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Инструкция по эксплуатации Franklin, модель Agenda Digital Personal RF-8110

Производитель: Franklin
Размер: 111.05 kb
Название файла: 9f534b3e-dafd-47bd-92fd-ce1d26684500.pdf

Язык инструкции:en

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Фрагмент инструкции

13 Entering a Phone Record There are three telephone directories: Personal, Business 1 and Business 2. Each directory has 10 fields in which to enter data. Some of the fields have corresponding icons that are displayed on the top row of the screen. The fields appear in the following sequence: Name ( ), Company ( ), Address ( ), Home phone, Work phone, Fax, Cellular, Pager, E- mail ( ) and Note ( ). Each field has a character limit. Please see table below. Field Character Limit NAME 40 COMPANY 18 ADDRESS 80 HOME PHONE 18 WORK PHONE 18 FAX18 CELLULAR 18 PAGER 18 EMAIL 40 NOTE 60 To enter a phone record, do the following: 1. Tap to go to the Personal phone directory. PERSONAL flashes on the screen briefly. Tap once to go to the Business 1 phone directory. Tap twice to go to the Business 2 phone directory. BUSINESS flashes on the screen briefly. 2. Tap A-Z to enter a name. 14 Entering a Phone Record Name is the first field. You MUST enter a name if you want to save the record. 3. Tap to enter data in each successive field. You need not enter data in every field. Tap to return to the previous field. Tap ABC/123 to toggle between the letter/number keyboards. Note ( ) is the last field. 4. Tap ENTER to save the record. 15 Entering a Schedule Record There are five fields in the Schedule: Start Date, Start Time, End Date, End Time, Message (Description). You can set a Schedule alarm which sounds for 20 seconds. You can enable/disable the alarm, and stop the sound at any time. To enter a Schedule record, do the following: 1. Tap . SCHEDULE flashes on the screen briefly and you go to the Start Date field. 2. Tap 0-9 to enter a Start Date. The date format is what you set in Home Time. You MUST enter a Start Date if you want to save the record. Tap to move the cursor left or right. 3. Tap to enter data in each successive field. 16 Entering a Schedule Record You need not enter data in every field. Tap to return to the previous field. At the Start time field, tap to enable the Schedule alarm. on the top row indicates the Schedule alarm is activated. At the Start Time and End Time fields, tap AM/PM at bottom of screen to toggle between a.m. and p.m. in the 12-hour format. If you enter an invalid date or time, you are prompted for a correction. Message is the last field. You can enter up to 300 characters in this field. Note: In the date and time fields, only the number keyboard is available. In the Message field, tap ABC/123 to toggle between the letter/number keyboards. Tap A-Z or 0-9 to enter your data. Tap SYML to cycle through the list of available symbols. Tap SPACE to insert a space. Tap DEL to delete a character. The character at the cursor is deleted. Tap INS to insert a character. 4. Tap ENTER to store your data. 17 Entering a Todo There are four fields in the Todo book: Date Due, Message (description), Date Done and Priority. You can set priority levels of one to three. To enter a Todo record, do the following: 1. Tap . TODO flashes on the screen briefly and you go to the Date Due field. 2. Tap 0-9 to enter the due date for the Todo. The date format is what you set in Home Time. You MUST enter a due date if you want to save the record. If you enter an invalid date, you are prompted for a correction. Tap to move the cursor left or right. 18 Entering a Todo 3. Tap to go to the Message field. You can enter a maximum of 108 characters. Note: In the date and priority fields, only the number keyboard is available. In the Message field, tap ABC/123 to toggle between the letter/number keyboards. Tap to return to the previous field. Tap A-Z or 0-9 to enter your data. Tap SYML to cycle through the list of available symbols. Tap SPACE to insert a space. Tap DEL to delete a character. Tap INS to insert a character. 4. Tap to go to the Date Done field. Tap 0-9 to enter the completed date The Todos are sorted by the due date. 5. Tap to go to the Priority field. Tap 1-3 to set a priority level for your todo. 6. Tap ENTER to store your data. 19 Entering a Memo Record Each Memo record consists of a Message field in which you can enter a maximum of 300 characters. To enter a Memo do the following: 1.Tap . MEMO flashes briefly on the screen. 2. Tap A-Z or 0-9 to enter your data. Tap SYML to cycle through the list of available symbols. Tap SPACE to insert a space. Tap DEL to delete a character. Tap INS to insert a character. Tap to move the cursor. 3. Tap ENTER to store your record. 20 Entering an Internet Record Each Internet record has three fields: Message (description), Internet (address) and Note. You can enter descriptions of your favorite websites, the addresses and a note. You can enter a maximum of 108 characters in the Message and Note fields and 80 characters in the Internet field. To enter an Internet record, do the following: 1. Tap . INTERNET flashes briefly on the screen and you go to the Message screen. 2. Tap A-Z or 0-9 to enter your description. You must enter data in this field if you want to save the record. Tap ...

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