К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
System Time [11:10:19]
Use [ENTER], [TAB]
System Date [Thu 03/27/2003]
or [SHIFT-TAB] to
Legacy Diskette A [1.44M, 3.5 in]
select a field.
Language [English]
Use [+] or [-] to
Primary IDE Master :[ST320413A]
configure system time.
Primary IDE Slave :[ASUS CD-S340]
Secondary IDE Master :[Not Detected]
Secondary IDE Slave :[Not Detected]
Third IDE Master :[Not Detected]
Fourth IDE Master :[Not Detected]
IDE Configuration
Select Screen
Select Item
System Information
+- Change Field
Tab Select Field
F1 General Help
F10 Save and Exit
ESC Exit
Advanced Chipset settings
WARNING: Setting wrong values in the sections below
may cause system to malfunction.
Configure DRAM Timing by SPD [Enabled]
Memory Acceleration Mode
DRAM Idle Timer [Auto]
DRAm Refresh Rate [Auto]
Graphic Adapter Priority [AGP/PCI]
Graphics Aperture Size [ 64 MB]
Spread Spectrum [Enabled]
Select Screen
Select Item
ICH Delayed Transaction [Enabled]
+- Change Option
F1 General Help
MPS Revision [1.4]
F10 Save and Exit
ESC Exit