Инструкция по эксплуатации Packard Bell, модель iMedia xx.U8E [U8F,U8G]
Measurement methodology for sleepmode EN 62623:2013 — Desktop and notebookcomputers — Measurement of energyconsumption: 5.2. Test setup; 5.3.3. Measuring sleep mode; 5.4. Test conditions; 5.7. True RMS watt meter specification; 5.8. True RMS watt meter accuracy. Measurement methodology for off mode EN 62623:2013 — Desktop and notebookcomputers — Measurement of energyconsumption: 5.2. Test setup; 5.3.2. Measuring off mode; 5.4. Test conditions; 5.7. True RMS watt meter specification; 5.8. True RMS watt meter accuracy. Measurement methodology for IPSefficiency Generalized Test Protocol for Calculatingthe Energy Efficiency of Internal Ac-Dcand Dc-Dc Power Supplies Revision 6.6(April,2012). Measurement methodology for EPSefficiency Not applicable Measurement methodology for noise level ECMA-109 2nd edition (December 1987) Declared Noise Emission Values ofComputer and Business Equipment: 4. Determination of the declared noiseemission values. ECMA-74 11th edition (December 2010) Measurement of Airborne Noise emittedby Information Technology andTelecommunications Equipment: 5. Installation and operating instructions; 6. Method for determination of soundpower levels of equipment in reverberationtest rooms; 7. Method for determination of soundpower levels of equipment underessentially free-field conditions over areflecting plane; Annex C.15 Equipment category: personal computers and workstations. Measurement methodology for batteryloading cycles Not applicable Sequence of steps for achieving a stablecondition with respect to power demand EN 62623:2013 — Desktop and notebookcomputers — Measurement of energyconsumption: 5.2. Test setup; 5.3.2. Measuring off mode; 5.3.3. Measuring sleep mode; 5.3.5. Measuring short idle mode. Description of how sleep mode wasselected or programmed EN 62623:2013 — Desktop and notebookcomputers — Measurement of energyconsumption: 5.2. Test setup; 5.3.3. Measuring sleep mode. Description of how off mode was selectedor programmed EN 62623:2013 — Desktop and notebookcomputers — Measurement of energyconsumption: 5.2. Test setup; 5.3.2. Measuring off mode. Sequence of events required to reach themode where the equipment automaticallychanges to sleep mode ENERGY STAR® Program RequirementsProduct Specification for Computers, Eligibility Criteria Version 6.0, Rev. Oct- 2013: 1.D.4 Sleep Mode. Sequence of events required to reach themode where the equipment automaticallychanges to off mode Not applicable The length of time after a period of userinactivity in which the computerautomatically reaches a power mode thathas a lower power demand requirementthan sleep mode 30 minutes The length of time before the displaysleep mode is set to activate after userinactivity 10 minutes User information on the energy-savingpotential of power managementfunctionality wer_mgt.pr_power_mgt_users User information on how to...