Фрагмент инструкции
4Pressthebuttononthecontrolpaneltwice. Pressonce,andthenpressagainapprox.1secondlater. Thebackrestwillrisetotheuprightpositionautomatically. • 16.Placingthecontrolpanelintothecontrolpanelstand1Fitthegrooveonthesideofthecontrolpaneltotheprojectionontheinsideoftheholder. Putthecontrolpanelcordontheoutersideofthearmrestbeforeuse. • ProjectionontheinsideoftheholderLiftthecontrolpaneltoremove. English BEFORESITTINGDOWN Check the following before using the unit 1.Checkthesurroundingarea Make sure there are no objects, people, or pets in the vicinity of the unit. 2.CheckthepowercordandthepowerplugSeeWarningNo.8onpage1.3.Besuretopushtheconnectorallthewayintotheapplianceinlet4.Switchingonthepowersupply1Insertthepowerplugintoanelectricaloutlet. 2Turnthelockswitchkeytothe“open” position. 3Slidethepowerswitchtothe“on” position. 123 5.Checktheunit 3 1 Make sure the covering is free of rips or tears. 2 Make sure there are no obstacles between the parts of the unit. 3 Make sure the massage heads are in the retracted position, i.e. they are parked to the left and right in the upper part of the backrest. If not retracted, press twice to return the massage heads to the 4 retracted position. 4 Make sure the legrest is lowered. • Do not sit on the legrest when it is raised. Doing so may cause it to collapse down or bend the legrest. The legrest is not meant to support full body weight. See Caution No. 3, 8 and 13 on page 2 and No. 14 on page 3. 1 6.Flippingupthepillow Whenyouflipupthepillow,youcanfirmlymassageyourneckandshoulders. 7.Adjustingtherecliningangle1Pressthebuttononthecontrolpaneltoturnonthepower. 2Pressandtoadjusttheangleofthebackrestandlegrest. • With either button held down, movement will continue until a “beep-beep-beep” sound indicates the legrest or backrest has been raised or lowered as far as possible. • Thelegrestwillstarttomoveshortlyafterthebackrest. Approx.85. Approx.0. Approx.115. Approx.160. *The reclining operation is a function that adjusts the angle of the backrest and legrest. Avoid using it for any other purposes, such as continuous up/down operation etc. If the power switch is set to “off” or the power plug is disconnected from the electrical outlet with the massage heads not in the retracted position, the massage heads may automatically return to the retracted position when is pressed next time you use the unit. A display shown to the right may appear, but this is not a malfunction. You will be able to use the unit normally after the massage heads stop moving. English 17 English SELECTING A MENU AND STARTING THE MASSAGE The illumination will light up and sound will start when you sit down. To stop the sound, press the button 1. is lit on the display. To stop the illumination, press the button 2. Color of the illumination will change according to the operation. If the illumination does not light up and sound does not start after sitting down, sit back deeply in the chair. • • • • . . After 15 minutes of use, we recommend that you take a 10 minute break. Use the unit up to twice per day, for a total of 30 minutes. See Caution No. 5 on page 2. 1 Press the button to turn on the power. The power will turn off automatically if the massage does not start within 3 minutes after turning on the power. 2 1 2 Select the auto program you want. Please press one of the flashing buttons. If you press another auto program selection button or a manual operation button during your selected auto program massage, the massage will switch to the newly selected massage. In auto programs, the leg/foot massage begins at the same time. It is possible to stop or change the intensity of the leg/foot massage during the program. (See page 19.) Pressing an auto program selection button automatically moves the backrest and legrest into massage position. 3 Sit as far back in the seat as possible with your head on the pillow. • • • • • • • English 4AdjustingshoulderpositionThemassageheadswillmovetotheshoulderareawhiletapping. Fineadjustthepositionofthemassageheadstothepositionofyourshoulderswhenyouhearbeepsandstartsflashing. (Theprogramwillstartafterapproximately15seconds.) Theshoulderpositioncanbechangedduringtheautoprogrammassage.
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