Фрагмент инструкции
90638 - FZ UK 620 - 630 - 650 Lire ce manuel avant l’installation/utilisation du nettoyeur en faisant tres attention aux INSTRUCTIONS POUR LA SECURITE Read this manual through carefully before installing/using the cleaner, paying special attention to the SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Lesen Sie dieses Handbuch vor der Installation und dem Gebrauch des Hochdruckreinigers aufmerksam durch und achten Sie besonders auf die SICHERHEITSANWEISUNGEN Lees voor de installatie/het gebruik van de hogedrukreiniger deze handleiding goed door en in het bijzonder de VEILIGHEIDSVOORSCHRIFTEN FRENDEITESPTELNLFISVCSPLSLSKLTBGRUHUROTRHRETDA L.s denne vejledning inden installation og brug af hojtryksrenseren og v.r s.rligt opm.rksom pa SIKKERHEDSREGLERNE NO Les denne handboken for installasjon og bruk av hoytrykksspyleren og v.r spesielt oppmerksom pa SIKKERHETSREGLENE Lue tama kayttoopas ennen painepesurin asennusta/kayttoa. Kiinnita erityista huomiota TURVAOHJEISIIN Leggere questo manuale prima dell’installazione/uso dell’idropulitrice, prestando particolare attenzione alle ISTRUZIONI PER LA SICUREZZA Leer este manual antes de la instalacion/uso de la hidrolimpiadora, prestando particular atencion a las INSTRUCCIONES SOBRE SEGURIDAD Leia este manual antes de instalar/usar a lavadora a alta pressao, prestando muita atencao nas INSTRUCOES PARA A SEGURANCA ........ .. ..... .......... .... ... ... .........../..... ... ........... ......, .. ......... ....... .... ....... ... ... ........ Las igenom bruksanvisningen fore installation och anvandning av hogtryckstvatten. Lagg speciellt marke till SAKERHETSBESTAMMELSERNA Pred instalaci nebo pouzivanim tohoto cistice si peclive prectete tuto prirucku. Zvysenou pozornost venujte casti BEZPECNOSTNI POKYNY Przed przystapieniem do instalacji badz uzycia myjki nalezy dokladnie przeczytac niniejszy podrecznik, zwracajac szczegolna uwage na tresc czesci dotyczacej INSTRUKCJI BEZPIECZENSTWA Pozorno preberite ta navodila pred namestitvijo/uporabo cistilnika, pri cemer posebno pozornost namenite VARNOSTNIM NAVODILOM Pred instalaciou/pouzivanim cistica si pozorne precitajte tento navod a budte obzvlast opatrni pri citani BEZPECNOSTNYCH POKYNOV Pries sumontuodami ir naudodami irengini atidziai perskaitykite sia naudojimo instrukcija, ypatinga demesi atkreipdami i SAUGOS INSTRUKCIJAS Прочетете това ръководство внимателно, преди да инсталирате/използвате машината за почистване, като обърнете особено внимание на ИНСТРУКЦИИТЕ ЗА БЕЗОПАСНОСТ Прочитайте данное руководство перед установкой моечной машины, обращая особенное внимание на ИНСТРУКЦИИ ПО БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ A tisztitoberendezes uzembehelyezese/hasznalata elott olvassa at gondosan ezt a leirast, kulonos figyelmet szentelve a BIZTONSAGI ELOIRASOK cimu resznek Cititi acest manual in intregime cu atentie inainte de a instala/utiliza aparatul de curatat, acordand o atentie marita INSTRUCTIUNILOR DE SIGURANTA Hidro temizleyiciyi kurmadan/kullanmadan once, EMNIYET BILGILERI’NE ozellikle dikkat gostererek, isbu k.lavuzu okuyunuz Prije montiranja/koristenja cistaca pazljivo procitajte ovaj prirucnik i posebnu pozornost posvetite SIGURNOSNIM MJERAMA Pirms tirisanas ierices uzstadisanas/izmantosanas izlasiet so rokasgramatu, ipasi verigi lasiet DROSIBAS NOTEIKUMUS Lugege see kasutusjuhend enne survepesuri tookorda seadmist/kasutamist hoolega labi, poorates erilist tahelepanu OHUTUSNOUETELE UK Перед тим, як встановлювати/використовувати пристрій для миття, уважно прочитайте цей посібник, звертаючи особливу увагу на ІНСТРУКЦІЇ З БЕЗПЕКИ 1 E1 C1 A2 A3 A1 E3 B4 B1 D B2 B5 B3 B2 C2 2 CH 17 1 2 5 3 6 4 O13 3 4 H I D 2 1 D 2 I 1 G I O E psi 0 bar max I 5 Volt 230 3 x 1,5 mm2 3 x 2,5 mm2 1 . 25 m 25 . 50 m L P1 P2 6 S r n b a N C L1 3 M 1~ M EN 10 English 1 GENERAL INFORMATION (FIG.1) 1.1 Use of the manual This manual forms an integral part of the appliance and should be kept for future reference. Please read it carefully before installing/ using the unit. If the appliance is sold, the Seller must pass on this manual to the new owner along with the appliance. 1.2 Delivery The appliance is delivered partially assembled in a cardboard box. The supply package is illustrated in fig.1. 1.2.1 Documentation supplied with the appliance A1 Use and maintenance manual A2 Safety instructions A3 Declaration of conformity 1.3 Disposing of packaging The packaging materials are not environmental pollutants but must still be recycled or disposed of in compliance with the relevant legislation in the country of use. 1.4 Safety signs Comply with the instructions provided by the safety signs fitted to the appliance. Check that they are present and legible; otherwise, fit replacements in the original positions. E1 sign – Indicates that the appliance must not be disposed of as municipal waste; it may be handed in to the dealer on purchase of a new appliance. The appliance's electrical and electronic parts must not be reused for improper uses since they contain substances which constitute health haza...
Эта инструкция также подходит к моделям:Моечное оборудование - BLUE CLEAN 650 (765.74 kb)
Моечное оборудование - BLUE CLEAN 630 (765.74 kb)