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Just start typing, and Spotlight shows you rich previews of your results. You can use Spotlight to look up information from sources like Wikipedia, Bing, news, Maps, movies, and more,* and to convert currencies and units of measure. Results See Spotlight results on the left and scroll through them. Easy access Click the Spotlight icon in the menu bar or press Command-Space. Previews Interact with previews right from Spotlight. *Not all features are available in all areas. iTunes iTunes makes it easy to enjoy your favorite music, movies, TV shows, and more on your Mac. iTunes includes the iTunes Store, where you can find classics or new favorites. It also includes iTunes Radio, a great way to discover music. Your library View your music, movies, TV shows, podcasts, and more. iTunes Store Discover and buy new music, movies, and more. iTunes Radio Enjoy free streaming radio tailored from top music in the iTunes Store. iPhoto, iMovie, and GarageBand iPhoto, iMovie, and GarageBand give you amazing ways to create and share your photos, movies, and music. iPhoto helps you organize your library by Faces, Places, and Events, and create gorgeous photo books, cards, and calendars. iMovie lets you turn your home videos into beautiful movies and epic Hollywood-style trailers. And GarageBand has everything you need to learn to play an instrument, write music, or record a song. Share Post your favorites to Facebook or share them with iCloud or Messages. Projects Easily create and order personalized books, cards, and calendars. Events Simply move your cursor to quickly skim through the photos in any Event. iPhoto Pages, Numbers, and Keynote Create stunning documents, spreadsheets, and presentations on your Mac. Beautiful templates give you a great head start—simply add your own words and photos. And customizing everything is a snap with the context-sensitive Format Panel. You can even open and edit Microsoft Office files. And you can quickly and easily share a link to your work with Mail or Messages, right from your toolbar. Share Easily share a link to your work with Mail or Messages. Add graphics and more Create media-rich documents with images, movies, charts, and more. Format Panel Your tools are just a click away with the intelligent Format Panel. Pages An important note Please read this document and the safety information in the Important Product Information Guide carefully before you first use your computer. Learn more You can find more information, watch demos, and learn even more about iMac features at Help You can often find answers to your questions, as well as instructions and troubleshooting information, in Mac Help. Click the Finder icon, click Help in the menu bar, and choose Mac Help. You can also use Safari to get online help at OS X Utilities If you have a problem with your Mac, OS X U...
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