Фрагмент инструкции
(1Hour 2Hours 3Hours 4Hours 5Hours 6Hours 7Hours 8Hours 9Hours 10Hours 11Hours 12Hours Cancel) • The Setting Temperature will be raised by 2°F(1°C) 30min. later and by 2°F(1°C) after another 30 min. -STARTING OPERATION • Everytime you push this button, when the unit is not operating, timer is set as follow. (1Hour 2Hours 3Hours 4Hours 5Hours 6Hours 7Hours 8Hours 9Hours 10Hours 11Hours 12Hours Cancel) POWER • To turn the unit ON, push the button. To turn the unit OFF, push the button again. • This button takes priority over any other buttons. • When you first turn it on, the unit is on the High cool mode and the temp. at 72°F(22°C). FAN SPEED • Everytime you push this button it is set as follows. {High(F2) Low(F1) High(F2)...}. —4— 1.5.2 REMOTE CONTROLLER POWER Power Temp Fan Speed Timer Mode Energy Saver TEMPERATURE SETTING ENERGY SAVER The fan stops when the compressor stops cooling. • Approximately every 3 minutes the fan will turn on and check the room air to determine if cooling is needed. FAN SPEED • Everytime you push this button it is set as follows. (High(F2) Low(F1) High(F2)...) • To turn the Set ON, push the button. To turn the Set OFF, push the button again. • This button takes priority over any other buttons. • When you first turn it on, the Set is on the High cool mode and the temp. at 72°F(22°C). COOL/FAN/DRY ON/OFF TIMER - STOPPING OPERATION • Everytime you push this button, when the set is operating, timer is set as follows. (1Hour 2Hours 3Hours 4Hours 5Hours 6Hours 7Hours 8Hours 9Hours 10Hours 11Hours 12Hours Cancel) • The Setting Temperature will be raised by 2°F(1°C) 30min. later and by 2°F(1°C) after another 30 min. - STARTING OPERATION • Everytime you push this button, when the set is not operating, timer is set as follow. (1Hour 2Hours 3Hours 4Hours 5Hours 6Hours 7Hours 8Hours 9Hours 10Hours 11Hours 12Hours Cancel) • This button can automatically control the temperature of the room. The temperature can be set within a range of 60°F(16°C) to 86°F(30°C) by 1°F(1°C). Select the lower number for lower temperature of the room. How to Insert Batteries 1. Remove the cover from the back of the remote controller 2. Insert two batteries. • Be sure that the (+) and (-) directions are correct. • Be sure that both batteries are new. 3. Re-attach the cover. • Do not use rechargeable batteries. Such batteries differ from standard dry cells in shape, dimensions, and performance. • Remove the batteries from the remote controller if the air conditioner is not going to be used for an extended length of time. —5— —6— 2. DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 2.1 MECHANICAL PARTS 2.1.1 FRONT GRILLE 1. Disconnect the unit from source of power. 2. Using a screwdriver, remove the screw that secures the front grille to control board. (See Figure 1) 3. Push the front grille up from the bottom. Pull the top of the front grille away from the cabinet as the top tabs lift out of their slots. (See Figure 2) 4. Replace the grille by placing the tabs in the slots and push the grille until it snaps into place. 2.1.2 CABINET 1. Disconnect the unit from the power source. 2. Remove the front grille. (Refer to section 2.1.1) 3. Remove 7 screws that secure the cabinet to the base pan and condenser. (See Figure 3) 4. Lift the cabinet from the unit. 5. Re-install by referring to the procedures above. 2.1.3 CONTROL BOARD 1. Disconnect the unit from the power source. 2. Remove the front grille. (Refer to Section 2.1.1) 3. Remove the cabinet. (Refer to Section 2.1.2) 4. Remove 2 screws that secure the control board to base pan and air guide. (See Figure 4) 5. Pull the control board toward yourself. 6. Disconnect one housing terminal and 3 wires for the fan motor and compressor. (See Figure 5) 7. Re-install components by referring to procedures above. (Refer to circuit diagram on page 26 in this manual or inside control board.) Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 NOTE : Controls, wires, and capacitor are now accessible for servicing. Discharge the capacitor before servicing. See step 2.3.3 on page 8 for procedures. —7— 2.2 AIR HANDLING PARTS 2.2.1 AIR GUIDE UPPER 1. Disconnect the unit from the power source. 2. Remove the front grille. (Refer to Section 2.1.1) 3. Remove the cabinet. (Refer to Section 2.1.2) 4. Remove the control board. (Refer to Section 2.1.3) 5. Remove 2 screws that secure the air guide upper to air guide lower. (See Figure 6) 6. Lift air guide upper upward. 7. Re-install by referring to the procedures above. 2.2.2 ORIFICE, TURBO FAN AND FAN 1. Disconnect the unit from the power source. 2. Remove the front grille. (Refer to Section 2.1.1) 3. Remove the cabinet. (Refer to Section 2.1.2) 4. Remove the control board. (Refer to Section 2.1.3) 5. Remove the air guide upper. (Refer to Section 2.2.1) 6. Remove 2 screws that secure the base pan to condenser. (See Figure 7) 7. Remove screw that secures the shroud to channel of condenser. 8. Press the snap area of shroud with your thumbs. This allows you to remove it from the ...
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