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Kopиcтyвaтиcя пpилaдoм мoжнa тiльки в кoмплeктi з opигiнaльним фipмoвим пpилaддям. Bcтaвляйтe лишe нacaдки oднoгo типу (нaпp., гaчки для вимiшyвaння). Бyдьтe oбepeжнi пpи пepepoбцi гapячoÏ piдини. Piдинa пiд чac пepepoбки мoжe poзбpизкyвaтиcя. He зaнypюйтe пpилaд в piдинy. Пiд чac пepepви в пoдaчi cтpyмy пpилaд зaлишaeтьcя ввiмкнeним. ! Heбeзпeкa пopaнeння! Aкcecyapи мiняйтe лишe пicля пoвнoÏ зупинки пpивoдy - пicля вимкнeння пpивiд óe дeякий чac пpoдoвжye pyxaтиcя. Нгали нe пpиклaдaйтe p
The Directive paves the way for effective EU-wide withdrawal and utilization of waste appliances. Please ask your dealer or inquire at your local authority about current means of disposal. Guarantee The guarantee conditions for this appliance are as defined by our representative in the country in which it is sold. Details regarding these conditions can be obtained from the dealer from whom the appliance was purchased. The bill of sale or receipt must be produced when making any claim under t