Convert fractions of a pound to ounces for COOK BY WEIGHT feature by using chart below. FRACTION OF A POUND OUNCES Less than .03 0 .03 to .09 1 .10 to .15 2 .16 to .21 3 .22 to .27 4 .28 to .34 5 .35 to .40 6 .41 to .46 7 .47 to .53 8 .54 to .59 9 .55 to .65 10 .66 to .71 11 .72 to .78 12 .79 to .84 13 .85 to .90 14 .91 to .97 15 Above.97 Go to next even 6. Setting “defrost by weight” Set DEFROST BY WEIGHT for any weight up to 6 pounds. Because it is a more gentle defrost setting than “Speed Def