Инструкция по эксплуатации Kirby, модель 77
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It is our assumption the reader is a qualified diver. We highly recommend that all divers should train, under controlled conditions, in the use of any model of commercial diving helmet that they have not previously used or trained in, prior to use on the job. WARNING 3.1 Introduction This section provides advice on how to use your Kirby Morgan helmet. The use of these diving helmets will vary with the type of work and environmental conditions. The basic procedures of donning and removing these helmets will be similar for every job. A proper training program in a calm, clear body of water should be undertaken. If the diver has not used a particular Kirby Morgan helmet before, he must not dive with the helmet without proper training. However, divers that are familiar and trained in the use of previous Kirby Morgan masks; i.e., KMB 8, 9, 10, 18, 28, the Navy MK. 1 Mask, Navy MK. 21 helmet, or the Navy MK. 22 mask or the SuperLite helmets, will find that all Kirby Morgan diving helmets and masks have the breathing system controls located in the same position. The operation of this helmet will also be similar. The diver must be tended at the surface at all times by a trained, qualified commercial diving tender. 3.2 Design Purpose All Kirby Morgan diving helmets are designed for use with an umbilical. The umbilical is usually composed of at least a gas or air supply hose and communication wire, assembled with waterproof tape (and in some umbilicals wound similar to strands in a rope) to form a single unit. Some umbilicals also include a hose for hot water, a pneumofathometer hose, and a strength member, such as a cable or strong line. It is strongly recommended that the air/gas umbilical be married to a strength member in a manner that allows the strength member to receive the strain. This will help reduce the possibility of umbilical and umbilical fitting fatigue and possible failure. The umbilical is the diver’s lifeline to the diving control station. WARNING Kirby Morgan diving helmets are not intended for use with a self contained gas supply (scuba). There is no provision for surface swimming once the scuba air supply is depleted. This could lead to suffocation or drowning, which could be fatal. The diver must be tended at the surface at all times by a trained, qualified commercial diving tender. © Copyright 1970-2008 Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document #080626002 Kirby Morgan 77 The diver must be tended at the surface at all times by a trained, qualified commercial diving tender. Never dive without a qualified tender holding your diving hose. The diving control station can be at the surface, in a diving bell, or in a submerged habitat. The diving control station is the center of the air/gas supply, communications with the diver, and diving procedures. The station can be as simple as a tender with a set of “phones” (communication amplifier), or as complex as a control van in the midst of a saturation system. WARNING All diving always involves the risk of decompression sickness. Omitted decompression due to loss of gas supply or other accidents can cause serious injury or death. The use of the Kirby Morgan helmets or masks cannot prevent this type of injury. KMDSI manufactures a complete Air Control System, the KMACS 5™ with integrated communications and pneumofathometer. This portable system can be operated on either a high pressure air supply or on a low pressure compressor. The Air Control System has a specially designed high pressure regulator that reduces high pressure air and provides an adequate flow to support divers to a depth of 130 fsw (40 msw) The helmet demand regulator and side block assemblies have been designed to operate with a supply pressure from 130 p.s.i.g. (8.8 bar) to 225 p.s.i.g. (16 bar) over ambient pressure. This wide operating range allows flexibility when using various gas supply systems. WARNINGHigh pressure supply regulators and as- sociated piping systems for surface sup- plied diving with Kirby Morgan helmets and masks must be capable of delivering a minimum of 3.2 acfm to the diver at depth. Only systems that can deliver the required gas flow should be used. For maximum breathing performance it is desirable to maintain an over bottom supply pressure in accordance with the low-pressure and high-pressure supply tables found in Chapter 2 of this manual. With the many different gas supply console configurations in use, it is important to ensure that the gas supply system used, is capable of supplying the helmet with the necessary pressure and flow of gas to allow the diver to work safely and efficiently. There are also detailed checklists for the set-up and maintenance of your helmet on the Dive Lab web site at 3.3 First Use of Your Kirby Morgan Diving Helmet When you first receive your Kirby Morgan diving helmet, carefully unpack it and examine it for any damage that may have occurred during shipment. Use the inspection sheet provided to...
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