Make sure the tray that holds the optical disc is closed properly. Press gently until it clicks into place. Open the tray and remove the disc. Make sure the tray is clean. Any dirt or foreign object can interfere with the laser beam. Examine the disc to see if it is dirty. If necessary, wipe it with a clean cloth dipped in water or a neutral cleaner. Replace the disc in the tray. Make sure that the disc is lying flat, label side out. Close the tray carefully, making sure it has shut completely.
The “USB Wakeup function” does not work. . When the USB Sleep and Charge function is set to Enabled the USB Wakeup function does not work for ports that support the USB Sleep and Charge function. In that case, use a USB port that does not have the USB Sleep and Charge function compatible icon ( ), if you have a non-Sleep and Charge USB port available, or disable the USB Sleep and Charge function. For more information, see “TOSHIBA Sleep Utility” on page 102. If Something Goes Wrong If Something
Power management Your computer ships with the power management options preset to a configuration that will provide the most stable operating environment and optimum system performance. Changes to these settings may result in system performance or stability issues. Users who are not completely familiar with the power management component of the system should use the preset configuration. For assistance with setup changes, contact Toshiba’s Customer Support Center. 90 Computing Computing Charging
. Keep the computer and disks away from objects that generate strong magnetic fields, such as large stereo speakers. Information on some disks is stored magnetically. Placing a magnet too close to a disk can erase important files. 26 26 26d Setting up your computer Handle discs carefully. Avoid touching the surface of the disc. Grasp it by its center hole and edge. If you handle the disc incorrectly, you could damage the disc and possibly lose data. . Scan all new files for viruses. This precaut

Compare disk. disk—A round, flat piece of material that can be magnetically influenced to hold information in digital form, and used in the production of magnetic disks, such as hard disks. Compare disc. See also hard disk. Glossary Glossary disk drive—The device that reads and writes information and applications on external media or hard disk. It rotates the disk at high speed past one or more read/write heads. document—Any file created with an application and, if saved to disk, given a name by
2 Click Screen Saver in the lower-right corner of the window. 3 Select None from the Screen saver drop-down list. 4 Click OK. Develop good computing habits Save your work frequently. You can never predict when your computer will lock, forcing you to close an application and lose unsaved changes. Many software applications build in an automatic backup, but you should not rely solely on this feature. Save your work! See “Computing tips” on page 53 for instructions. If Something Goes Wrong If Somet

Prioridad de arranque (secuencia de inicializacion) — Es el orden en el que la computadora accede a sus unidades de almacenamiento internas para localizar los archivos de inicializacion. En la secuencia de inicializacion predeterminada, la computadora busca los archivos de inicializacion en los medios externos antes de examinar la unidad de almacenamiento interna. Procesador — Vease unidad central de procesamiento (CPU). Programa — Conjunto de instrucciones que una computadora puede ejecutar. La
To do this: 1 Click Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then System Restore. 2 Select Recommended restore or Choose a different restore point, and then click Next. The timestamp and description of each restore point is displayed. NOTE This list may contain restore points that you did not create. Restore points labeled System Checkpoint were automatically created by the Windows® operating system. Other restore points may have been created automatically by applications when they we

(2) Una tecla o combinacion de teclas que activa un programa que reside en la memoria. Teclas de funcion — Las teclas identificadas con la nomenclatura F1 a F12, normalmente ubicadas en el teclado. Su funcion esta determinada por el sistema operativo y/o las aplicaciones individuales. Tierra — Un conductor al que estan conectados todos los componentes de un circuito electrico. Tiene el potencial de cero (0) voltios, esta conectado a tierra y es el punto de referencia para los voltajes del circui
. Las configuraciones de la computadora regresan al estado predeterminado en fabrica. Para obtener informacion adicional consulte “Restablecer la computadora” en la pagina 50. Opciones avanzadas Al hacer clic en esta opcion aparece otra serie de opciones: Restaurar el sistema . La opcion Restaurar sistema permite crear puntos de restauracion para regresar la computadora al estado que tenia cuando funcionaba correctamente. Los puntos de restauracion se crean: . Cuando se instala hardware o softwa