Инструкция по эксплуатации Gigabyte, модель GA-6RX-1
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WARNING: If you wish to include your current bootable drive using the Windows NT 4.x or Windows 2000 operating system as part of a bootable Mirrored (RAID 1) array on your system, do NOT connect the hard drive to the motherboard controller yet. You MUST install the Windows NT4 or 2000 driver software first (see Raid Manual of the TUCD) to this drive while it is still attached to your existing hard drive controller. For all other Operating Systems, proceed here. Follow these steps: 1. Using the Spacebar, choose “Security” under the Optimize Array for section. 2. Press keys to Save your selection. The window below will appear. Do you want the disk image to be duplicated to another? (Yes/No) Y - Create and Duplicate N - Create Only 3. Press “Y” for the Create and Duplicate option. The window below will appear asking you to select the Source drive to use. FastBuild will copy all data from the Source drive to the Target drive. Source Disk Channel:ID Drive Model Capacity (MB) Target Disk Channel:ID Drive Model Capacity (MB) [Please Select A Source Disk] Channel:ID Drive Model Capacity (MB) 1 :Master QUANTUMCR8.4A 8063 2 :Master QUANTUMCR8.4A 8063 [^] Up [v] [ESC] Exit [Ctrl-Y] Save 68 6RX Series Motherboard 4. Use the arrow keys to choose which drive contains the existing data to be copied. 5. Press [Ctrl-Y] keys to Save selection and start duplication. The following progress screen will appear. Start to duplicate the image . . . Do you want to continue? (Yes/No) Y – Continue N - Abort 6. Select “Y” to continue. If you choose “N” , you will be returned to step 1. 7. Once complete, the following screen will appear confirming that your Security array has been created. Press any key to reboot the system Array has been created. 8. Proceed to the Installing Driver chapter (see Raid Manual of the TUCD) to install the Raid driver and/or operating system. 69 Raid Introduction Using FastBuild™ Configuration Utility The FastBuildTM Configuration Utility offers several menu choices to create and manage the drive array on the motherboard. For purposes of this manual, it is assumed you have already created an array in the previous chapter and now wish to make a change to the array or view other options. Viewing BIOS Screen When you boot your system with the Raid function and drives installed, the FastBuild BIOS will detect the drives attached and show the following screen. FastTrak100 (tm)”Lite” BIOS Version 1.xx (Build xx) (c) 1995-2000 Promise Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Scanning IDE drives . . . . . If an array exists already, the BIOS will display the following screen showing the board RAID BIOS version and status of the array. FastTrak100 (tm) “Lite”BIOS Version 1.xx (Build xxxx) (c) 1995-2000 Promise Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ID MODE SIZE TRACK-MAPPING STATUS 1 * 1*2 Mirror 16126M 611/128/32 Functional Press to enter FastBuild (tm) Utility.... The array status consists of three possible conditions: Functional, Critical, Offline. Functional - The array is operational. Critical - A mirrored array contains a drive that has failed or disconnected. The remaining drive member in the array is functional. However, the array has temporarily lost its ability to provide fault tolerance. The user should identify the failed drive through the FastBuild. Setup utility, and then replace the problem drive. Offline - A striped array has 1 drive that has failed or been disconnected. When the array condition is “offline,” the user must replace the failed drive(s), then restore data from a backup source. 70 6RX Series Motherboard Navigating the FastBuild™ Setup Menu When using the menus, these are some of the basic navigation tips: Arrow keys highlights through choices; [Space] bar key allows to cycle through options; [Enter] key selects an option; [ESC] key is used to abort or exit the current menu. Using the Main Menu This is the first option screen when entering the FastBuildTM Setup. FastBuild (tm) Utility 1.xx (c) 1995-2000 Promise Technology, Inc. [ Main Menu ] Auto Setup .......................................................[ 1 ] View Drive Assignments...................................[ 2 ] View Array .......................................................[ 3 ] Delete Array .....................................................[ 4 ] Rebuild Array ...................................................[ 5 ] Controller Configuration ...................................[ 6 ] [ Keys Available ] Press 1...6 to Select Option [ESC] Exit To create a new array automatically, follow the steps under “Creating Arrays Automatically” on page 72. Promise recommends this option for most users. To view drives assigned to arrays, see “Viewing Drive Assignments” on page 74. To delete an array (but not delete the data contained on the array), select “Deleting An Array” on page 81. To rebuild a mirrored array, see “Rebuilding an Array” on page 83. To view controller settings, see “Viewing Cont...