К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
Using MSITM Live VGA BIOSTM Update
Getting Started
RX850XT Platinum-VT2D256E
Please che ck out the following ite ms to make sure that you get the complete product:
RX850XT -VT2D256E
This service enables you to update the latest VGA BIOS for yo ur VGA card.
VGA car d
RX850PRO -VT2D256E
1. To update your VGA BIOS, click Live VGA BIOS TM item on the left column of the main
- Drivers and documentation on CD
Fan Connector
- Applications on CD
2. If your VGA card does not support the Live VGA BIOS
function, you will receive a
Power Connector
Consult your dealer imme diately if anything is missing or damaged.
warning message on the screen.
ATI Radeon X850 series
3. If your VGA card do support the Live VGA BIOS
function, please pay attention to the
message shown on the screen telling you t hat in what circumstance flashing BIOS
may fail to reboot.
256MB DDR3 memory
System Requirements
4. Click Yes if you would like to try it at your own risk or No to return to the main page
TV_Out / Video_In
To install the VGA card, your computer system n eeds to meet the following
with eve rything unchanged.
requirem ents:
Connector (S & C)
HDTV Intergrated
Intel Pentiu mR 4/III/II/Celeron TM, AMDR K6/Athlon R or co mpatible with PCI Express slot
5. If you click Yes to continue, it will check the information and BIOS version of your
128MB of system memo ry
VGA car d, and list them in a table.
Installation softwa re requires CD-ROM drive
PCI Express interface
6. Click the grap h button at the bottom to connect the MSI
Live Update 3
DVD playback requires DVD drive
Intera ctive Program guide requires Internet connection for listing updates
DVI-I ports
7. Th e MSI
will automatically connect the Internet and search the
Remo te con trol receiver requir es available USB port
supported BIOS in the database of MSI .
500MHZ minimum proce ssor speed for MPEG-2 video capture
Operation System Supp ort: Windows XP / 2000
8. If it has found one (or several) supported BIOS for your VGA card, click the
InstallShield Wizard button on the right side of the table to have the new BIOS
Power supply of 3 50 (an d up) watt is highly recommended for system stability.
downloaded and updated autom atically.
Fan Connector
9. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the updating procedure.
ATI Radeon X850 series
Card Features For reference only
Power Connector
* Support for MicrosoftRDirectXR9.0 programmable vertex and pixel shaders in hardware
256MB DDR3 memory or
Macrovisi on Co rporation Pr oduct Notic e
* DirectX 9.0 Vertex Shaders
128MB DDR3 memory
- Vertex programs up to 65,280 instructions with flow control
This produ ct inco rporates copyright protection te chnology th at is pr otecte d by method claims of
certain U.S. pate nts an d othe r intellectual property rights owned by Macrovision Corpo ration and
- Single cycle trigonometric opera tions ( SIN & COS)
othe r right owners. Use of this copyr ight protection technolog y must be authorized by Macrovision
TV_Out / Video_In
* DirectX Extended 9.0 Pixel Shaders
Corp oration, and is inte nded for home and other limited viewing uses only unless otherwise
Connector (S & C) or
- Up to 1,536 instructions and 16 texture s per rendering pass
auth orized by Ma crovision Co rporat ion. Reverse engin eering or dis assem bly is prohibited.
TV_Out Connector (S)
- 32 temporary and constant registers
HDTV Intergrated
- F acing register for two-sided lighting
* All trademarks used in this manual are the sole property of their respective owners.
- 128-bit, 64-bit & 32-bit per pixel floating point color formats
PCI Express interface
- Multiple Render Target (MRT) support
VGA is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
PentiumR is a registered trademark of IntelR Corporation.
* Com plete f eature set also supported in Op enGL via extensions
DVI-I port
WindowsR is a registered trademark of MicrosoftR Corporation.
* 2x/4x/6x Anti-Aliasing modes & 2x/4x/8x/1 6x Ani sotropic Filtering modes
* High quality 4:1 Normal Map Compression
D-sub port
* Works with any two-channel data format
* 3-level Hierarchical Z-Buffer with Eany Z Test
* Lossless Z-Buffer Compression (up to 48:1)
Note: The VGA card shown here
* Fast Z-Buffer Cle ar and Z Cache optimized for real-time shad ow rendering
may vary from the actual card.
ATI Radeon
X850 series inside!!!
* Optimized for performance at high display resolutions, includ ing widescreen HDTV
For further information, please
TEL. 886-2-32345599
visit MSI website at
FAX. 886-2-32345488
PCI Express Interface
January 2005