К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
The following pages detail a list of suggested basic compatibility tests that can be performed on applications.
These are not exhaustive and should be used in conjunction with your own testing matrix.
• If Autorun-enabled does the setup program start the when CD is inserted?
• Can setup be run from Control Panel’s add/remove programs applet? (Application Manager)
• Can application be executed from the Taskbar’s Start, Run ?
• Can setup be executed Execute from a Cmd Line?
• Where does installation put program shortcuts? Is a program folder created in the Start.Programs menu? Are
all entries there that should be?
• Explorer - double click on the setup program in Explorer
• Abort Setup: what happens if you exit the app’s setup before it’s complete? Are temp directories removed?
Can you exit cleanly?
• Can you change the name of install directory ?
• Can you Install to a compressed directory?
• Fontmover - if your app installs a lot of fonts, check to see they’re visible
• Install options: choose “full” or “complete” to make sure everything installs
• Detection of bits already installed: if you already have installed the app, is the previous installation detected.?
• Does the setup enumerate available Disk space correctly? not enough, both real & incorrectly computed
• Does the application Uninstall gracefully?
• Admin Install: many applications have options for installing to a server, from which users can install to their
local workstation
• How does Setup function when logged on as Administrator, power user, general user
• Can Setup be run from removable media?
Invoking the application
• Start program/shortcut
• Start, Run
• Desktop
• Cmd
• File Assoc (set in context menu you get when you right-click on an executable; after that you should be able to
launch app by double-clicking on a file with the associated file extension)
• Explorer
• From removable media
• For 16 bit, try launching after checking “Run in Separate Memory Space” in the Start-Run dialog
• Put shortcut into start up group, reboot NT -does app launch OK with shortcut to executable? To associated
• Start from embedded object. For example, insert an Excel object in a Word document, save the document,
close; when you open the Word document, can you launch Excel by double clicking on the Excel object?
Page 8
...Эта инструкция также подходит к моделям:
Компьютеры - HP e-pc 42 (65.25 kb)
Компьютеры - HP e-PC c10/s10 (65.25 kb)
Компьютеры - HP E-Vectra series (65.25 kb)
Компьютеры - HP Kayak XM (65.25 kb)