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Инструкция по эксплуатации Panasonic, модель EP574

Производитель: Panasonic
Размер: 1.33 mb
Название файла: EP574.pdf

Язык инструкции:enesfr

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have never had a massage, we suggest you start in the manual mode ■ If you wish to select the programmed massage, move the slide cover to lower position completely ■ If you wish to select the manual massage, move the slide cover tu upper position completely (See NOTE) NOTE Be sure to checM position of slide caver For manual operation, slide cover must depress the sensor pin located at upper left uf the slide track Automatic timer Гог massage lounger ■ To prevent excessive massaging there is a built-in timer which after approx 15 minutes of operation will automatically turn the massage heads to the "restore” position and stop their motion ■ Turning on the operation switch while the massage heads are moving to the restore position will reset the time for another 15 minutes (approximately) ■ If the programmed massage button is pushed, the unit will stop after finishing the program 9 PROGRAMMED MASSAGE First familiarize yourself with the safety precautions (HOW TO PRESET THE MASSAGE HEAD POSITION) 1 Turn on the operation button and move the slide cover to lower position completely 2 Set the massage heads adjustment switch to "7” position Then adjust the massage heads to your shoulders while moving the adjustment switch 3 You can adjust the massage heads position while massaging NOTE When you find your favorite position, memorize the number which is printed near the switch • Massage will operate automatically for apporoximately 12 minutes after pushing the button NOTE Check to be sure the course indicator lamp is lit • If you do not press the button, the programmed massage course will start automatically after 40 secondes • If you do not have enough time to enjoy a full programmed massage press the "short program” button The massage will operate for approximately 5 minutes The indicator light will remain on for the duration of the massage • If you wish to stop the short massage course, push "short program” button again Then the programmed massage course will start 10 PROGRAMMED MASSAGE REGULAR PROGRAMMED COURSE - approx 12 min SHORT PROGRAMMED COURSE - approx 5 min l(SHORT PROGRAMMED COURSE consists of: © © © © (7) ®) Rulllng llauaga Kneading & Rolling Umlage Nnaadlng Mgiugo Knadlng & Rolling Uais/ Km*lliig Uaaiige yî7DD'ÎÏ' r1 Эта инструкция также подходит к моделям:
Мебель - EP574 (1.33 mb)

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