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Инструкция по эксплуатации Gigabyte, модель GA-8TRS300M

Производитель: Gigabyte
Размер: 3.43 mb
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Язык инструкции:en

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Continue with the BIOS/ softwar e in stallation. GA-8TRS300M Motherboard -10 Step 1: Install the Central Processing Unit (CPU) Before installing the processor, adhere to the following warning: If you do not match the CPU socket Pin 1 and CPU cut edge well, it will cause improper installation. Please change the insert orientation. Please make sure the CPU type is supported by the motherboard. Step 1-1: CPU Installation Angling the rod to 650 Socket Actuation Lever 1. Angling the rod to 65-degree maybe feel a 2. Pullthe rod to the 90-degree directly. kind of tight , and then continue pullthe rod to 90-degree when a noise "cough" made. Pin1 indicator 3. CPU Top View Pin1 indicator 4.Locate Pin 1 in the socket and look for a (golden) cut edge on the CPU upper corner. Then insert the CPU into the socket. English -11 -Hardware Installation Process EnglishEnglish Step 1-2 : CPU Cooling Fan Installation Before installing the CPU cool fan , adhere to the following warning: 1. Please use Intel approved cooling fan. 2. We recommend you to apply the thermal tape to provide better heat conduction between your CPU and cooling fan. (The CPU cooling fan might stick to the CPU due to the hardening of the thermal paste. During this condition if you try to remove the cooling fan, you might pull the processor out of the CPU socket alone with the cooling fan, and might damage the processor. To avoid this from happening, we suggest you to either use thermal tape instead of thermal paste, or remove the cooling fan with extremecaution.) 3. Make sure the CPU fan power cable is plugged in to the CPU fan connector, this completes the installation. Please refer to CPU cooling fan user's manual for more detail installation procedure. 1. Fasten the cooling fan supporting-base onto the CPU socket on the mainboard. 2.Make sure the CPU fan is plugged to the CPU fan connec tor, than install complete. GA-8TRS300M Motherboard -12 Step 2: Install memory modules Before installing the processor and heatsink, adhere to the following warning: When DIMM_LED is ON, do not install/remove DIMM from socket. Please note that the DIMM module can only fit in one direction due to the one notches. Wrong orientation will cause improper installation. Please change the insert orientation. The m otherboa rd has 4 dual inline mem ory module (DIMM) sockets . The BIOS will automatically dete cts me mory type and size. To ins tall the memo ry mod ule, just pus h it vertically into the DIMM sock et. The DIMM m odule c an only fit in one direction due to the no tch. Me mory size can vary between sockets. Notch DDR GA-8TR S300M suppor ts the Dual Channel Tec hnology. After operatin g the Dual C hannel Techn ology, the band width of M em or y Bus will add double up to 6.4GB/s. GA-8TR S300M includes 4 DIM M sockets, and each Channel has two DIMM sockets as following: Channel A : DIM M 1, DIM M 2 Channel B : DIM M 3, DIM M 4 If yo u want to operate the Dual C hannel Te chnology, please no te the fo llowing ex planation s due to the limitation of ATi chips et specifica tions. 1. Only one DDR m em ory m odule is installed: The Dual Channel Technology can't operate when only one DDR m em ory m odule is installed. English -13 -Hardware Installation Process English English 2. Two DDR m em ory m odules are installed (the sam e m em ory size and type): The Dual Channel Technology will operate when two m e m ory m odules are inserted in dividually into Channel A a nd B. If you install two m em ory m odules in the sam e channel, the D ual Channel Techn ology will not ope rate. 3. Three DDR m em ory m odules are installed: If you install four m em ory m odules at the sam e tim e, the D ual Channel Technolog y will operate only when those m odules ha ve the sam e m em ory size and type. 4. Four DDR m em ory m odules are installed: If you install four m em ory m odules at the sam e tim e, the D ual Channel Technolog y will operate only when those m odules ha ve the sam e m em ory size and type. We 'll str ong ly rec omm end our us er to s lot tw o D DR memo ry mod ule s in to the DIMMs with the same c olor in ord er for Dual Channel Te chnology to work. The following tab les inc lude all memo ry-installed c ombina tion types: (Please note that those types not in the tables w ill not boot up.) • Figure 1: Du al Channel Technology (DS: Double Side, SS: Single Side) DIM M 1 DIM M 2 DIM M 3 DIM M 4 2 me mo ry mo d ule s DS/SS X DS/SS X DS/SS X X DS/SS X DS/SS X DS/SS X DS/SS DS/SS X 3 me mo ry mo d ule s DS/SS DS/SS DS/SS X DS/SS DS/SS X DS/SS DS/SS X DS/SS DS/SS X DS/SS DS/SS DS/SS 4 me mo ry mo d ule s DS/SS DS/SS DS/SS DS/SS • Figure 2: D on't operate Dual Ch annel Technology (DS : Double Side, SS: S ingle Side) DIM M 1 DIM M 2 DIM M 3 DIM M 4 1 me mo ry mo d ule DS/SS X X X X DS/SS X X X X DS/SS X X X X DS/SS 2 me mo ry mo d ule s DS/SS DS/SS X X X X DS/SS DS/SS GA-8TRS300M Motherboard -14 1. The DIMM slot has a notch, so the DIM M m emory m odule can only fit in one direction. 2. I...

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