Фрагмент инструкции
Never use engine or carburetor cleaner products in the fuel tank or permanent damage may occur. Never start pressure washer without water source turned on and connected to pressure washer. Failure to do so will cause pump damage. To Start Your Pressure Washer • Remove gas cap. • Add unleaded gasoline, slowly, to fuel tank. • Do not overfill. PUMP DISCHARGE PUMP INLET • Squeeze trigger on pressure washer wand to relieve air pressure caused by turning on the water. Water will spew out of the gun in a thin stream. This will make it easier to start the engine. • Engage the safety latch on the spray gun. This locks the trigger in place and keeps you from accidentally spraying a high pressure stream. SAFETY LATCH • On the engine there is a choke/run lever. Place lever to the choke position. • On the engine there is a throttle control lever. Place throttle to the rabbit position. Always start engine with throttle in the rabbit (high speed) position. CHOKE THROTTLE CONTROL (In Rabbit position) • Grasp the starter grip and pull slowly until resistance is felt, then pull firmly to start engine. NOTE: If engine does not start right away, squeeze the trigger on the gun to relieve air pressure caused by turning on the water. Water will spew out of the gun in a thin stream. This will make it easier to pull start the engine. If more than five pulls, place choke lever back to run position. • When engine starts, gradually move choke lever to RUN position. • For hot engine restarts, make sure throttle is in the rabbit (high speed) position and the choke lever is in the RUN position. • Grasp the starter grip and pull slowly until resistance is felt, then pull firmly to start engine. IMPORTANT: This unit is equipped with a thermal relief valve. If unit is allowed to run for several minutes without pressing the trigger on the spray gun, several drops of water may be released through this valve to cool the unit. This small amount of water will drip from the bottom of the pump. 9 - ENG D24150 How To Use Your Pressure Washer Adjusting Chemical Flow • Turn the knob on the high pressure soap wand to adjust the soap flow. Turn knob counterclockwise for more soap (+) and clockwise for less soap (-) Soap Knob + more soap -less soap Adjusting Fan Spray • The nozzle at the end of the high pressure soap • Start the pressure washer as outlined in the “To Start Your Pressure Washer” paragraph on page 9. Stand on a stable surface and grip gun/wand firmly with both hands. Expect the gun to kick when triggered. • Depress the trigger on the gun to begin spraying. Release trigger to stop spraying. DO NOT stop spraying water for more than two minutes at a time. Pump operates in bypass mode when spray gun trigger is not pressed. If pump is left in bypass mode for more than two minutes internal components of the pump can be damaged. • Adjust the fan spray and soap flow. See Adjusting Chemical Flow and Adjusting Fan Spray. 10 - ENGD24150 • Apply soap/chemicals to dry surface, starting from the bottom and working up. • Allow the soap/chemicals to soak in between 3-5 minutes before washing and rinsing. • When rinsing on high pressure, start at lower portion of area to be washed and work upward, using long, even, overlapping strokes. • After use of chemical, spray clean water through soap hose. wand can be rotated to change the high pressure spray pattern from a narrow jet to a 50O fan shape, as shown. Using Soaps/Chemicals IMPORTANT: Use soaps and chemicals that are designed specifically for use with pressure washers. To apply soaps/chemicals follow these steps: • Prepare the soap/chemical as required for your job. • Press one end of the clear soap hose (supplied) onto the barb fitting on the high pressure soap wand. • Place the other end of the soap hose into the container of pressure washer approved cleaning fluid. (soap/chemicals and container not included). Approved Cleaning Fluid Barb Fitting 5500.. ffaann sspprraayy nnaarrrrooww jjeett ssttrreeaamm Risk of injection or injury to person. DO NOT direct discharge stream toward persons. MAINTENANCE CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES TABLE MAINTENANCE TASK B BB e ee f ff o oo r rr e ee e ee a aa c cc h hh u uu s ss e ee E EE v vv e ee r rr y yy 2 22 5 55 h hh o oo u uu r rr s ss o oo r rr y yy e ee a aa r rr l ll y yy E EE v vv e ee r rr y yy 5 55 0 00 h hh o oo u uu r rr s ss o oo r rr y yy e ee a aa r rr l ll y yy E EE v vv e ee r rr y yy 1 11 0 00 0 00 h hh o oo u uu r rr s ss o oo r rr y yy e ee a aa r rr l ll y yy PRESSURE WASHER check/clean inlet screen X check high pressure hose X check soap and chemical hose and filter X check gun and wand for leaks X purge pump of air and contaminants X ENGINE check oil level X change oil X clean air cleaner and precleaner X clean/replace spark plug X clean engine muffler & finger guard X prepare for storage P PP r rr e ee p pp a aa r rr e ee u uu n nn i ii t tt f ff o oo r rr s ss t tt o oo r rr a aa g gg e ee i ii f ff i ii t tt i ii s ss t tt o oo r rr e ee m mm a...
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