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• Supports 2xCOM (16550), 1xLPT (EPP / ECP), 1x Floppy port. • Supports 2xUSB ports, 1xPS/2 Mouse & 1xPS/2 Keyboard. • Licensed AWARD BIOS, 2M bits FLASH RAM. • Support Dual BIOS. • Support Suspend To RAM Function. • Support CPU Over Voltage Protect. 1-1 Introduction • 30.5 cm x 19 cm ATX SIZE form factor, 4 layers PCB. 1-2 BX2000 1.3. PERFORMANCE LIST The following performance data list is the testing results of some popular benchmark testing programs. These data are just referred by users, and there is no responsibility for different testing data values gotten by users. (Different Hardware & Software configuration will result in different benchmark testing results.) · CPU Pentiuma II / III processor · DRAM (32 x 2) MB SDRAM (MICRON MT 48LC2M8A1 -8) · CACHE SIZE 512 KB included in CPU · DISPLAY GA-630 AGP Display Card (4MB SGRAM) · STORAGE Onboard IDE (Seagate ST34520A) · O.S. Windows NT™4.0 (Service Pack 4) · DRIVER Display Driver at 1024 x 768 x 16bit colors x 75Hz. TRIONES Bus Master IDE Driver 3.60 Processor Intel Pentiuma II / III 350MHz(100x3.5) 500MHz(100x5) Winbench99 CPU mark32FPU WinmarkBusiness Disk Hi-End Disk Business Graphics Hi-End Graphics 906 1800 4260 10400 169 292 1260 2550 4440 10600 227 403 Winstone99 Business Hi-End 27.4 24.9 33 30.8 1-3 Introduction 14.318MHz 1.4. BLOCK DIAGRAM 3.3V SDRAM DIMM Sockets 33 MHz 33MHz Ultra DMA/33 IDE Ports IDE Bus PCI Bus ISA Bus AGP Bus LPT Port Keyboard Floppy Port COM Ports PS/2 Mouse USB Bus 14.318MHz 48MHz 14.318MHz I/O CHIPSET ITE 8671 AGP Host Bus INTEL 82443BX 9279-01 CHIPSET CHIPSET ICS 9248-55 / SLOT 1 66 / 100 MHz PIIX4 82371EB 66MHz 66 / 100 MHz 33 MHz 66 / 100 MHz 24MHz 1-4 BX2000 1.5. INTRODUCE THE Pentiuma II / III Processors Figure 1: Universal Retention Mechanism & attach Mount Figure 2:OEM Pentiuma II Processor 1-5 Introduction Figure 3: OEM Pentiuma III Processor 1.6 What is AGP? The Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) is a new port on the Host-To-PCI bridge device that supports an AGP port. The main purpose of the AGP port is to provide fast access to system memory. The AGP port can be used either as fast PCI port (32-bits at 66MHz vs.32Bits at 33MHz) or as an AGP port which supports 2x data-rate, a read queue, and side band addressing. When the 2x-data rate is used the port can transmit data at 533MB/sec (66.6*2*4). The read-queue can be used to pipeline reads – removing the effects of the reads-latency. Side band addressing can be used to transmit the data address on a separate line in order to speed up the transaction. 1-6 Specification 2. SPECIFICATION 2.1. HARDWARE · CPU · PROTECTION · SPEED · DRAM MEMORY · CACHE MEMORY · I/O BUS SLOTS · IDE PORTS -Pentiuma II/III/Celeron processor 233 – 650 MHz. -242 pins 66 / 100MHz slot1 on board. -Supports CPU Over Voltage Protect. -Speaker Alarm when detect "CPU FAN Failure" or “ CPU Overheat” . -Automatically slow down CPU speed when "CPU Overheat". -Intel LDCMa supported. -H/W monitor power status (±5V, ±12V, VGTL,5VSB, CPU voltage & CMOS battery voltage).(Optional) -66/100 MHz system speed. -66 MHz AGP bus speed. (2X mode 133MHz) -33 MHz PCI-Bus speed. -8 MHz AT bus speed. - 4 banks 168 pins DIMM module sockets on board. -Use 8 / 16 / 32 / 64 / 128 / 256 MB DIMM module DRAM. -8 ~ 1GB SDRAM. -Supports 3.3V SDRAM. -Supports ECC or Non-ECC type DRAM. -Supports Suspend To RAM Function. -32 KB L1 cache memory included in CPU. -128KB / 512 KB L2 cache memory included in CPU. -Supports DIB speed mode for L2 Cache. -5 33MHz Master / Slave PCI-BUS. -2 8MHz 16 bits ISA BUS. -1 66MHz / 133MHz AGP bus. -2 Ultra DMA/33 Bus Master IDE channels onboard. (Using IRQ14,15) 2-1 BX2000 · I/O PORTS · GREEN FUNCTION · BIOS · DIMENSION 2.2. SOFTWARE · DRIVER · BIOS · O.S. 2.3. ENVIRONMENT · Ambient Temp. · Relative Hum. · Altitude · Vibration · Electricity - Support Mode 3,4 IDE & ATAPI CD – ROM. -Supports 2 16550 COM ports. -Supports 1 EPP/ECP LPT port. -Supports 1 Floppy port. -Supports 2 USB ports. -Supports PS/2 Mouse & PS/2 Keyboard. -Suspend mode support. -Green switch & ACPI LED support. -IDE & Display power down support. -Monitor all IRQ / DMA / Display / I/O events. -2M bits FLASH RAM. -Support Dual BIOS. - Supports Plug & Play, DMI , ACPI Function. -ATX Form Factor, 4 layers PCB. -INTEL Bus Master IDE Driver. -Suspend to HD utility. -INTEL LDCM®. -Licensed AWARD BIOS. -AT CMOS Setup, BIOS / Chipset Setup, Green Setup, Hard Disk Utility included. -Operation with MS-DOSa, Windowsa95, Windowsa98, WINDOWS NT™, OS/2, NOVELL and SCO UNIX. -0°C to +50°C (Operating). -0 to +85% (Operating). -0 to 10,000 feet (Operating). -0 to 1,000 Hz. -4.9 V to 5.2 V. (Max. 20A current at 5V.) 2-2 Hardware Installation 3. HARDWARE INSTALLATION 3.1. UNPACKING The main board package should contain the following: · The BX2000 main board. · The Universal Retention Mechanism & Attach Mount · USER’ S MANUAL for main board. · Cable set for IDE, Floppy devices. · Diskette or CD for main board Utility. The main board contains sensitive...