Инструкция по эксплуатации Craftsman, модель 286.25574
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Double insulated tools do not need to be grounded_ IMPORTANT The servicing of a tool with double insulation requires extreme care and knowledge of the system and should be performed only by a qualified service technician. For service, we recommend that you return the tool to your nearest Sears Service Center for repair. ALWAYS use original factory replacement parts when servicing.. EXTENSION CORDS The use of any extension cord will cause some loss of power.To keep the loss at a minimum and to prevent overheating, use an extension cord that is heavy enough to carry the current that the tool will draw, A wire gauge (AWG) of at least t6 is recommended for an extension cord t00 feet or _essin length. When working outdoors ALWAYS use an extension cord that is suitable for outdoor use, The cord's jacket will be marked WA. E m ! _ CAUTION: Keep extension cords away from the cutting area, and position I I the cord so it will not get caught on lumber, tools, etcoduring the cutting operation I i iiil_U,,ll it immediately NEVER use a tool with a damaged cord because touching the _ DANGER: Check extension cords before each use, If damaged, replace damaged area could cause electrical shock, resulting in serious injury. Extension cords that are suitable for use with your saw are available at your nearest Sears Store. 20 I ! PROBLEM An unusually large amount of sparks A lot of wear in sections Blades are breaking Posslbta causes of broken teeth CAUSE 1,Damagedteeth 2. Feedspeedistoosiow 3. Bluntlee[h 1. Feedspeed is toofast 2, Damaged teeth 3. Blunt teeth 4. Notcuttingperpendicularto worksurface 1_Damaged teeth 2. Feed speed is too fast 3., Blunt teeth 4. B_ades have buckled 5. Blades have burned out t. Feed speed is too fast 2. The surface being cut is too hard 3, The teeth have been damaged by impact 4. Blades were not installed properly 5, Blades are burned out 6. Not cutting perpendicular to wod_surface SOLUTION 1.,Replace btades 2oIncrease feed speed 3. Replace blades 1 Reduce feed speed 2. Replace blades 3oReplace blades 4oHold saw perpendicular to work surface 1oReplace blades 2. Reduce feed speed 3. Replace blades 4oReplace blades 5. Replace blades 1. Reduce feed speed 2, Replace b_ades 3, Replace blades 4. Replace blades and follow the proper blade tnstalEation instructions 5, Replace blades 6, Replace blades and always hold saw perpendicular to work surface when cutting Z_WARNING: This Twin Cutter saw uses specially designed 61fs-in, blades and no other types of blades should ever be used, Other blades will not operate safely in this saw and could result in serious personal injury The following accessories for your Twin Cutter saw are available at your local Sears store,. 9-61t31 M A packaged set of 2 UniversalTwin Cutter Saw Blades 9 26678 _ 6 PackagedWa. Lubricating Sticks I Z_ WARNING: The use of attachments or accessories that are not ! recommendbedangerous ! edmight 21 I 1 | t I1 II I1 IJ % ® \ \ \ \ / / / v' / 22 1! 0 _o o O N o x x x o >09 z_ O _o _ _0"_ m i0 ii! tu_02_ _.[€ 1 I I Ul r,,, o a_ -€._ O W u'll.I.-I1__ ::::)ZO, 1= O I'I 2 _,_o_ L_ x _o_i t_ _bZ IZI n_m to o 0 8 fit €to ILl lU ffl E -'1 z I!1 O O Z 6 Z E ! o n | Q o 1:1. Q. o o n0.. _m o ! o n n nln 8,8. _ o"_:_ cO 0'_ o o_ e,l o o n n 2. t'N 0 _ o o NN t,o o n 1 ho n b23 I I I NOTES 24 t Manual del Usuario IcRnf!°.,1 ...................... SIERRA TWIN de 61/s pulg. Modelo No. 286.25574 © CUTTER Z_ ATENCION: Lea, comprenda y siga todas las Reglas de Seguridad y las instrucciones de Funcionamiento incluidas en este manual antes de usar esta herramienta_ • SEGURIDAD ° FUNCIONAMIENTO ° MANTENIMIENTO Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A. Visite nuestro sitlo Web de Craftsman: E 0M-25574 I 5-25-06 Garantfa........................................................................ P&gina 26 instruccionesde Seguridad.......................................... P_ginas27-32 SfmbolosdeSeguridad................................................... P&gina 32 Descripci6n.................................................................. P_gina 33 Funcionamiento.........................................................34-43 P_ginas Desmontaje e instalaci6n de las Hojas ....................... P&ginas 41-43 Mantenimiento ................................................................. P&ginas 43-44 Localizaci6n y Soluci6n de Aver[as ............................. P&gina 45 Accesorios .................................................................... P&gina 45 Repuestos ................................................................... P&ginas 46-47 N_meros de Servicio ................................................... Contraportada UN AKIO DE GARANTiA COMPLETA DE ESTA HERRAMIENTA PROFESIONAL CRAFTSMAN '_ Siesta herramienta Profesional Craftsman falla dO la satisfacci6n completa en el plazo de 90 dias a partir de la fecha de la compra, vu61vala a cualesquiera chamusca el almac_n o el otro enchufe del artesano en los Esta...
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