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Инструкция по эксплуатации Gigabyte, модель GA-G33-DS3R

Производитель: Gigabyte
Размер: 6.96 mb
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таяШй,#.* ° (six) я# SATA Üit*iS:4) AHCI Ä RAID f $f ° (tü) étfïSk ¥\ laiKjPRfJ ’ Intel ICH9R RAID itii. Windows 2000 ft %%ifc - 73 - №Ht № -9- gl afc B. £ BIOS SATA /S *• il sí tä -it BIOS Ä*#£t SATA Äfj 1 # ii^^^SLst MiMItf&'fk • BIOSPOST aij- ’ #TiÉÍ£ "Tife^v BIOS Setup ±tfi ■ 8s iâit^v rIntegrated Peripheralsj > ¡¡f rSATA RAID/AHCI Modej irRAIDj (-feam 1) : RAID • r Disa bled j ¡$,rAHCIj(í| Disabled) - :« bios A,*p #•/*««.# BIOS IS] ’ NOTI /v^iLÄfeS. BIOS ^ » GA-G33-DS3R iL^fe - 74 - C. it^RAID BIOS - ISl^RAID«^, SATA ■ 4j|i|A RAID BIOS í£;£ SATA RAID JUt RAID -raitiM;#® ° & BIOS POST f $ Sfc ’ li"iij JÆ4p КT W t fi(4р И 2) ’ sf# + f*it/vlCH9R RAID BIOS ° Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager option ROM v7.5.0.1014 ICH9R wRAID5 Copvrifiht(C) 2003-07 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reversed. RAID Volumes : None defined. Physical Disks : Port Drive Model Serial # Size Type/Status(Vol ID) 0 ST3120026AS 3JT354CP 111.7GB Non-RAID Disk 1 ST3120026AS 3JT329JX 111.7GB Non-RAID Disk Press 53EH9to enter Configuration Utility.. И 2 3 ICH9R RAID ifcgijii® ° (4пД 3) (Create RAID Volume) -¡t Create RAID Volume igil#Tit$.ii'(1= RAID t&qfe Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager option ROM v7.5.0.1014 ICH9R wRAID5 Copyright(C) 2003-07 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reversed. Г MAIN MENU 1 3. Reset Disks to Non-RAID 2. Delete RAID Volume RAID Volumes : None defined. Physical Disks : Port Drive Model 0 ST3120026AS 1 ST3120026AS Г* •H-Select = Г DISK/VOLUME INFORMATION 1 Serial # 3JT354CP 3JT329JX Size Type/Status(Vol ID) 111.7GB Non-RAID Disk 111.7GB Non-RAID Disk rENTERl-Select Menu 76 - 3 >4 -9- it Tv CREATE VOLUME MENU fi • Name â Пг&Щ Щ-Ц ■ ¡Mí^éO-S ígf; >^£16 «í#ía^tÉt#*í Æ ° tt£#íá > #*í* • RAID «^(RAID Level) (^1 4) ° RAID M j<(RAID Level)^^ # : RAIDO - RAID 1 - RAID 10 Д. RAID 5 • ^s8#tt RAID ' «##**# W «I* P+^JitíUк • ##Tít ° I Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager option ROM v7.5.0.1014 ICH9R wRAID5 Copyright(C) 2003-07 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reversed. “Г CREATE VOLUME MENU Г Name RAID Level Disks Strip Size Capacity Select Disks 128KB 223.6 GB Create Volume Choose the RAID level: Stripes data (performance). Mirrors data (redundancy). Mirrors data and stripes the mirror. Stripes data and parity. fî -H-Chanae TESCl-Previous Menu ÍENTER1-Select И 4 о ftTíMfái# Strip Size (г&Щ Щ, 128 KB ° ' ##êËi£ b. «, Üf â ft äf Л * «&Щ-& Ь)(*>И 5) > trmííA’hñ4 КВ Л A'J<(Capacity) ° I Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager option ROM v7.5.0.1014 ICH9R wRAID5 Copyright(C) 2003-07 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reversed. “Г CREATE VOLUME MENU Г Name RAID Level Disks Strip Size Capacity VolumeO RAID 0( Stripe1) Select Disks 223.6 GB Create Volume [Î -И-Change The following are typical values: RAIDG - 128KB RAID1G- 64KB RAID5 - 64KB TESCl-Previous Menu [ENTERl-Select б GA-G33-DS3R - 76 - 'S-Tk'ik ’ # Volume igil#ítl^íéíi'(1Eí^;-lfl,+ ?,J SS, < N > ífsL ; Sí ° fü Create Volume (з^АгйгЩ) Фтт,&-(-!pS 6) íb 1Щ ° -it Create > ífttíítS Intel(R) Matnx Storage Manager option ROM v7.5.0.1014 ICH9R wRAID5 Copyright(C) 2003-07 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reversed. CREATE VOLUME MENU 1“ Name RAID Level Disks Strip Size Capacity RAID VolumeO RA ID0(Stripe) Select Disks 128KB 223.6 GB WARNING : ALL DATA ON SELECTED DISKS WILL BE LOST. Are you sure you want to create this volume? (Y/N) : Press ENTER to create the specified volume. [Î -И-Change TESCl-Previous Menu [ENTERl-Select 1 б £ &, ilDISK/VOLUME INFORMATION4* Ц 3t it » Й « Щ P# Ц *4 fa f Щ Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager option ROM v7.5.0.1014 ICH9R wRAID5 Copyright(C) 2003-07 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reversed. f MAIN MENU 1 3. Reset Disks to Non-RAID 2. Delete RAID Volume = Г DISK/VOLUME INFORMATION 1 RAID Volumes : ID Name D VolumeO Physical Disks : Port Drive Model D ST3120026AS 1 ST3120026AS fî -И-Select Level Strip RAID0(Stripe) 128KB Serial # 3JT354CP 3JT329JX Size Status Bootable 223.6GB Normal Yes Size Type/Status(Vol ID) 111.8GB Member Disk(O) 111.8GB Member Disk(O) [ENTERl-Select Menu i ®#Mä(,j||# Exit ##<Етег>МЕ!р'5Г® Bflit ICH9R RAID BlOSiS:^^^ SATA RAID/AHCI 7 ° il - № -9- gl afc RAID Volume) & • if-it ± It Si!# Delete RAID Volume iftii • # DELETE VOLUME MENU tftdjafi ’ P#?'Jit#T it ” |,iba ' ifttsitSi<,If)(.ji!) (^i 8) • Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager option ROM v7.5.0.1014 ICH9R wRAID5 Copyright(C) 2003-07 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reversed. r DELETE VOLUME MENU 1 Level Drives Capacity Status Bootable RA I D0( Stripe) 2 223.6GB Normal Yes ^=\ DELETE VOLUME VERIFICATION 1 = ALL DATA IN THE VOLUME WILL BE LOST! Are you sure you want to delete "VolumeO"? (Y/N) : Deleting a volume will reset the disks to non-RAID. WARNING: ALL DISK DATA WILL BE DELETED. fT 'I-1-Select TESCl-Previous Menu 1 8 [DELl-Delete Volume GA-G33-DS3R 78 - 5-1-2 í££ GIGABYTE SATA2 ШМ ШША A. # |t SATA «...

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