valve Overhaul Gasket Set-See Ref. No 10£ 604A 843A 188 843 222A 26 ENGINE PARTS CRAFTSMAN 2400 PSI HIGH PRESSURE WASHER 919.679180 BRIGGS ENGINE MODEL #12F802-2017 271 Va û y 269 , . .. 0 268 270 267 ß 265 267 ■2s 265A 334 REF PART REF. PART REF PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIr T ION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 265 213146 Clamp-Casing 270 63426 Nut . 621 396847 Switch-Stop 265A 221535 Clamp-Casing (Control Wire Casing) 745 94512 Screw 267 94882 Screw 271 290568 Lever-Contrcl 351 493880 Terminal-Cable (Casing Clamp) 333 802574 Armature-Magneto 910 94510 Stud-Stator Mounting 268 65616 Casing-Control Wire 334 94731 Screw 922 262640 Spring-Brake (72" Long, Cut to (Magneto Armature) 923 493442 Brake Required Length) 353 92791 Washer 935 499421 Switch-lnterlock -------Note----- 356 692390 Wire-StoD (Used After Code Date 691072 Casing-Con- 359 90576 Nut 92100600). trol Wire (Ground Terminal) -------Note----- (48" Long, Cut to 423 93758 Screw 398758 Switch- Required Length) (Interlock Switch) lnt...
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